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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I had Richard's acetate with the slowed down version for a while - had Eddie Parker - I'm Gone on the flip. Once we knew who it was I got loads from Global in Manchester and knocked em out for about a fiver, I recall. Still amazed it was actually booted - must surely have been uncovered before the boot came out.
  2. Just had to edit a post - thought you'd know
  3. I thought it was uncovered within a matter of weeks. Anyone know anything about this boot - is it the slowed down version that Richard Searling played or is it the same as the actual record, for instance? Award yourself up to three bonus points for identifying the real artist, title and label.
  4. I think the clue might be in the fact that it doesn't sound remotely like Gil Scott-Heron's voice. Good luck trying to contact him anyway - although you may want to spell his first name 'Gil' rather than 'Gill' if you don't want to him to think it's your belief that he's a woman The album "I'm New Here" looks like one that's not for the faint-hearted. Can't wait!
  5. Depends how fussy you are. LP?
  6. I remember Guy Hennigan carrying Ree Flores around the back bar at Wigan, pretty much before it had been played anywhere. Maybe 77/78? In fact we gave each other a bunch of 45s to take home and listen too and that was definitely one that he was bigging up. I thought it was ok but never really got it until a few weeks later when I heard him play it at an All dayer - probably Todmorden. I recall being one of about four people dancing. One of the records I let him have listen to was "I'm Gonna Hurt You" by Lost Soul on Raven. Don't think he was too keen and I eventually sold it to Tim Ashebende. Just proof that Guy had better taste/vision than me back in the day I reckon Sorry - went a bit off topic. so, when/where exactly did Gary rushbrook play Ree Flores then?
  7. A few good points there Mark. I try to make a point of using my two local shops when I can - one for 2nd hand, one for new. At times when I'm skint though, it's hard to resist the temptation to save a few quid by going to the big online sellers for new stuff. Often quicker too. However, your post also made me wonder if we've ever tried to compile a guide to record shops in the UK - or Europe to for that matter. Could this site be used to develop such a resource, with members recommending shops in their locality and retailers such as yourself submitting your own details? Worth a go?
  8. You spoil them mate. If anyone is interested, here's the link for Bob Nolan from The Bay Brothers. It has the pics I used and some biog stuff which includes various bands he was in from the early 60s onwards. Interestingly he describes The Bay Brothers as " a five piece variety / top 40 band" which probably explains the cover of "What Does It Take..." He now gigs with "a computer enhanced keyboard" Bob Nolan's Homepage
  9. Thanks for passing on Sarah. Tell him I was only kidding with regard to the name calling and that I can tell by your spelling that his brains have been passed on safely. Laters our kid Godz
  10. It's called "Dyscworld" in Scarborough and it's open Mon-Sat 10.00 - 4.30. Another member on here 'Soulmaguk' goes in there a lot but I get plenty of good records that he's missed so Lordy knows why he goes in there...
  11. Language young lady. No respect for your elders etc... Tell him it was Wigan's Ovation... ... then when he stops spitting and swearing, tell him it was the the "Bay Bothers on Millennium". Then get to bed
  12. They all look like Beadles About! BAY BROTHERS - WHAT DOES IT TAKE -
  13. Bay Brothers - What Does it Take... Phew! Great timing too. Very well done to Jim Barry and a massive thanks to everyone who, one again, has made this a great laugh just by getting in the spirit and participating. Same again next week folks? Good night all Godz
  14. Yayyyyyy! The Bay Brothers. On Millennium Records same as Meco's disco version of Theme from Star Wars and two other tunes on the label Formerly known as One Way and some members in the Expressions. Winstanley played "Round and Round in Circles" on EMI by the Expressions. From San Francisco Ca (The Bay Area anyone?). Cover of Motown song by Jr Walker. 80s (not 70s OR 60s) .
  15. What is? I thought you had it...
  16. You'll kick yourself! Think about where they are from!
  17. Go on Diddy - yopu know you want to. What's the Star Wars connection....?
  18. Go on Diddy - you know you want to. What's the Star Wars connection....?
  19. Yes. The Beadle lookalike and one of the others was in a band called One Way. Clearly not the funky soul band though. I'm also aware that I said "not 70s" and I think you've (nearly) all jumped to conclusions....
  20. ABC? I thought they were the same group? Not Reflections any case.
  21. California. I could be even more precise.... ..and if you're still paying attention Diddy: Yes It's a cover. Thought that would make it too easy!
  22. EMI is a label clever clogs. However it's just the label of a band with the same name as an earler variation of the band in question. As such it's virtually useless info...

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