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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Recently snaffled myself a bargain on this 45 and wondered what people consider to be the going rate. I've seen JM's at £300 and the three on Popsike between $193 and $393 over the past couple of years. So, quite a bit of variation there. Anyone actually sold one recently for comparison? Also what's the current view on this one: Northern Soul classic or outmoded oldie? Cheers Godz
  2. You talkin about me?
  3. Bob was pointed towards Ed Wingate by Barbara Lewis Some reading HERE
  4. Is this event with this lot appearing?
  5. I don't know how this person sells anything. Always good for a laugh after a tough day at work though...
  6. Craig Moerer sells the boots on that label design for $15
  7. Scans clips available if you want them - just ask The Present - Many's The Slip - Phillips - sticker on label / vinyl EX 25 Denny Belline - Outside the City - RCA Promo VG++ 10 Pussycats - I Want Your Love - Columbia - VG+ Plays great 15 Eddie Garrigan - I Wish I Was - Fontana VG+ with some writing on label - great play copy 35 Roger K - Give me The Love - Birth - VG+ Plays great - 10 Prices in GBP Shipping £1.20 / £1.80 recorded delivery / £2.00 overseas airmail
  8. p6 in The Guide. The link in the first post takes you to the article
  9. well you could play the other side for a start. And then most of their other racks for Bay Sound
  10. Here's a few to be going on with... Charley comps: Rare Soul Uncovered vol 1 Rare Soul Uncovered vol 2 Rare Soul Uncovered vol 3 Kent comp: For Dancers Always (appears to be the LPs For Dancers Only and For Dancers Also) PRT comp: Keepin' The Faith vol 1 Rhino comps: Soul Shots vol 1 Soul Shots vol 2 Soul Shots vol 3 Soul Shots vol 4 Soul Shots vol 5 Soul Supply comps: For Collectors Only Northern Soul Story vol 1 Northern Soul Story vol 2 Northern Soul Story vol 3 Stateside comps (80s): Liberty Belles One Minit at a Time What's Happening Stateside oops minor error - now amended. Doesn't look like the RCA / Grapevine Northern comps were issued on MC
  11. There's a great baroque pop version by The Byzantine Empire on Amy too. I think the song writer and former child star Eddie Hodges recorded his own version as well, but I haven't heard it. Anyone?
  12. Well the dancers should show a bit more imagination Only kidding, I know what you mean Jock. Just saying to listen to the break sounds more interesting and not quiet as cheesey. To my ears of course. I like lots of stuff that other folk think is dire and that's a fact.
  13. You're right of course, they're clearly white and not really trying to sound otherwise. I used to get it mixed up with the similarly titled "Enter Sunshine" by Georgie Porgie on Jubillee, also briefly played by Richard, I recall. Great Trade Martin production on that one. What I meant was, not knowing the soul band with the same name I was puzzled by the use of a such a non-credible pseudonym. As far as the song goes, I really like the long instrumental break with brass and percussion. A bit less keen on the rest but I remember it was pretty popular and there''s still demand for it so what do I know? Godz
  14. Rock Candy C/U oops sorry already stated above. At the time I hadn't heard the Dontee group and wondered why he's used the name of a crap pop band that had a minor (I think) hit on MCA.
  15. You know that bit in The Commitments about "The Irish are the blacks of Europe and Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland"? Maybe Durham is a bit like that...
  16. Don't give up the day jobs boys
  17. Enjoying all the indignant "why are we discussing this again" type posts. You can see that it's a 2am wind up surely?
  18. Hi Sebastian. I was asking for the Zonophone 45 from 2002 with Don't and Beatmaker. I guess in some ways it's the original issue of Beatmaker though, if we're being technical. All sorted now thanks to that nice Mr Rounce
  19. Godzilla


    Surely The Stars is on "The Many Grooves of..." LP - or is the Horace's 45 a different cut?
  20. Cheers Tone. Actually I think "Guess I'm Dumb" is a lovely song but it's Doris I'm after on this occasion. Ta Paul (Godz)
  21. Anyone with a spare of the Doris: Beatmaker / Don't 45? Thanks
  22. Only kidding mate. Good luck with the hunt. Could have sold the last one I had half a dozen times. Wanted for the ballad flip as well I gather
  23. Yeah - I don't like all that rare stuff. I just like proper Northern like The Del Larks, Eddie Parker, Frank Wilson, Don Gardner. Rare Soul - Pah!
  24. One I think Adam Hang on! That was you and you'd just bought one. How many do you need?

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