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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Ok - sorry peeps. Got to wrap this one. The Cordells Originally (and now - sort of) Johnny Angel and the Halos LINK On Steel Town Sound Inc records Discography link Not the Philly Cordells who were a black R&B group. Massive, massive thanks for sticking with this and being good sports everyone. Another one in about a month if you fancy? Cheers Paul (Godz)
  2. They;re from Baltimore - I have copy of I need your love on Caravelle Tick, tick, tick
  3. Bath is almost ready. You have about five minutes and then I'm gonna spill the beans compadres.
  4. Boy! Get back to your own class!
  5. You really close Chris. If you manage to get this will you go back to being 'Big"? Actually that didn't come out how I meant it to.. ... neither did that.
  6. You mean their other name? Your long shot is a little short Mr H.
  7. Not what you think potty mouth. Now get back to guessing and stop being cheeky.
  8. Educated eh Steve? Get in that corner and put this here pointy hart on.
  9. Fair enough Pete. I also notice that I can no longer spell the word "quiet" correctly. They are from Pittsburgh. Now what could the label be...?
  10. Seriously, you gotta hit the Baileys. Even more fattening than normal alcohol but I think it also counts as food because of all the cream. "just getting some tea. love..." I think this is really hard and I'm gonna claim victory pretty soon. I'll do an easier one next time but with less obvious clues. I notice Peter "I'm always right" 60 has gone quite however.
  11. I though Soul Set were a Carolinas band but I'm not doing to well tonight. Not them though....
  12. A bit of consolidation - and a bit of new info. They used to have a different name. A few membership changes and they became the group in the pic who have a 100 mph Northern Soul record. That name is same as an R&B group from Philadelphia, who were contemporaries of Harold Melvin and Blue Notes. Now they're back to their original name.Sounds kinda holy? They are from a state in Pensylvania and the label sounds like the city from whence they originate. Maybe only two records on the label - a LOT of years apart. Record is only between 20 - 50 quid I think...
  13. Too slow! No but if you just keep listing groups with mad fast records you might get theire- or not
  14. I also see we're shedding contenders. Clue then: Very fast record.
  15. And they are sort of still going today - under a different and more holy sounding name
  16. Is that as in "Ellen and.." who did Gypsy? No but this has that 'garagey' feel too. Lots of horns too mind... Sussed the Philadelphia thing though. There was an old R&B group had the same name as these white boys.
  17. oops. Well as Chalky said, you can read that they're from Philly but their label mates state that they're from Pittsburgh, so I'm going with that. Label seems to scream that too....
  18. I'm a bit runbbish and don't know whose from Cleveland . And I was getting ixed up. Ignore the same town stuff. Better move on to the Baileys. This wine is making me drunk.
  19. Sorry Roger. not these or Gary Glenn & The Soul Set either.
  20. The lot that had Bob Relf in? Nope. This is pretty obscure and I think I'll get a kicking. Despite what one source says, I think they're actually from the same city as one of the most famous soul groups of all time.
  21. Not these New Yorkers
  22. Nope Oh - sorry. Misheard what you said.

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