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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I think you need to a bit more work before embarking on your career as an after dinner speaker, Gary.
  2. Yeah she does a bit Not Laura though...
  3. Nice one. Fraid not though Matt
  4. One last go then.
  5. My God you lot are on fire tonight! Can't believe these are so easy compared to some of the others. Well done to Codfromderby and especially to Therese whop was amazingly quick of the mark. One more if you like? Will take a few mins as I'll have to get something from the other computer. Seems a shame to let all this booze go to waste
  6. Last time I let you two sit together!
  7. I heard it at least once in Mr Ms. Mind you, as I've said before they played all kinds of crap in there....
  8. Yes it is. Fancy sending me a PM and then keeping quiet for a bit to let the kids at the back catch up...
  9. I don't even know who that is? Has he got a soul record?
  10. If I'm not very much mistaken that man in the pic is offering you some humble pie for tea...
  11. To reiterate - it's just the bloke...
  12. Crikey Theresa - you don't know this do you?
  13. That's exactly what I thought when I saw the pic. It's not though And to avoid being misleading, its the man we're after.
  14. No piano or extra dark sunglasses here, Soulgirl. Good try though...
  15. Yes it is. Is it that obvious?
  16. Judging by your recent form you'll have to send out for more.
  17. Pretty cold there to be honest Rhino...
  18. Very well done to Mike Lofthouse who has clearly been doing him homework over the Christmas break Let's see if you can get this as quickly, class...
  19. Start taping! got another that you might think is even better...
  20. Give me five minutes you clever shower....
  21. Damn. This wasn't supposed to happen Not gonna bother with lal those clues then. Bugger!
  22. Not enough white dudes...
  23. Good guess but nope

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