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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Jackie Ross - Selfish One and Jerk and Twine ...and loads more: Keep Your Chin Up, Take Me For a Little While, Honey Dear etc etc. In fairness most of these were recorded in Detroit although released on Chess. Can't remember if it was the Funk Brothers playing on them?
  2. I know what you meant really. In fact I don't know why I bothered to reply. Prediction: Those who think Levine's stuff is rubbish will say so in strong terms. Those who defend him do so in equally strong terms. People who would probably get on in the real world will fall out and some really nasty stuff will be said. The moderators will start off by deleting off topic and overly offensive posts and eventually the thread will get closed having accomplished nothing. Should have used this image maybe...
  3. Is this the monkey costume you mean Malc?
  4. ...and my mum made ties for Tootal. Actually that has no relevance whatsoever. Hope you can find the info Godz
  5. Good idea - but I'd never get my feet in the water...
  6. I love that geeky stuff. Post 'em up if you can lay your hands on them, Paul
  7. Greedy? - What a cheeky twot!
  8. You're just saying the same as me only more coherently and with greater detail
  9. They were injection moulded - same process as with styrene records only vinyl was used in this case. I imagine it was cheaper. I know a lot of the phonogram stuff was actually manufactured in Europe and then shipped here.
  10. I got one for each foot! What does that make me then?
  11. Loads of ace bands have two drummers: The Fall, The Glitter Band. OK - I'll get me coat. Still like 'em both though
  12. Obviously I never managed to sell it so I still have it somewhere. Any offers?* * As it seems to be the fashion, of course I'll ensure your bid is kept anonymous Mr Chorley
  13. I have thought for many years that this is the worst cover I've ever heard. I used to have this in my box at Wigan as a joke. Had written on the cover something like "Here it is folks - the worst cover of a Motown record you will hear. Even if you live to be 100!" Having just heard it again I'm amazed at just how intuitive I was a such a tender young age... Tim 'Rocky Horror" Curry does 'Baby Love'.
  14. You're not kidding anyone with this false ID Tim. Not using Ian as conveyor anymore?
  15. How many bloody times! All sales go through me - how else am I supposed to ensure we both bid against ourselves (twice) and keep the cash flow going so that we can buy our Porches. Although I'm not exactly sure what household improvements have to do with any of this
  16. Yeah I'll do it the week after. Send me a photo and make sure we keep it to ourselves. Probably best if you don't enter that one though
  17. Don't think I've forgotten this either. I'll be having a word with your father. And possibly your real one as well...
  18. And that was the clue. here she is as Samantha Sang
  19. Thanks again to everybody who joined in. Your contributions make this great fun and I really look forward to doing this as a way to stave off the thought of going to work tomorrow. Have to give it a miss next week as I'll probably be away. Meanwhile, in all it's horrid, squeeky speeded up glory... You Don't Love Me Anymore - Cheers all Godz
  20. I could be picky.. Yes! Cheryl Gray who had her version of Johnny Caswell's "You Don't Love Me Anymore" played in Norther clubs. She changed her name to Samantha Sang and had a massive fit with "Emotions" which was written by the Brothers Gibb and had those Bee Gee fellows in backing vocals. Very well done mate From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Samantha Sang (born Cheryl Gray, 5 August 1953,[1] Melbourne, Australia) is a pop singer. She adopted the stage surname of her father, Reg Gray, for the earlier part of her career. Career She began her singing career at the age of eight on Australian radio, and during this time she entered and won several talent contests. By the age of 15 she had her first hit recordin Australia, with the song "You Made Me What I Am", and she won a'Best Female Vocalist' award. She quickly became a well known celebrity on Australian television, but she felt her career was limited if she remained in Australia. She travelled to the United Kingdom and performed with such groups as Herman's Hermits, The Hollies and the Bee Gees. Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees wrote "The Love Of A Woman" for her, and her recording became a hit in some European countries. By the mid 1970s she had changed her name to Samantha Sang (under the guidance of then manager Robert Stigwood), and had moved to the United Stateswhere she renewed her acquaintance with the Bee Gees. The Gibb brotherswrote another song for her, which coincided with their huge level ofpopularity, and the single "Emotion" (with back-up vocals by the Bee Gees) became a major hit worldwide. It reached number 3 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in 1978, and earned Sang a platinum record. It also climbed to #11 in the UK Singles Chart.[2] Determined to succeed on her own merits, she would not record another Gibb song to capitalize on her success, and chose a discotrack, "You Keep Me Dancing" as her next single release. The song didnot become a hit, stalling at #57 in the U.S., and her career faltered. In 2004, and residing again in Melbourne, Sang announced that she would return to live performing, and that her three albums would be released for the first time on CD.
  21. I think that you probably have it. Was just going to give another clue - in addition to the one I've already slipped in. No - she didn't...
  22. 1. Are you just naming random singers? 2. You're only supposed to have one bloody guess at a time 3. What was Cilla's massive 70s hit? 4. Ditto Katona's Norther Soul tune? 5. Nope!

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