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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Al Kent
  2. Eddie Holland Paris!!!!!! Godz
  3. Or Charles Sheffield
  4. Baltimore and Ohio Marching Band
  5. Riviera(s)
  6. Wales Wallace and (very nearly)...Joey Scarbury Godz
  7. Nah, PG This time of tear you want her "Hard Candy Christmas" Top tune Godz
  8. Ok then, a cheapie (one of THE cheapest) and an expensive one that both sum the whole damn thing up for me: Spyder Turner - I Can't Make It Anymore Eddie Parker I'm Gone oh yeah, and Mickey Mouse Concerto... ...Ouch - Only kidding. Those things hurt!! Stop it!! I surrender!! Godz
  9. The slowed down version definately gots spins at Wigan as Luther Ingram. I had an acetate of Eddie Parker - I'm Gone (which caused a bit of a stir - but that's another story!) and it had Star Oddysey by Luther Ingram Orchestra on the flip. Pretty sure it was RS that played it too. Only lasted about three weeks or so if memeory serves. Godz
  10. The album I've always seen it on is a Trip album titled something like "16 Great Hits". If you look around you can pick it up for $10 / $20 or so. Before I got the album I bought a cheap Greatest Hits CD that had Love Slips... on it. It sounded like it had been recorded off granny's radiogramme from a mic in her coal shed. Godz
  11. Good job I'm a f*ckwit then
  12. Not guilty. and less of the lizard comments. G
  13. What!!! You mean people are posting here under psuedonisms? I think that people should be following my example here and be proud of who they are. Yours in honesty, Godzilla
  14. Spot on Trevski. Just tried again and it's sorted. They don't play automatically but I'd rather have to click once that listen to that cacophony again! Nice one mate Godz ps do they still have "Mala Carpets" in York? Maybe we could start a thread about soulful businesses, if it hasn't been done already.
  15. OOPS You said Browser, not OS I'm on Explorer for Mac right now but I also use Safari when I'm feeling particularly anti-Micro$oft Godz
  16. Thanks for the reply Mike. You're right I use a mac and I'm running OSX (panther). I'll have a look in prefs to see if it's something at my end that can be altered. Cheers, Godz
  17. I just went to the thread where Pete Smith posted some sound files. After a few secs the first track started playing automatically. Followed shortly by the second Then the third Bear in mind the first one hasn't finished yet... Track four and then track five starts... ...do you get the picture. Thought I was going mad until I realised what was happening. 1) Why 2) How do I stop it? Cheers, Godz
  18. Smoke!!! That's nothing. Try swapping shoes with me for a day. I don't know, you accidently burn down one old Northern dancehall with your firey breath and everyone's got it in for you. Discrimination I calls it Godz
  19. Space - Magic Fly? If it is it's a top disco tune!! Godz
  20. Come on then, Mark - out with it Godz
  21. Cheers Trevski. I sold one earlier this year on eBay and got £100 for it but I thought that was a bit of a fluke. Got another one on the way and wondered what was a more realistic price. Not really my type of tune to be honest but it may come in handy for a trade. Ta muchos, Godz
  22. Do either of the new price guides list Johnny Nash - Some of Your Lovin' on ABC? If so what's the price - and what's the price in real world too? Cheers peeps, Godz
  23. Me too. Just got back from Monster Island visiting Old Ma Godzilla and came back to find this. Can't believe that one of the most consistantly entertaining forum members feels he has to leave here for merely expressing an opinion. We live in an imperfect world and I think it's refreshing to hear someone admit that they don't continually wear sackcloth and ashes because someone, somewhere is not getting what they are entitled to ( I have to say in fairness that I appreciate the fact that some campaign to set this right as well though...). I should hope that people on this forum should feel comfortable in challenging each others opinions without being made to feel like the Antichrist. Mind you I would have thought that Pete's shoulders were broad enough to take a bit of flack. For what it's worth I hope you come back mate. Godz Come back mate
  24. To paraphrase Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon: "If you concentrate too hard on the end of the finger you miss the glory of what it's pointing at" Godz The lyrical lizzard
  25. To be fair, Tony, you'd have to be a bit odd to say I'm gonna sit down and write a Rare Soul tune as well don't you think? It's just a name really. I think we have to just accept that there was some crap amongst the gold in the past. You can't change your history Godz

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