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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Seriously though, I guess it's a matter of how you define 'set sale.' To my mind that means the seller states the price - as opposed to auction where bids are accepted. To be honest I don't really care though - I bare him no malice and he's got nothing that I want anyway...
  3. Nope opposite in fact. I think we're of the same mind here - and why would people think they can't comment? As long as the challenge isn't abusive I don't see a problem in saying "that's a £20 record." I'd rather have it pointed out than look a fool, or worse, greedy.
  4. Not sure what you mean? I wasn't supporting the idea of not showing prices but suggesting that the seller might be embarrassed to display what he was asking. I've certainly challenged sellers who list with ridiculous prices. Can't be the only one...
  5. Fear of being flamed..?
  6. Her sister funk classic perhaps? From the 1970 Natural Resources LP - Easily Persuaded. Slightly iffy sound quality, unfortunately, but a top tune and well worth a listen if you don't know it.
  7. There's a boot of the promo too, I believe
  8. I'd probably do the same to survive...
  9. That's the problem though: vinyl mastered from CDs sounds fairly crappy (not including the likes of Daptone, Timmion et al who record with vinyl in mind). And if it's vinyl mastered from CD that was ripped from OG vinyl in the first place, you don't have to be a genius to expect it to sound like the dog's breakfast . (apologies for possible mixed metaphor there...)
  10. Juno is littered with bootlegs, both new (old) releases like this and represses of disco/house/techno records going back 40 years or so that they list as 'warehouse finds'.
  11. Well that's no suprise because you fellers are into music rather than limited by one particular scene. Haha. Not trying to teach anybody anything and if your remember, I did say at the outset that what we do would alienate 90% of the members on here. Also, I tried to stress that I was referring to the original brief, which was venues that didn't just play soul but also funk, jazz, hip hop etc. Those library records are funky tunes, played by jazz musicians and frequently sampled by hip hop producers. I'm not for a moment suggesting they're soul records, or that they should be accepted by the Northern fraternity and I completely understand that they don't float you boat - but you can't deny that they fit the bill regarding what the topic starter said he was looking for
  12. No records, no dancing, no good times. Crikey - I'm not going to any of your parties!
  13. We play records, people dance and have a really good time. It's that complicated, honestly
  14. Jump Blues is what a lot of the 50s RnB style currently in vogue sometimes gets called. I guess it isn't always completely accurate but it tends to be a label people recognise. Library or Production Music is taken from LPs made to be used as background for films, TV, radio plays, commercials etc. Some of the late 60s - 70s albums have some really groovy tracks played by top session men. Start by googling KPM or De Wolfe and you should get some ideas. We sometimes play this, although I usually drop the version that's only available on a Readers Digest box set of Thriller Themes as it's a bit harder sounding. ...cue indignant shouts of "that's not Northern..."
  15. I'm not going to post the link on here as the thing we do will alienate 90% of forum users but we've just run a room over a weekend (two days, three nights) where the DJs played soul, funk, jazz, Latin, hip hop, house, roots, rocksteady, jump blues, library and a smattering of African, Cuban and international sounds. We also included a four hour Northern/Modern/Crossover session, where some beat ballads were played. In terms of the original poster's criteria I would say this is closest to the mark. It probably won't come as a surprise however, to hear that, with a few exceptions (including the soul club's promoter who's a great bloke) the local soul crowd stuck mostly to 'their' session whereas our (non-scene) regulars got stuck into everything else. That's completely cool and it was great to be able to include something for the local scene members, but it seems to suggest that OP is very much in the minority in wanting to hear that kind of variety in the same venue.
  16. You missed your chance with the Acid Jazz revival, Mik - shoulda done it a couple of years ago when they had the 25th anniversary. Say what you want about the scene but it did turn a a lot of the younger dudes in the 80s onto Jazz, soul and funk.
  17. No, if you're patient I'm sure someone someone will just come and offer you everything you're after on a plate, with a nice cup of tea at the side. Do some work you lazy sod!
  18. Hope you've managed to sort out those pricing errors when you re-posted
  19. ...and vice versa no doubt!
  20. The beauty of the internet for me is that you can post something and come back and check replies etc at a convenient time. I'd find it too tying to have to commit to being at a certain time at a certain place.
  21. I reckon the real peak is the days waiting for the package to arrive. Then there's a slight moment of pleasure as you open the carton but essentially your mind is on the next one. Now that's addiction for you.
  22. I just won a bet with myself. I guessed that within the first 12 posts there would be claims for Va Va's and the Mecca. Not doubting any of this stuff, although I'm convinced that one night, someone must have taken along a huge box containing ever record that would ever be played in a UK soul club and skipped through the first 20 seconds or so, thus establishing the right to assert first dibs on any tune pre-2012.

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