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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Here we go - same rules as usual. The artist has at least one record that's been played on the Northern Soul scene Identify the white dudes in the pic and you can ask questions to which I'll answer yes or no. More fun if you lose your inhibitions so have a drink and join in So - who are these fine fellows?
  2. Right! Whoever it was that took Sebastian's taste should give it back straight away...
  3. No but I'll take the uncut picture disc... Yeah, was just teasing a bit to be honest. Chicago sometimes get included in the Horn Rock genre don't they? Still despise all the other bands I listed though
  4. To be honest it;s really hard to judge because you don't know which records people have heard of. Having said that, a bit of unscientific research leads me to think that it won't
  5. Latest in an occasional series of a mind-numbingy vapid quiz, where I post a pic of some white bloke or blokess who has some connection to Northern Soul music and a bunch of knuckleheads try to guess who it is - usually by using a clever combination of inspired detective work and dumb ass questions. Some of them even seem to enjoy it and one regular participant has been known to go as far as recording Antiques Roadshow so that he can jon in. If you've not seen it before and want to know more, there's a link to the last one we did Like many of the best things in life, the experience may be enhanced by the addition of a little alcohol. The Baileys back in december really upset my stomach, but then again i don't think you're supposed to quaff almost a bottle and a half in one sitting. Therefore I shall be taking the sensible route tonight and sticking to port and red wine. Unless we get desperate, in which case I'll break out the bottle of potato vodka that my sister in law bought me for Christmas and which I immedaitely hid in the cupboard in case I was daft enough to open it near the fire. Hope to see a few of you there. Cheers Godz
  6. Maybe this should be in the "Tips for 2011" thread, where we might also submit discs from The Cars, REO Speedwagon, Foreigner, Asia and the mighty Toto. Bellsound acetate of "Africa' anyone?
  7. Hope you lot come up with some better tactics in the New Year, because so far you've been completely rubbish at getting it out of me
  8. All sorted now thanks. Cheers to various members for their help with purchase and pricing
  9. I think it was written by Freddie (and the Dreamers) Garrity
  10. Wanted in at least Ex condition please. Erma Franklin - Don't Wait Too Long - Epic Would like to buy from Soul Source member if possible so PM preferred please. Thanks, Paul
  11. Car loaded, pressies packed, teeth gritted - we're off! A very Merry Christmas to all Soul Sourcers Paul (Godz)
  12. Probably a Billy Vanilli fan. Actually I bet he's had such bad taste since he was a Kid. Maybe we should Butt in and our intervention might force him to do a Ewe turn... .... I'll get me Goat
  13. Now I need to make it clear that I completely disagree with this Youtube users comments. Have to say I nearly wet myself reading it though.... she sounds like a goat her voice is extremely annoying, i can't tell but i think shes singing completely through her nose I look at all the comments and im flabbergasted that anyone thinks shes good its terrible she sounds like a dolphin or a goat i dont get it she sounds like a goat and i mean that literally she literally sounds like a goat plz enlighten me
  14. Sorry - don't think I made myself clear. When I said get the arts organisation to host podcast and it load it up, I was referring to putting the podcast on their website. Thanks for the response though
  15. Note of caution though: On sites like Popsike you could see 3 x copies of record 'A' that sold for $100, $125 and $150 respectively. That could lead you to believe that the average price of the record is $125. Not necessarily the case though. Because of the lower cut-off point you wouldn't see if 100 copies of the same record had sold for prices ranging between $20 and $24 making the average price about $22. The higher priced ones might have been aberrations due to a bidding war between two people desperate to have the record, misinformed bidders, desperation to have a copy within a couple days or a whole host of other reasons. It also might show three copies that sold for between $100 and $150 but not show the 50 odd copies on eBay available at a Buy It Now price of $75 that are sitting on the shelf because everyone knows it's only worth $50. ... and that's without going into copies available on other sites including this one and in shops and dealer boxes at soul events up and down the country, 52 weeks a year. Not that I'm trying to confuse you. Just a friendly warning that auction results sites are not the only source of info and can quite easily provide a distorted picture.
  16. I'm doing some work for a mini festival in North Yorkshire early next year (indoors mostly of course!...) I initially planned to include a Gospel set on Sunday morning but as it looks like I'll be around till stupid O'clock the night/morning before, I'm thinking of doing a podcast instead. My plan was get the arts organisation that runs the festival to host the show and load it up on the Sunday morning so that it goes out sort of like a radio show. Just wondered about licencing and such? Quick google suggests that you need PRS and PPL but I doubt that everyone who bloggs has one. This is a legit organisation though, so things might be tighter. Any advice please?
  17. Bombardment? Take that Johhny fakesouler!
  18. There was a copy listed for sale on here for £10.00 in February 2009
  19. Amazing! - I've got that New York Notables LP somewhere. Bought it from Cassady's Records in York in the late 80s, along with an Ace comp called Struttin' at the Bronze Peacock. Some cracking tracks on those albums - must dig them out Funny how i can remember things like that, but you ask where I just put me glasses....
  20. Good. Hope gets well and truly f*cked Yup. I just bought the tunes I mentioned - and others that have also been booted - because I liked them and I'm record collector. Not because they are affiliated to any particular scene. Yet it seems to be the R&B scene that's being aggressively targeted these days. Maybe I should get into 'Boogie'. God forbid!
  21. Sure its.... .. sorry can't. All speculation I'm afraid mate. You never heard of libel?
  22. Same guy as all the UK beat stuff?
  23. That song's from the 30s - a bit earlier than the Mark Murphy cut. Originally called A Weed Smokers Dream I believe...
  24. I've been thinking about this too Ezzie. - Mainly because I'm getting really fed up to the back teeth of seeing "Jukebox 45" reissues of records I own. Off the top of my head: Ann Cole - Each Day, Imperialites - Have Love Will Travel, Nappy Brown - Coal Miner. My guess was that as they are over 50 years old they're out of copyright and therefore up for grabs?
  25. Valerie Lamar - Shame / I Don't Want Your Lovin - Dee Dee SOLD inc 1st class recorded delivery Valerie Lamar.mp3 I Don't Want Your Lovin' is an uptempo dancer that has had spins, but for me it's Shame that's the winner. Played covered up as Ann Sexton - Sneakin' Round The Corners at Stafford. Not too often played these days so ready for a new lease of life. This copy was sold to me as Mint but I'd say VG++ as there are some very fine paper scuffs and I'm obviously a stricter grader than the chap I bought it from... meanwhile there's a much worse condition copy condition at almost twice the price HERE ***And Dave Thorley (who covered it in the first place!) reckons 180 - 200 *** No catch - not advertised elsewhere - just a quick sale! I've also made some significant reductions on my previous sales and updated the list Thanks for looking

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