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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Collection and the Civics - I'll be There - Soul Train Formerly covered up as err.... something or other... can't remember just now. Great piece of soul from Maryland on a label ususaly associated with And The Echoes. Always thought this could be one of those that would jump in price like Big Don's Rebellion did a few years ago as I think they have a similar feel. Collection and Civics - I'll Be There
  2. But he sounds like neither Sonny nor Cher so you're still not off the hook
  3. Only if you buy into the myth that vinyl is always the better format...
  4. Yep. 'Horsing Around' is, unsuprisingly, a guitar / horns tune derivative of Cliff Nobles 'The Horse'. Sounds boring enough to be a backing track even though it's the A side. 'Just Like Heaven' is an instrumental ballad with saxophone taking the melody. Both sides written by B Gordon who I assume is Benny Gordon given that it's the Soul Brothers? Cheers Paul
  5. Can't do my last five - but I can do last six as it was this rather smart boxed set of LPs. And before you all take the p*ss, there's a splendidly groovy Moog track in here that's not available in any other format...
  6. Not sure mate. Black with silver print and deffo European. I'll double check that I haven't sold it and if not I'll see if I can find it. I may be some time...
  7. Sure I remember seeing "I Know That You'll Come Running Back" with your name attached to it, Dave? I only remember because I have the Durium 45. Is the acetate a different mix?
  8. Not been to the Ritz for a fair few years. Is the big cloakroom downstairs still open?
  9. The sound, even with all our contacts has proved impossible to find...
  10. JM's auction this week - item suspended while the search for the elusive soundclip continues... After a quick google search the first hit reveals... Link to soundclips HERE Tricky innit?
  11. The even more rubbish version of Per-So-Na- Ly was By Strawberry Jam on blue Pye. The drug stuff I've mercifully forgotten most of and I find it kinda boring now, but i acknowledge that I'm probably in the minority here
  12. Grady Tate - Be Black Baby Skye. Wanted in decent nick PM please
  13. Makes his 'Charades' 'Del Satins' and 'Deena Barnes' efforts sound like works of musical genius. Almost.
  14. He did an ace version of "Smoke on the Water' though... ...
  15. How much for the Pat Boone?
  16. Like a lot of that properly rare 60s beat stuff, the issue is much harder though Dave
  17. The promoter realised that he had made a terrible mistake when he had booked the DJs...
  18. Thing is, was your night ruined by not hearing that one tune? If so I suggest you should maybe by a copy so you ca hear it at home, or if you really need to hear it played out, start your own night. I hear there's a shortage of them these days anyway. If, on the other hand it's not such a big deal, then maybe you could - in the nicest sense of the phrase - get over it. Godz
  19. err - I think he said 'original' Good to see you're still really excited about the power of google though
  20. The Night Watch - Lips To Your Heart - ABC promo. Old blue eyed stomper from '66. Played at Wigan, Cleethorpes and probably loads of other places and was covered up as "The Ellingtons - A Long, Long Way" NM vinyl with a little storage wear on label. See scan £35.00 inc paypal fees. SOLD Postage £1.80 recorded UK / £2.00 airmail overseas. PM or email: mistergodzilla@yahoo.com
  21. Steve Miller Band's version is better
  22. I'll pay exactly £1 more than Rigilbert. Not a penny more mind ps - not really. I heard it's gonna go down in price...
  23. It's not a download. It's one of those 'shot from the back of the cinema' jobbies. Only rather than heads bobbing up and down at the bottom of the screen, people keep jumping out of their seats doing ill-judged back flips and clapping... ...in the wrong place.
  24. Too cheap to register there Martyn
  25. "Simmons" - without the 'd' Martyn. Surely not more than £20? The Orange one has two slightly different label desiigns too by the way.

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