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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I wondered about that too. And how much for a UK issue? More.. Less?? Godz
  2. And to think I couldn't get £15 for it when I sold up in '79. Partly makes up for a load of stuff that I did sell for around £20/30 Like Sam Ward, Al Williams, Morris Chestnut etc etc. A familiar story, I know, but still something that gives me sweats when I think about what a Young fool I was. Godz
  3. You even got a pub called the Punchbowl in York so don't come the slippery eel with me Trevsk. Fighting mad the lot of you. Must be some chemical in the plastic of all those boots you all own Next time I'm there it's the old radioactive breath for you lot Godz
  4. I thought that someone in York was going to puch me once, when I suggested his copy may be a boot. I was trying to explain the difference in colour of the print on the label. I'm right in thinking that mine - with sort of inky blue print - is the real deal aren't I? Godz
  5. What? - Like Rubberneckin' ?? Godz
  6. Or a Jamaican one for Pete Smith: Karai Go Bring Come...
  7. Did they put out Mix albums? I'll get me dorsal spines...
  8. Ahhh I stand errected then. And that's cracking on for 800 foot you know
  9. Rufus Lumley Frankie and Johnny Kiki Dee Robbie Royal Gia Mateo Lou Roberts John Drevers Ben Zine Frank Lyndon Interplay Bobby Diamond Lorraine Silver Paula Parfitt Buckinghams Pinkooshins Bobby Paris ...sounds like a Top Pop Club Only kidding - must have a bit of the old Viking in me Godz
  10. I sold a copy Looky Looky back in June I think. Don't remember it being written by Ashford and Simpson though. I thought it was horrible anyway. Flipside of John Andrews "A Rose Growing In The Ruins" was also written by them, but both sides credit them the other way round (Simpson Ashford). Not a patch on It's Just Love of course. Did Val Simpson or anyone else ever record that (Rose) side? Godz
  11. Thanks for that Pete. I suppose I should keep hold of it really - especially as I sold my own copy in '81 and didn't see another until about three years ago (when a top old guy brought it from the back of his shop!) I'll only end up regretting it again. And it is one of the better UK productions innit? Have to think of another wizzard wheez to raise some dosh Godz
  12. Oh yeah, where's the emoticon for legging down stairs sweating Godz
  13. Right. Let's see if this works. It's about a 4MB file so it may take a while for those without broadband. And Mike - isn't there a Gentle Giant connection or am I roaring up the wrong tree? https://www.zen29802.zen.co.uk/images/johnandrews.mp3
  14. I'm on downstairs compy - not the one attached to decks so can't do a soundfile just now. Will try to sort one later. Meanwhile, any idea what Martin paid? Or does anyone else have a view? Ta Godz
  15. They won't let me in anyhow. Something about height restriction. I've been discriminated against for cracking on for 80 million years now and let me tell you things ain't gettin' better. Godz
  16. "It's Just Love" on UK Parlophone. Any ideas on current value - I know it's all subjective; what buyer and seller are happy with etc - just want a rough idea so I can decide whether to keep it or not. Cheers Gojira
  17. Never been to the Copa Cobana meself Godz
  18. Cheers Mike. Don't feel quite so daft now. Sending hindbrain to sleep. Godz
  19. as a fairly short term reader - with massive short term memory failing - no. Who dis? G
  20. Mrs G has just had a decko in here and I couldn't possibly tell you what she said about the decor. And she says you should get a "lizard wot does" to pop in with a broom once a week
  21. Doh! That's a better answer than mine, Mike. Coulda saved a bit of brain power
  22. I've read this before. So who is this Dr Brooks then? I think that this is a fake written by an old soulie trying to be smart. The terminology used suggests it's written by someone within the scene (pressings for reissues for example). They also use random capital letters and you'd expect someone with a doctorate to use proper punctuation wouldn't you? Does the Doo Wop collecting scene fret over their 'repros' in the same way that we do? oops!! too many questions: I'm gonna end up using that spare brain half way up my back if I'm not careful Godz
  23. Got six items on the Bay. Can't make the link work so search under seller name papalazaru Not sure if it's the sort of stuff folks on this forum will be interested in but you can always have a laugh at my optimistic Buy It Now prices or my tossy descriptions Cheers! Godz
  24. A mate of mine runs a couple of anarcho-punk labels and ditributes stuff from all over the world. I'm pretty sure that he once told me that if he licenses a song that wasn't a hit he pays between $50 - $100 for the publishing rights as long as no more than 1000 copies are pressed. Even that paltry fee goes stright into the pocket of whoever owns the publishing - and some investors buy up publishing rights - so the artist isn't going to see a penny once admin etc is taken care of. Maybe Kev could shed a little light on this? Godz
  25. "Heard it Through the Crepe-Vine"? I'll get me scales...

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