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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Don't think so. I would have remembered it and thought "what's this crap..."
  2. I'll do register while we wait. Chris, Big Seller, 45 Samways, Gary Cognito, In Ken... Oh, Bugger.
  3. I can see why you would say that looking at the photo, but no, it wasn't.
  4. Not quick enough Tabs. I've got my eye on you...
  5. Good guess but wrong style Roger
  6. Yes. With instruments on it too
  7. You're in cahooots with Samways aren't you. I know you only do it to be clever, you know.
  8. Pay attention at the back Mr Samways! Yes or no answers only.
  9. Yeah - might have boobed a bit there and let the cat out of the bag but who cares? Let's have some fun.
  10. Well the photo is black and white but there may be a coloured one coming along - so who knows!
  11. Don't forget I have to quit at 9pm so if nobody has guessed by then I've won....
  12. Ok here we go. Who are they? As usual I'll accept questions but I'll only answer yes or no. I might not even do that if it'll give it away! If we get really stuck I'll start adding clues to make it easier and easier. It's only for fun so have a punt! Cheers
  13. Very pleased to see you back here and getting among it Roger. Don't go thinking you'll be getting any special treatment though
  14. Not sure about when they die, but the owner of my local second hand record shop supplements his income by selling bottles of amyl nitrate and rather tawdry porn mags of the 'older' or 'larger' lady types
  15. Fair enough Tony. If anyone on here would appreciate that version I guess it would be you. Just not my cup of tea though. Would it help my defence if I said I'd seen Nanci Grifith live in the early 90s and really enjoyed the gig? Probably not I suppose
  16. Beware the cut by Linda Martell though - horrid country version
  17. Light fruity and sweet? Maybe that's your sort of drink de-to. I need it strong, heavy and dark enough to turn your gums black to deal with you lot
  18. Despite my best efforts to live a healthier lifestyle and give up the gargle on Sunday nights, I've been persuaded to bring back the picture quiz. Unfortunately I find it mentally and physically impossible to manage it sober, so I'll be loading up on red wine after dinner and will kick off the quiz around 7pm. Have to put a cut off time of 9pm this week as I've an early start tomorrow though. Anyone who's watched or taken part will know that we use pics of artists who are not 'soul music' performers in the strictest sense but have had at least one tune played on the soul scene. The quiz depends on contributions of Soul Source members who are willing to get in the spirit and have a guess. It's nice if there's a theory to back up your guesses, but it's in no way necessary. Luckily I have no credibility so it's easy for me. All we need is for a few people who are game enough to suspend theirs and we should be able to have a bit of fun for a couple of hours. Back at seven Godz
  19. Beat this for a depressing Valentines day Wasn't sure which version to go for: Cressa Watson is probably my fave but I reckon Carolyn Sullivan has more misery in her voice. Enjoy!
  20. Tony Camillo was never in Dawn! - That's Tony Orlando you're thinking of, Dave. The "Half Way To Paradise" guy.
  21. I think he played The Majestics - "I Love Her So Much It Hurts" as some sort of 'revived sound' although I recall it was new to most of my contemporaries.
  22. Damn! I was hoping nobody would link to this just yet. I was planning to do a Sunday Picture Quiz with Suart Avig/Ames as the subject
  23. During my two years off for study I seem to have lost my old ebay account details so had to start a new one. Got some 45s ending this afternoon / evening. I fully expect the old boots to sell better than the lesser known Northern / R&B originals according to the usual pattern on ebay. Who knows though? There are some blue eyed stompers and the odd funk, crossover or 70s number in there too. ** Here's the Link **
  24. Have go. Take a record and a lump of metal and then try and hammer a copy from the vinyl into the metal. If you're not making much of an imprint maybe it would be worth heating them up before knocking them together. Sounds foolproof!

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