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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. See above. And you missed "Jr" so you were short of the full answer... I'll let you have it cos I'm soft though G'Night all.
  2. Sorry Isis Took me over 5 mins to to type and it's 25 past so your answer was out of time (twice). Bloody close Though! I feel mean but rules is rules. May start earlier next time though! Cheers everyone as always. Your participation make this a hoot. Same again next week? Have a groovy week Godz
  3. Times up! About time I beat you lot. Wilbur Walton Jr. 24 Hours of Loneliness The Candy Men were Roy Orbison's backing band and included Bobby Goldsboro(see Webby!) They became The James Gang whcih had Wilbur as a member. The producer Buddy Buie kept some songs for his next group Clasics iv who cut "24 hours and also "Stormy' as on unreleased Supremes and "Spooky" done brilliantly by Dusty Springfield and as an instrumental by Atlanta Rhythm section. You should all start earlier next week. Here's Classics iv version Wibur was on 123 label, beloved by firms trying to get to the front of the phone book (geddit) and came out on Capitol in Japan
  4. Yeah but too late as you didn't guess.
  5. No he don't - last minute Larry
  6. Good stuff Bogue. Shouldn't be hard to trace the other James Gang though... Will take no longer than a day on your own
  7. I can't do it! ok 15 mins. James Gang, Spooky another version of our guy's song. Come on - you've nearly got it. I won't confuse things by mentioning Roy Orbison..
  8. Yep. Tick, tick, tick... .. nearly 11pm!
  9. Bit of catching up to do mate. Not a bad guess but wasn't he from further North?
  10. Because you've actually analysed all the clues and edited your post now you know, I would think
  11. ooh - right era but I would guess a year or two later...
  12. Fraid not Cod. Ta for having a guess though. Maybe I should clarify. It was a much shorter period. Also his earlier band has the same name as a band that Joe Walsh from the Eagles was in. Furthermore, I mentioned that the record label sounds like a taxi or removal firm. Now what do they always do... ..in the phone book...
  13. You're late Big Chris. Gonna have to wrap this soon so getcha thinking cap on
  14. and the In Men? See where your coming from but our guy's Northern tune was credited to him as solo artist. Sounds like he was company starved for a period of time too...
  15. Not unless Dave is from around near Birmingham Alabama, Ken
  16. Another Cricket/ Sorry but no. I gotta hit the sack soon too so if it aint guessed by 10.55pm uk time I'll reveal Still happy to answer questions meantime.
  17. Here's Gil 'Buck' Gerrard in the middle though
  18. I love Take It From Me cos it sounds like a Las Vagas cabaret lounge tune! Never seen a pic of him though unfortunately so not him.
  19. Right. The band that that did the other version of his Northern tune also had a hit with a tune that was pretty big on the Northern scene a few years ago via an unreleased version by the Supremes. Come on pop fans. Can you tell it's getting near bed time...
  20. No sweat Sandi he looked a bit cooler when younger - although very country as you'd expect from a Cricket
  21. Nah - too much like a soul band the Mags, Rovers.
  22. Need to get this sorted. So: Northern tune from Wigan 'pop' era. There's also a slightly later version by another group who also did a song that Dusty covered. Lots of other people too including an instrumental version by a later variation of the second band. Our guy did the Northern tune as a solo artist though and it's (clearly) a white stomper. Label sounds like it should be a taxi firm or removal company... ...I'm giving it away now.
  23. well known rocker / Elvis copyist.
  24. Certainly not Isis. In fact our blokes group had an even earlier name with 'men' in their name. That's probably not helpful though.
  25. Not as well known as either in the pop world. His Northern tune was (briefly) bigger than anything by any of them though. In fact I think Russ actually played the later version which was connected to his early band by writer and producer. Connected to another guess we've had too...

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