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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Wrong cartoon Matt. Good bash though
  2. solo artist Roger
  3. Nobody like a smart alec Mr Samways. Like I said, a Motown connection. The only tune I remember is on another label however - not a major
  4. She was on a label that had some classic Northern oldies - and some out and out pop
  5. Nobody's got it so far. Attention! Foild your arms and put your hands on heads. And sit up straight while you're doing it. Now ask proper questions or you'll get nowhere
  6. Not South African...
  7. To be fair I can't say where she's from. However I can tell you there's a Motown connection and a cartoon connection too...
  8. I can remember hearing it at least once in the Wigan years. Used to be permanently on soul bowl but can't see manay selling. Might have sold a few if they had been for sale recently though.
  9. Better questions - although you still didn't tell me what Jo Ann Kelly's soul tune is... Very 60s and a solo artist
  10. Nope. so not Muriel Day - a LOT less obvious...
  11. Not our Nita...
  12. Hmmmm - not sure. Don't think so though...
  13. Looks a bit like her isis, but Billie is British I'm sure
  14. You probably can't type at the same time as whatever else you're doing....
  15. That's more like it1 No, she isn't...
  16. Has she got a soul tune Matt?
  17. RIght pay attention class Start guessing properly and no more tales about celebs in Morcambe. And Codfromderby and matt male - get to the front and take you hands out of your pockets - I know what you're up to!
  18. Golly that's a big pic! from this forum too. Nope. Don't think random guesses with get you this one. You need to ask some questions and I'll drop a b*llock and give away a big fat clue by mistake as usual...
  19. Not Melinda or her dad Groucho for that matter..
  20. Not blonde enough...
  21. Babe Ruth? Curved air surely...
  22. Never seen a pic Tbs so no. In some ways you're the closest yet. Although in other ways some of the others are close too
  23. What the old surrogate mum? Sorry!

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