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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Does wearing the tights really get the records cleaner or is just a personal preference thing? Do you have any pictures? Please send money by Western Union...
  2. Especially if using the currently fashionable 'glue' method. Can't be long before someone ends up with a burning lighter stuck to their thumb...
  3. If it's the show I'm thinking of, It's the 1973 "In Concert" footage. BBC showed it maybe two years ago?
  4. Pete, although I feel we're bonding now, it's all getting a bit tacky isn't it? My worry is that if we become to attached to this topic we're gonna get a pasting from the mods.
  5. Sorry Pete. You're talking about an idea (and a rubbish one at that...) I'm explaining how I actually do it. Anyway, I'm out of here. You and Rod can stick your (e)poxy topic.
  6. Alternatively you could just place them on cardboard to apply the glue then stick 'em over the neck of bottles. (red wine in my case). That way you can clean off any glue that's dripped onto the edge with a damp cloth and if there's further...errr.. drippage, there's nothing for it to stick to as it's suspended in mid air. For small hole UK 45s I have a specially adapted wine bottle with a bit of doweling stuck through the cork and a 45rpm spider adaptor cunningly fixed half way up. Genius eh?
  7. You all know about this link I suppose https://menmedia.co.uk/southmanchesterreporter/news/s/519720_when_the_blues_train_rolled_into_chorlton
  8. I didn't even realise it was the same cut as the BM one In my defence though, I've not heard it in a lot of years...
  9. That's what I meant Joe. 6255 as opposed to 6144 where the old fox used to get 'em done
  10. Du you mean as evidence it's Soussan Chalky? If that's the case (as it probably is) I wonder why it isn't a 'DCT Recorders' acetate like most of his other Soul Fox Productions? Maybe he had a bad leg and couldn't walk to the other end of Sunset Boulevard...
  11. You're clearly right Jock. I think if people do that it automatically gives the more 'pure at heart' amongst us the absolute right to contact complete strangers on ebay to tell them that they're a disgrace to humanity. I would imagine that if those guilty are ever seen in person it's also acceptable to walk up to them and scream in their face in righteous indignation, while holding a picture of a (literally) starving artist. Killing their kids is probably cool too. It's what's in the grooves that counts after all.
  12. I always thought that wax meant recording and was derived from the OG ( ) wax cylinders, then was transferred to shellack records when they took over and eventually vinyl. Or vynyl, vinal etc if you're on this site...
  13. First of all wrong section. Secondly, sink? Shome mishtake, shurely?
  14. He is a dead a ringer on all the 45s but I don't remember a rumour that they were the same person. You're not getting mixed up with "More, More, More of Your Love" are you? That one was originally recorded by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles on an album and covered by the Baltimore based blue eyed soul band, Bob Brady and the Con-Chords who released it as a single.
  15. My pal too Andy. Check his mags out again mate - you'll remember that he sometimes upset the more serious end of the Northern Soul community by lampooning their ernestness
  16. Surely you're not dissin' Simon?
  17. Gotta be Soul Galore. Loads of classics on this label...
  18. I regularly used to play that track (Oh No Not the Beast Day) out three or four years ago. There was a girl that used to request "that Not The Beef Steak" song...
  19. Ahh. Get you now. Please don't post any more...
  20. Hey Bob. 1. I'm not that subtle. 2. I don't know the thread to which you refer. 3. I like some psychedelic folk - you took collection of that Estelle Levitt track for me, remember
  21. This is really weird. For a start it's hardly an unknown record and it's not remotely like the stuff that gets played on the Northern Soul scene or any of its spin-offs. Why are people discussing it as though it's a potential new spin? It's like someone posting up a bit of psychedlic folk and then having loads of people on here say how it's not for them. Sorry if I've missed something here! ps - always liked it just for how insane it is given the artist
  22. Sounds like a Gerrry and the Pacemakers demo.
  23. Maybe we should get Lee Jeffries to put another vocal over it then, like he did with Exus Trek. Actually, maybe not!
  24. Not like us to disagree I wasn't talking about the words - I think Bowie wrote them didn't he?... The backing track is ace though - it's like the epitome of groovy sixtiness, especially the liitle organ riff.

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