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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Why not ask Pete Smith to sort out one of those new fangled vinyl acetates for you. If you ask him nicely he might draw the label in crayon too
  2. Cheers Pete. Haven't heard these tracks before but they sounded pretty much as I expected after reading about the sound systems playing Wynonie Harris etc. I thought the vocal style on the Ray Johnson song was particularly interesting as it sounds like a direct influence on the Jamaican sound Godz
  3. I'd love to hear some Pete. If this is not the right place to post you could email the odd tune at: tunes4chillin@yahoo.co.uk Cheers!! Godz
  4. Thought you would have read it Pete. We only get a supply ship here every couple of years Seriously though, I knew there were some parallels but not quite how far they stretched. Can't wait to get to the Ska bit! Godz
  5. I've just started reading a book I got for my birthday. I'm just past the bit detailing the origins of this particular scene. It features DJs who are respected for the exclusivity of their tunes above just about anything else. To protect their top sounds the DJs deface the record labels so that their rivals can't find the tunes - although the ones who can afford to go record buying in the USA try their damndest to discover what they are. When tunes are finally uncovered, the shops are soon full of illegal bootlegs, so the DJs have to be really on their toes. They are expected to play the very newest, hottest sounds a few times each night, but also to have a continually changing playlist, turning up new records regularly. Consequently as well as searching for old, deleted records, the very best DJs are constantly pushing the boundaries and changing the music played. A big tune can go for a lot of money - more than the average worker's weekly wage. The movement is driven by the working classes and the dances take part in less than salubrious venues and drink and drugs go hand in hand with the music. The crowds know their stuff and vote with their feet - only events with the best DJs are well attended and rivalry is intense. Where and when does all this take place? The North and Midlands of England in the late 60s / early 70s? Nope. It's jamaica in the 50s and people like Duke Reid, Coxsone Dodd and Prince Buster are using a coin to scratch the info off their Jazz, Jump Blues and cool ballads' record labels, in order to protect their investments. The book is Bass Culture - When Reggae was King by Lloyd Bradley. It's very well written and gives you a real feel for the times. Recommended. Godz
  6. Theif!!!!
  7. ...and you paid four pound fifty you lying bugger
  8. It's worth a fiver. I've only got a tenner on me so if I send a scan of my cash can you email the change? Ta Godz
  9. No need: little bags of talc in legs of trousers operated by draw-strings in pockets - Great Escape style!! Godz
  10. Been watching this thread for a bit now waiting for someone to mention Voicebox: I Want it Back (Your Love) / Baby, Baby Don't You Know (That I Love You) on Loma. Best double sider with brackets in each title! Surely I'm not the only one to rate this? Godz
  11. It's as much or as little of a pain as you want it to be. my iMac is permanently connected to the my Hi Fi amp through the tape in/out sockets. That means I can record directly on to my computer from any source I choose: Turntable, Radio, TV, DVD Player etc. I use Audio Catalyst if I want to record the info as an MP3. If the sound isn't top quality and I want to spend a little more time I use Sound Edit to remove pops and crackles. You can also change the EQ to add some bass on toppy sounding tunes and so on. (or play the whole thing backwards if you have the desire!) Then as the Computer also goes into the amp, you can play stuff back in glorious Hi Fi quality through the system. The only real inconvenience I encounter is that I have to switch operating systems on the Mac to OS9 as audio Catalyst and Sound edit don't work in OSX. This takes less than a minute though. Piece of cake. Might not be as easy with a PC though.
  12. aahh. I should have spotted the "Sourcebot" name. Sorry. Please excuse tiny reptillian brain Redfaced Godz
  13. Earlier today someone posted a link to a copy of Willie Kendrick on RCA which was on eBay. I wrote "Bootleg" underneath it for a laugh as I thought it was a bit cheeky to plug a link to an auction with the member's first post. Now both posts seem to have disappeared. :search: Wh'appen? Godz
  14. There's a 12" of this in my local record shop for about a fiver. I can get it for you if Derek doesn't have one, Mark.
  15. BJ Thomas Dan Folger ... and pretty much anyone else who recorded on Hickory Godz
  16. Not strictly Gospel but should fit into the Religeous Northern catagory: Rod Keith - Like The Lord Said Bless ma soul. Godz
  17. Where did I put the Mouse?
  18. Arrrgh!!!! Could be worse I guess. You could have said "My Grandma..." G
  19. As PS has already nabbed the Jades I'll have to go for: Salvadors - Not many claps but awesome when they happened. Four Perfections - That Intro!! Godz
  20. Mind you, that one was a bit of a f*ckin' beauty wasn't it. Doesn't he know we only discuss Asda T Shirts on here Maybe we should visit Thunder's website en masse and start talking about unreleased Detroit acetates .... Godz
  21. Just before this topic dies completely, couldn't resist this one. Especially as he was mentioned on another thread a couple of weeks ago when he was on "Nutters who rule the world" or something similar. I'm sure I remeber Soul Sam playing Chris Cerf covered as "Len Barry - Turn Off The Music" about a million years ago. Godz
  22. Cheers!!!!!! Just got back in town after interesting weekend away, which amongst other stuff ( ) included catching The Incredibles. If ever a film had the right name :good: :good: :good: And of course I'm a boy. You wanna watch it calling Godzilla a girl, mister
  23. Not too sure about this Pete. I think that a lot of people put stuff on The Bay because it's an easy way of advertising to a lot of people. I've sold quite a bit of stuff other than Northern Soul on eBay because I wouldn't be sure how to price Psych, 60's Beat, Reggae etc. What's wrong with also putting some soul up there too. I think if you put unrealistic reserves on your records, then that could be construed as greed. For myself, when I sell the odd bits it's just so that I get a bit of credit in the old Paypal balance so that I can then buy more stuff without it seeming like I'm spending real money. After all it's not eBay itself that goes a bit mad sometimes - it's the people who use it! Godz
  24. You'd think that if you wanted to rip people off effectively, though, you'd use a language other than gibberish wouldn't you? By the way, in our house we have a word for people like that. It means the same as a very naughty word that I won't repeat here but when we want to use that word we shout; HOON!!! instead. Try it, "He's nothing but a dirty great HOOOOOOOOON!!!" See what I mean? Godz
  25. You're right actually Pete. Maybe I should try and get a rise out of someone else. Or maybe not. Best be on my best behaviour

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