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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I'd like them for the shop please Nick. Drop me a PM with postage amount and I'll pay straight away. Cheers Paul
  2. Quick update as I have just four of each left. Details below if you need one. I'm selling the Perfect Toy licensed reissue of these Roy Roberts 45s. Two different issues of this re-release are available: One with the red BORO label and another with the light blue TINA label. Each is limited to just 250 copies. They are £10 each plus £2.75 for signed for post which covers up to two 45s. Please Paypal with your address and stating whether you want the red or blue release and send payment to: info@recordrevivals.co.uk Thanks Paul I Know What To Do To Satisfy You Got To Have Your Love Got To Have Your Love I Know What To Do To Satisfy You
  3. Yeah different rules in the States and Europe, which is a pain for UK shops tbh. Hope the shipping wasn't too expensive and glad you supported a B&M store mate - more power to your elbow!
  4. Where did you order it From Frankie ? Just interested as UK RSD shops can’t sell online for a week. Still a better bet to wait than deal with eBay scalpers I’d have thought?
  5. Scottish Singer Tam White cut it too - and a version of Girl Watcher of course. Future Thoughts is his best though - proper Mod / Psych banger!
  6. It's also the backing track to a vocal version (also on Yorksville) by Susan King. Cover of a Tim Hardin original.
  7. This is where Rod Lives....
  8. Sunday times did the Wigan feature in the 70s - the last true grass -roots working class culture or something along those lines...
  9. £13 - just my usual margin and a teeny bit extra as they came from a small distributor with slightly higher shipping charges.
  10. 500 if I recall correctly. They'll be in the States and other territories though so UK allocation is only relevant to shop walk ins for the first 7 days (plus bloody ebay flippers I guess!)
  11. Rare Oz version here!
  12. Sorry - couldn't resist. To be honest I've been more excited about some of the ltd soundtrack releases and if wasn't against the rules I'd be nabbing some of those for myself
  13. Apologies if I misunderstand you Denise: you will have to wait until 7 days after RSD before you a offer those additional copies via social media right?
  14. Just said that Benji - that’s the allocation of UK RSD 45s. As I’m UK based that’s the only info I can access. I have no idea about other territories mate ;)
  15. Don't know the total but 700 for UK.
  16. Yeah I get that Benji. Her post suggested that she would be doing so straight after RSD. I can’t sell it via the internet until 7 days after RSD and that’s what I was referring to. Apologies to all if I’ve misunderstood
  17. In contravention of the RSD code of conduct. All credit to you for finding and selling the Test Pressing but this seems pretty unfair to RSD shops who play by the rules and customers who get in line on the day to secure the releases they need
  18. There’s a black run planned after the initial RSD release Rod
  19. 21st is RSD. You can buy from physical shops on that day (and thereafter while stocks last) but the RSD code of conduct prohibits shops from selling unsold copies online until 7 days later. If I have any copies left at that time I'll do a shout on here in case anyone needs one.
  20. Although you're not permitted to sell then online until 7 days after RSD of course...
  21. Hi Shufflin Apologies for being dragged off topic. A few RSD releases are mentioned in previous posts above. They are mostly jazz/reggae though. Essentially it's up to the labels to put forward releases for RSD. From an indie label perspective it maybe worth asking Ady C, Dean Rudland, Liam Large, Fryer etc why they haven't put stuff out. I don't think the the majors are really interested in pushing rare soul as it sells in tiny numbers compared to classic rock, current indie, jazz/folk back catalogue etc. I guess they make more from the generic 101 Northern Soul Hits type CDs that we see endlessly repackaged.
  22. I own a record shop and am therefore in the business of selling vinyl and CDs. You clearly have some theories that you’re unable to explain clearly and which don’t appear to be based on any evidence other than your own opinion. That’s fine but I’m not really interested in getting into la debate with you on that basis. Ta.
  23. Well we'll have to agree to disagree on that last point I assume you write in a more coherent fashion on your jazz website. Certainly hope so!
  24. With respect, that's one of the most uninformed posts I've seen in a while. I don't know which dealers you've spoken to but my bricks and mortar shop sells roughly 50/50 CD/vinyl. I'm not sure where you get your evidence of a backlash against vinyl? The main concern of indie shops is that the major labels are trying to get the highest dealer prices they can - just as they did with CDs originally - despite the fact that the material had paid for itself over and again. We sell far more back catalogue than new music, but lots of it is previously unreleased and there's clearly a market for it. We also sell a hell of a lot of niche music on CD from labels that prefer to release their product on a physical format despite the ease of streaming/download services. I'm also unsure what you mean by "For me, when the punkrock, Bowie, beatles etc. people start doing something, it's time for Soul Fans to stop" ,It's indisputable that there's a huge market for re-releases of all of those genres, including soul music. I take it from your use of the world "vinyls" that either English isn't your first language, in which case I apologise if I've misunderstood you, or you're quite young, in which case a bit of perspective is required.

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