A guy I work with asked if anyone could ID this tune. He says it's probably recorded from a 45, possibly a b side and it's on a disco compilation tape that someone did for him the late 70s or early 80s. My whole workplace has been set the task of solving this, and I perhaps foolishly, said "the chaps and chappesses on the forums I use will suss this easily" so I guess in a way all our reps are at stake
It's not the sort of thing that we usually discuss here and I'm aware that this thread is no doubt destined for freebasing eventually, but if it could stay her over the weekend so that it's easy to spot I'd be grateful.
I'm also sure that there will be some comments as to the (ahem) quality of the record, but if they could be balanced with some constructive suggestions that would be great.
DivShare File - Mystery Disco.wav
Final Warning! It is really dodgy...