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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Got a Decca Promo of Danny White - Cracked Up Over You that I intend to chuck in sales. When I used to collect the label in the 70s it was considered quite a tough promo - especially considering the availability of the issue. Current value anyone? Cheers Godz
  2. We've created a demand Seriously though, good find Mike. It will be fascinating to see how this pans out
  3. Was it posted by Jackie Forrest's son
  4. Same again next week? Someone else fancy starting? Cheers, Godz
  5. Forgot to explain the clue about original label suggesting she was more successful than she actually was. It was Platinum.
  6. Sorry Chris - was getting your reply mixed up with Sheldonsoul's
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU_AycEbjzE
  8. Wrong!! But close enough. Halle-bloody-lujah! and well done Webby. Your perseverance paid off. Cheers to everyone who joined in. Bit of fun wasn't it? The other song came out on Hitsville - no relation I believe. "Show me How To Love" was booted by the infamous Simon Soussan on his Soul Fox label and came out on a dodgy Wigan CD from Goldmine. There was a cover by Sunny Monday on Decca Cheers! Godz
  9. But not Decca like you said...
  10. Absolutely not!! Recap time: The American lady in the picture had one very poppy song played briefly in the 70s. It got booted and if you suss the bootleg label you can work it out. This song also came out on a CD comp. The original label suggests she had more success than she actually did. Another band did a version on Decca but it's less well known so not much help. That's about it for the Northern stuff. She also had a Rock n Roll song (from 1962 actually) that has appeared on RnR and doo wop comps. This song was on a label that sounds like it's got a Motown connection - but it hasn't. err - and it's not any of the guesses we've had so far...
  11. She became a US politician. Not her though
  12. Susan Farrar was on Philips actually - and we've already had her. I think this other version is a bit of a blind alley to be honest.
  13. No you haven't!
  14. Not all of 'em you haven't. Thing is the other version is not really well known either, although it has been comped a couple of times. Not on sould comps though and it's much poppier than the lady's version. Which is saying something. Might even be the first version. Came out 1969 on Decca if you're determined to go down that route
  15. Nah - you'd all do better asking some questions about the boot. I think that could really point you in the right direction. And that last phrase is not a clue btw
  16. Who's TB - Toni Basil? In that case N.O.
  17. Much, much worse.
  18. What kind of a Yes/No question is that. You can't have it on a plate
  19. actually one of them tried to chat up a pal of mine in the late 80s when he was about 17. Scared the bejeezus out of him!
  20. What like Beverly Hillbillies? Sorry our kid - not Beverly. I'm surprised no-ones asked questions about the bootleg. I need a bath and want to watch The Street (Not Corrie!) at 9 o'clock, so could do with someone getting it in the next 10 mins.
  21. Fraid not - even worse tune in my book. Not Toni Fisher either Ken. She had another hit didn't she? And I don't think her version of The Big Hurt wa s played was it?
  22. Susan Barrett
  23. and here's the pic again
  24. UK based our Paula, mate - but don't give it up
  25. Correct!! You might do better asking me about the boot actually... ..although I bet she wishes she was as sucessful as the original label suggests...

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