Latest in an occasional series of a mind-numbingy vapid quiz, where I post a pic of some white bloke or blokess who has some connection to Northern Soul music and a bunch of knuckleheads try to guess who it is - usually by using a clever combination of inspired detective work and dumb ass questions. Some of them even seem to enjoy it and one regular participant has been known to go as far as recording Antiques Roadshow so that he can jon in.
If you've not seen it before and want to know more, there's a link to the last one we did
Like many of the best things in life, the experience may be enhanced by the addition of a little alcohol. The Baileys back in december really upset my stomach, but then again i don't think you're supposed to quaff almost a bottle and a half in one sitting. Therefore I shall be taking the sensible route tonight and sticking to port and red wine. Unless we get desperate, in which case I'll break out the bottle of potato vodka that my sister in law bought me for Christmas and which I immedaitely hid in the cupboard in case I was daft enough to open it near the fire.
Hope to see a few of you there.