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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. There are at least three: Dark Side of the Moon, Americana and Uhura Sings. There's a CD that I remember being reviewed in Record Collector mag some years ago - Out of This World or something like that. but I can't remember if it's a comp pulled from those albums or a straight reissue. I think it did include the Epic 45
  2. It's "Know What I Mean" on Epic, Benji. I remember Mik Parry putting me on to it. Wonder what he's up to these days?
  3. You were supposed to hit the Youtube link Simsy - not open your favourites...
  4. Yes I'll come round to all your houses and put notes through your doors, you lazy buggers. just to reiterate before I lock the topic so that we don't all get a rocket for being off topic... Next Quiz Sunday 02/01/2011 - 7pm sharp. See you there folks
  5. I'd noticed that on my copy. And the fact the it was written by Dave Gruisin - which inspired me to do a search. Turns out that he also recorded a version of it himself. Came out on album and on a Decca 45. Not a patch on Young Holt unlimited, more of an easy listening version in fact. Still interesting to those of who like to hear original / different cuts I think:
  6. No - it's woman. Sh*t that's the next one.
  7. Ian Levine vs James Trouble for me. Different story for the mods though, I'm sure. As a punter, however - and one that doesn't as rule watch soaps - it was an absolute hoot.
  8. Thanks Rhino. and everyone else of course It's great fun for me in all honesty. How about Sunday 2nd Jan for the next one. We'll all be ready for a laugh after all that flamin' family stuff dontcha think?
  9. Yeah - I was going to mention Jay and Techniques and then JJ and Bandwagon as we went along. You had me going though!
  10. Just over an hour and a half. Great stuff! Thanks as always to everyone who has joined in - makes it great fun. Some clever guess work tonight and I nearly cacked myself when Codfromderby said Ray Whitley. Luckily for all of us it turns out he was clueless . I'm genuinely amazed nobody thought about Beach Music though. They also get called a Horn Rock band - which as well as being hilarious is what Blodd Sweat and tears are classified as. Once again though, Big thanks for taking it all in the spirit intended. Shall we have another near Christmas? Cheers Paul (Godz)
  11. Bill Deal and the Rhondels: "We were told years ago thata rondel, without the 'h', is a repeated line in poetry," says Bill Deal with asmile. "Because we were only playing about a half dozen songs and repeatingthem..." LINK Really Good Linkl
  12. Ladies and gentlemen - we have a Winner!
  13. Are you in cahoots with Mr Tag?
  14. and exactly which one is the fellow I've posted pics of?
  15. Wondeer if he's alive? No, no he's not. Do I have to all the bleeding work myself this week you lazy sods?
  16. Your arse will be on fire if you don't behave. actually, that wasn't supposed to come out like that. Arrrghh! - Neither was that!
  17. Aha! No!
  18. Another pic? and I suppose, an extra clue...
  19. They also covered a Beatles song
  20. No - but the band does get lumped in with outfits like Blood Sweat and Tears
  21. Don't be clever Mr Tag - it doesn't suit you.
  22. Now that's the kind of thinking I like! Well worked out Mr Fifesoul. Now all you have to do is give the right answer instead of the wrong one
  23. But this record wasn't. And that apple will do you no good whatsoever...
  24. Their name allegedly came about because of their limited repertoire
  25. Piper. Are we playing word association now? Oh good!

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