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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Not Holly Arnie. This girl had chart hits.
  2. I'll add another pic shortly which will make it even more clear why it's not Little Esther, Ken. Little Esther Philips
  3. Right period, right sort of artist. However, unlike Connie our girl had an absolutely massive Northern tune. Connie
  4. The clue is in the phrase 'who's the lady' Just how much have booze have you had already?
  5. By popular demand (well, about three people anyway) here's another Sunday picture quiz. Just a bit of fun so feel free to join in - no shame in having a punt. As usual our mystery person is a non-soul related artist who has had at least one tune played on the Northern Soul scene. I'll take questions to which I can answer 'yes' or 'no' - and will provide extra clues if we're really struggling. To be honest, something makes me think we might have had this one before. You know what it's like when your memory starts going... If that's the case it'll be a quick one. However I have another one prepared that's gonna be a real toughie! Who's the lady?
  6. If you think that posting vids might influence the vote, Ali, it's good job I didn't post the "Centre City" version of Evie Sands. She'd be in double minus figures by now
  7. Sounds good live https://www.dailymoti...gone-live_music
  8. Thanks indeed Tony. Right then Sourcers, if you are one of the above members can you contact me with your address please. Marvelous!
  9. I've just unearthed an embarrassing secret. I signed up for the CD swap in late 2007. However that coincided with a change of job and the dreaded employment/academic work combination that I've moaned about for the last two years. It was a stressful and chaotic time bit I managed to get the CD done and remember actually burning all the copies on Boxing Day that year. However, that seems to be about as far as I got, and the study stuff meant I was off the Soul Source radar for a lot of 2008. I've been tidying up and turning what has been my office back into a dining room, and guess what I've found? Yup: a big pile of CDs labeled "Soul Source CD Swap Christmas 2007. What an idiot I feel. Help me put matters right please. The list of members involved seems to have disappeared from my PMs when the changes to the site occurred. Can anyone PM the list of addresses if you still have it. And if you were in on that swap and have moved, please give me your new address. I recall the topic was "whatever you are listening to at the time." Better give one a spin to see what I was up to Ta in advance Godz
  10. Second lot of scans Shipping £1.80 Recorded Delivery in the UK. £2.00 overseas + insurance if required. PAYPAL preferred but cheques ok by arrangement. All prices are GB Pounds. More scans / clips available. Questions etc are as always welcome by PM or email to: mistergodzilla@yahoo.com
  11. Shipping £1.80 Recorded Delivery in the UK. £2.00 overseas + insurance if required. PAYPAL preferred but cheques ok by arrangement. All prices are GB Pounds. More scans / clips available. Questions etc are as always welcome by PM or email to: mistergodzilla@yahoo.com Grading VG/VG+/VG++/NM I've tried to grade strictly and a VG+ record will play really well but might have some surface marks. NM is as good as it gets and even unplayed old store stock gets this grade. I've noted any particular defects and will accept returns on any items where the buyer is not completely satisfied. Click on image for larger scan For even More scans etc with remainder of previous sales
  12. Sorted now, so thanks to all who offered to help. Massive props to Adam above who delayed picking up his kids to get the record to the Post Office for me. Now that's what I call service!
  13. Mine's gone missing and I need one of these for Saturday if possible. Anybody help? Cheers Paul oops should also have said get in touch by PM or email: mistergodzilla@yahoo.com
  14. PM sent Santa. How much did the ebay one go for Posstot? Cheers
  15. Blimey - bad day and a half Jock! Take a look at my follow up post and you'll notice that I was teasing a bit. However, I still don't see why you can't love soul music and still appreciate well crafted pop. And acknowledge that, in the surreal world of Northern Soul, those tunes can have a place. I don't see any backlash against people who like the music - just a couple of threads where some people have said they don't always prefer the black version to the white. Variety of opinion and all that old chap. On the other hand though, Mrs G says that she sometimes thinks I like records more than I like music, in which case my opinions are all probably invalid anyway.. Besides, I've always thought Muriel Day was bobbins you cheeky git. And you can call me 'psuedo' all you want, but 'intellectual' is fighting talk
  16. Thanks for the extra info Michael. I actually found a copy of Hambone on eBay with a sound clip and the voices sound quite different, so I think your right. Can anybody put a value on these 45s? Ta!
  17. Wondered if anybody would pick up on that claim, Kev. Yes it's true. I thought the same as you until I found this: "That driving Detroit beat" sounds like it was aimed at people who bought uptempo soul music don't you think?
  18. To be honest, Bob, I was being a bit mischievous as I have no firm favourite and can see merits in both recordings. My comments about dance records was a more general point aimed at the idea that that the one recorded by a black artist automatically has to be superior. Doesn't wash when you're specifically discussing 'Northern Soul' as opposed to what the general public regard as Soul or Rhythm & Blues. Hence the reference to Paul Anka Vs Jimmy Breedlove - and I haven't seen a raft of votes in favour of Breedlove yet. To be fair, you were making general points too. Unless 'grocery store pop' really is a genuine identifyiable genre - in which case I like it and might start collecting it. Not kiddding about really liking the backing track Susan Maughan's version though. Growing up with Dusty Springfield records has given me an appreciation for Ivor Raymonde's slightly over the top production style and it does the businesss for me. I can understand how non-Brits might not be able to relate to it however. Finally, none of this has anything to do with the fact that I'll be listing some records for sale on here this week including a virtually mint condition copy of the Susan Maughan 45. Paul
  19. It's that old "I only like soul records" argument again isn't it. If all that mattered was the vocal we'd all have been dancing to acapellas all these years. Which reminds me - Paul Anka's version of 'Can't help Loving You' or Jimmy Breedlove's? One a bona fide black R&B artist and the other a white teen artist. Just happens that Anka's had a better backing track and arrangement really, don't you think? And it was aimed at the soul music buying audience when it released
  20. You might like this one as well then
  21. Too 'Popcorn' for many on here maybe? I really like the moodiness and love it when the gypsy violin kicks in. Apparently I'm on my own with this though Mamie Perry Lament Pioneer International
  22. I recently picked up a couple of Mamie Perry 45s: Lament / Lost Love on Pioneer International 1002 and I'm Hurted / My Baby Waited Too Long on Flash 130. I knew Lament but the flash sides were new to me and I really like them. Does anyone have any info about her or know of any other tracks that are worth looking out for? Flash and Pioneer were LA labels and Pianist Gus Jenkins recorded on both and I gather he was either the owner or a partner in Pioneer. Flash 124 is Mamie Jenkins - Hambone / Jump With Me Baby so I suppose that could be her too. Can anyone confirm and does anyone know the songs? Cheers Godz
  23. There's a fourth variation Steve. Rob Lythall turned up a version in the late 70s by the Glass Tears Band. A side was some random vocal tune by the Glass Tears
  24. The Future Kind - It Takes a Lot of Living
  25. Really crap version by Mod revivalists The Chords in 1980 as well.

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