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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Na Allen if we're barrel scraping there's Paul Varney and Nik Kamen too
  2. Some really= funny stuff in there. This was my favourite: "Totally Dishonest -Didnt have item he listed, never bothered to contact me 2 say" Reply by thuds (Jan-04-09 05:54): INCREDIBLE NEWBIE NONSENSE !! i am looking for 45 - ebay has to change rules So now you know. Pay for a record and this idiot will start looking for a copy for you. eBay really should change its rules
  3. Only a popsike scan unfortunately. Scanner's bust so can't post one out of my 20 count box... .. yeah right
  4. "Information - Sorry we do not have any of this item" Then why do all google results point to you then. Bastards.
  5. I think I have one with a rounded edge. Honestly. I've checked the stamps and I think they indicate that I bought it at 10 o'clock if that helps. Obviously I'm not selling such a rarity.
  6. Sorry, but that's a hopelessly simplistic diagramme, Ged. There's absolutely no indication of any of the angles on the beveled or raised edges and we need that information to a fraction of a degree if we're going to finally nail this issue. I think we're going to need an electron microscope on this one chaps. What's the bloody record worth anyway?
  7. 8th Avenue Band - The Whole Thing - Columbia. Now Sold - thanks to both buyers for easy deals. I've got two copies of this recently revived tune that was massive everywhere once upon a time. They are unplayed store stock 45s in Columbia company bags. Only £16 each including free postage. Please add £1.00 for recorded delivery. UK only on this offer I'm afraid so if overseas airmail £2.00. Paypal as a gift please. PM on here or email: mistergodzilla@yahoo.com Thanks The Whole Thing.mp3
  8. This thread's gone completely radio rental
  9. Every song that has the word 'Chinatown' in it. And Master Four - Love From The Far East of course...
  10. Sounds like wishful thinking to me, though I can't think why anyone would want to doubt it's her singing. Lada Edmund Jr was a go go dancer on the TV show Hullabaloo and is the epitome of 60s groovyness. Compare the voices on this clip:
  11. err... no actually. Mote likely theTymes. It was very early when I posted and I was half asleep. Will edit now.
  12. SG 1000 Soul Things - Prove Yourself a Lady / Terrifics - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love SG 1004 Dynamites - Bok To Back / Aint No Soul and a bit more info on one already mentioned 1005 Floorshakers 6 X 6: B side is Bombshells - What Would I Do (The Tymes tune)
  13. Posted this when it came out in 2009 as I thought it was really funny that someone had bootlegged the Soul Galore label
  14. Just get over it and play something different instead. Nearly said something better....
  15. So Jones/Joneses is a drug reference. Except when it isn't. And none of the above tunes refer to Jones/Joneses in a drug use context. Except the ones that do. Meanwhile Jones can also mean caring what the neighbours think about you. In an envious way. Phew - glad we got that one sorted. Now, my friend has a record by the Smiths...
  16. Yeah that's a British phrase too Bob. I understood Jonesing and 'the Jones' were interchangeable in a drug use context. Maybe that's what you were saying.
  17. Used to mean withdrawal symptoms and the overpowering craving for more drugs. Modern day equivalent (UK at least) is 'rattling'.
  18. Most of my gigs these days are local festivals and I often play some Northern mixed in with the funk tunes. Don't see any problem with that and neither do the people dancing usually
  19. Some might say thank god Actually it was all over the shop speed wise as well. Truly one of the worst boots ever.
  20. Sometimes cover up names used to vary on daily basis didn't they? I'm sure I heard it referred to as "Burning Bush" by "The Burning Bush" on at least one occasion (Wakefield Unity maybe?) The rest of the time I think it was, quite inappropriately, The Gems.
  21. (edit - I just can't read tonight...)
  22. Solds removed. Remainder reduced
  23. This is the version for me anyhow...
  24. That's bullshit of the highest order. It's a Dr John song. That's Dr John. Are you suggesting that he was some kind of racist? ** Edit: Not saying you're talking crap, Craig - just that whole idea of it being supposed to represent something like that. **

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