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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Spot of devil's avocado here: the trouble with polls like these is that they play to the agenda of those setting the questions. For example (and I'm not suggesting this is perfect) the options for first question could have gone something like: Do you care whether the DJ plays originals or bootlegs? Prefer original vinyl only Prefer original vinyl but it's not life or death Don't mind a mix as long as the music moves me Really don't care either way Strongly feel it's not important Or maybe re-word the question so that you can answer like more general opinion polls Strongly agree Mostly agree Neutral Mostly disagree Strongly disagree
  2. My vote is that we set up a poll to decide whether or not have a poll. My vote is maybe.
  3. It's January Jones - one on ebay for $19.99 buy it now You should use a search engine like google or something you know - those chicken's innards clearly aren't doing the job...
  4. She made a mighty strong impression on a 14 year old boy! RIP Sylvia.
  5. Not just on Eric, Bob.
  6. I just had a go and it seems to be working fine - other giving a false result regarding me getting third prize in the Kent compo. That appears to be a fictional search result
  7. I feel like an idiot now. I've got a copy of 'Pull My Coat' but mines the double sided promo. Used to have a copy of 'Can't Seem To Get You...' too (old Wigan sound for Richard Searling), which is obviously where I know the flip from.
  8. Hey - 3rd place is pretty good going in my book. Mind you my run of good luck appears to have ended last night when I put my back out getting out of the bath
  9. Both the Eddy Jacobs 45 and the Beverly + Butlers on Sassy credit Billy Jackson as the writer. He's promoted to William Jackson on the Gamble issue of Frankie Beverly. which seems to have been released in 1968 while Eddy Jacobs came out in in '69. This topic throws up a couple of interesting points, I feel. Given that there are concerns that the Northern scene has gone "too funky," there's clearly a substantial divide between a lot of the collectors if 'Pull My Coat' isn't that well known. It's kind of essential funk stuff that's maybe the equivalent of a top 500 Northern record. Wasn't aware of a version of 'Love, Your Pain Goes Deep' by Los Bravos though - if I understand that's what being said here. Can't imagine it being much cop. Anybody got more info or a link to anywhere that it can be heard?
  10. I never win competitions. Woohoo!
  11. Can I be the first to complain about the blatantly unfair moderation in this section these days?
  12. Not very - and the fact that it plays at 33rpm means there's a loss of fidelity straight away. Looks nice though dunnit?
  13. Looks like another excuse to post my Argentinian copy!
  14. Doubt it on the Northern scene as it's a ballad. The other side, the rather frantic "Show The World Where It's At' used to.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9zCFpikCGU
  16. Nice tune that got issued twice on Dore. First issue is 764 from 1966 and has "Better Get Your Own One Buddy" on the flip. Then 771 from same year as flip to 'Go For What You Know'. I guess that later issue is much more desirable as 'Go For What You Know' is terrific, but what does the earlier issue go for - and does 'The Wind Is Blowing' ever get played in its own right? Cheers amigos
  17. These items are no longer on sale here - thanks. I'm offering these three 45s at competitive prices today and if unsold will be putting them on ebay Sunday evening. Anyone who has bought from me before will know that I grade strictly and I'm happy to provide further MP3 clips, more scans and am happy to answer any queries. Shipping is £1.80 recorded UK / £2.50 airmail worldwide 1. Tee Fletcher - Happy Loving You - Shurfine VG++ (couple of pressing bubbles that don't affect play) £65 Underplayed uptempo Georgia soul and an almost forgotten Casino spin that sounds terrific nowadays 2. Mystic Moods - Astral Trip - Warner Brothers Ex (probably unplayed store stock - nice issue copy) £30 Allnighter Craziness from an easy listening orchestra experimenting with electronic effects and a stomping beat 3. Rain - Out Of My Mind - London (Canada ) VG++ (tiniest of inaudible marks - would be NM to a lot of sellers) £35 All time classic from this Canadian band that featured Charity Brown - 1st issue before US Bell or the later Axe copies Payment by Paypal please to: mistergodzilla@yahoo.com As gift if possible but not a deal breaker. Thanks for looking Tee Fletcher.mp3
  18. Hang on: You've got a copy but you only managed to hear the B side by watching a you tube clip??? Ever thought of investing in one of these...
  19. 'Tied to Your Heart' was definitely covered as Johnny Caswell. I remember hearing it for the first time when Dave Withers played it at a small venue somewhere near Manchester and I recall that he also played Traditions "My Life With You" covered as Little Joe Roman.
  20. I'm sure I admonished you about that Beryl Reid thing years ago on this very site, Pete. In (maybe) the early 80s I had an old photocopied guide to rare UK soul singles that I think you were responsible for. I scored an HMV demo of the Beryl Reid tune on Oldham market and thought I was in for treat. I imagine the look on my face was similar to yours when the needle hit the record...
  21. I recently sold a copy with a hairline crack that looked pretty much like this one for £25. I figured about half price? Not sure where all this $200 record comes from...
  22. I hear people saying things like "this one is getting rare" but I just don't get it. I agree that there's a difference between scarcity and desirability - and therefore demand/price but it doesn't make an item more rare. The only way that could happen is if copies were destroyed. Maybe we need a new word to mean 'copies in circulation'...?
  23. Here's an old thread
  24. There's an All Brothers boot that was done in the late 70s with correct flip (actually the A side if my recollection's right) The Emanons Look in the Want Adds

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