Despite my best efforts to live a healthier lifestyle and give up the gargle on Sunday nights, I've been persuaded to bring back the picture quiz. Unfortunately I find it mentally and physically impossible to manage it sober, so I'll be loading up on red wine after dinner and will kick off the quiz around 7pm. Have to put a cut off time of 9pm this week as I've an early start tomorrow though.
Anyone who's watched or taken part will know that we use pics of artists who are not 'soul music' performers in the strictest sense but have had at least one tune played on the soul scene.
The quiz depends on contributions of Soul Source members who are willing to get in the spirit and have a guess. It's nice if there's a theory to back up your guesses, but it's in no way necessary. Luckily I have no credibility so it's easy for me. All we need is for a few people who are game enough to suspend theirs and we should be able to have a bit of fun for a couple of hours.
Back at seven