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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I think you're on to something Chalky. I've read that they are but I'm not convinced and there's evidence otherwise.
  2. Nope. Black group surely?
  3. GNP Discog here Kev. GNP Far fewer on this label
  4. Is that what the smell is? I though the caretaker had been glossing the radiators again... Have a guess for heaven's sake
  5. Here;'s the pic again to keep it on the page
  6. Try and stick with the guessing and less talk of sausages, sweets and - ahem - prowess or we'll be here all night.
  7. A lot further North I reckon, Isis
  8. See me after class for a good thrashing Mr Kent. And you'd better not enjoy it this time!
  9. Nope. There may be more but I've only seen a couple of releases on the label and they are years apart
  10. I believe not Gary.
  11. Not the Costello Attractions. And deffo not the 'other' lot.
  12. Ahaa! No! No Jersey Boys in the group as far as I know.
  13. Good question! Nope - just group name
  14. This guy? Nope but a decent guess.
  15. Then I'll send a very nice letter to your father. And one to your mother's husband too...
  16. Make that 600 times.
  17. Write out 200 times "I will learn to think before I speak". Then stick the paper on your mouth.
  18. oh cheer up and start guessing misery guts.
  19. See above Jim. And try to get to lessons on time in future.
  20. Don't remember it there ever. In fact I think I first head it on here after reading about... .. oh hang on. I can see what you're doing. Not yet matey
  21. Pretty sure it's not Tabs.
  22. You won't be able to type when I slam that desk on your fingers Mr Smart Aleck.
  23. Your altering my posts for financial gain. Can't help yourself can you? Detention!
  24. Ok. Here we go. This one won't be as easy cos I know bugger all about them.
  25. I think Mrs G is going to choke laughing. Give me one minute and we're off again though

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