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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Close enough - it's not a memory test
  2. 14'6 sticker on mine...
  3. One glance at Jocko's muddled syntax demonstrates that although some people can make excellent contributions to an internet forum, they should be subject to a restraining order forbidding them from being within 50 yards of a printing press...
  4. Never underestimate the fun to be had in playing funk records to hippies...
  5. He has actually moved and has a few personal things going on. I'll contact him and ask him to get in touch
  6. Can't wait to see him at Glasto. I agree about the documentary too Chalky. Already read the moving piece about him in the Guardian but the film had me close to tears at one point. Really enjoyed seeing the closeness and mutual respect among the Daptone family too.
  7. Looking for a reasonably priced copy of this please. Visual condition not as important as how well it plays. I've seen the overpriced copies on Discogs thanks. PM or email mistergodzila@yahoo.com Francine King - Two Fools - Channel 1
  8. They're on facebook. Why not drop them a line and get some background info?
  9. Crikey, you lot seriously need some excitement in your lives judging by how this has got you going...
  10. I've still got a copy of the fontana 45 somewhere. Nice find - can you post a clearer scan of info sheet please?
  11. Is that why you're called Sheep then...?
  12. I thought he chose David Huff because that's the lead singer of David and the Giants - the tune is a bit reminiscent of Ten Miles High.
  13. Lots of terrific tips here - thanks everyone. We'd already decided to hit Sears tower and to walk around the Loop. I know that some people make a point of not doing the obvious stuff when they travel but for us it's about completely acknowledging that you're a tourist and making sure that you don't miss something extraordinary. Thompson Center is now added to the list as it looks pretty amazing. Looks like we're going to be spending some time on the water too. Still debating whether to take the ipad as it's a bit heavy but if we decide against I'll be printing off this topic to help work out our itinerary. Great work guys. edit - specs on, spelling corrected....
  14. Tiny Tim Harris - Don't Say on Bobby Robinson Majestics - this World of Ours on Wilston - don't think I've ever heard that one. Some others too...
  15. I have a knack of avoiding that sort of thing. I managed to be at the opposite end of the festival site during the Glastonbury Dance Tent sewage truck incident of 1998. https://blog.q4music.com/glastonbury2008/2008/04/great_glastonbury_moments_danc.html
  16. It's all really helpful Bob. We'll definitely be hitting the museum of contemporary art and the market sounds like another must. I guess we'll try to get a balance between the kind of things where we'll need half a day and other things that will be more about being on the streets, giving use a chance to get the feel of the city. The river tour mentioned sounds like a great way to see some of the buildings and I certainly want to experience the elevated railway. We'll also be looking for things that give some cultural insight into the city while remaining safe. An American colleague of Mrs G's keeps reminding us that people have guns over there and he says it's likely we'll hear one - although we sure didn't in New York... We'll need to eat of course and we both eat some meat but really enjoy good vegetarian food too. I like the sound of cocktails in a skyscraper and we'll definitely hit a couple of bars but I should also stress that we are on a budget as once our stay in New Orleans and flights are taken into consideration it's going to be an expensive holiday. Very excited though!
  17. Sounds like four nights won't be anywhere near long enough. Huge thanks for the tips Bob - and yes it would be great to hook up if we get the opportunity. Maybe we can buy you lunch at Soul Vegetarian...
  18. Sold! Will check back again in the morning folks.
  19. Thanks for all the responses so far - lots of stuff to look into. As for things we like to do - well, we only have four days so the odd gallery/museum would be good but we also like exploring on foot, seeing interesting architecture and so on. As the main part of holiday will be in New Orleans where we start of with the Ponderosa Stomp festival, we'll have plenty of quality live music, but if there's a recommended venue in Chicago that's likely to have something interesting between Sunday to Wednesday I'd definitely like to know. Keep the tips coming folks
  20. Excellent review Frank and one we'll check out for sure. Mrs G's background is design so we've already got the Art Institute earmarked. Thanks for taking the time to add all the extra detail - we're not going until the end of September but I'm getting right excited now!
  21. That's in our price range and looks really interesting Phil. Our preference is for places that are clean but with a bit of character rather than modern buildings with luxury conveniences. Great tip - Cheers!
  22. Thanks Simon - yeah I'm aware Bob lives there but just wanted to canvas a variety of views, hence posting on the forum. Thanks also SD. It's now called the Public Chicago and it's one of the places we've already read about. Definitely on the maybe list, ta.
  23. I'm asking this with a bit of trepidation after my previous question which, contrary to my expectations, suggested that no-one on the site knows the first thing about New Orleans... However, I'm an eternal optimist and I prefer recommendations from real people as opposed to anonymous Tripadvisor types so here goes: we've decided to break the journey by having a four night stop-over in Chicago. Just me and Mrs G on this trip so I'm not asking for advice on record digging, just decent (but affordable ) hotels, great places to eat, sights not to miss etc. Come on now Soul Source - don't let me down!
  24. It's actually spelled The Lownly Crowde Originally by Eddie Hodges and there's a cracking baroque style version by the Byzantine Empire. Some pics of the record and the group in this previous thread
  25. Johnny Jenkins - I Walk On Guilded Splinters - Capricorn 8000 Looking for a copy of this in decent condition. Hit me up on here or drop me an email at: mistergodzilla@yahoo.com Thanks

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