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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I thought the vocal was different Steve - must be memory playing tricks on me again. Anybody got a sound file?
  2. How rare did the Chip Tyler version turn out to be? Not heard it for many, many years and would like to give it a listen again. Godz
  3. Good point Ernie, I remember copies of Matt Lucas - You Better Go-Go coming over in the mid to late 70's that were allegedly US boots done for the flip side. Godz
  4. Hey Ian, Shouldn't that be "From" you rather than "off" you? Just a thought. Godz c/o Yorkshire Grammar Watch Ltd
  5. without opening the whole Black / White soul singer debate, Benny Troy is an interesting choice... Benny in action Godz
  6. Serves you right for suggesting I was unemployable you cheeky get oops, boss is here - better scarper Godz
  7. Exactly. Instrumental being the key word. All the melody is carried by the instruments and the bit of backing just augments the (essentially) instrumental tune. I'm gonna print this out and send it to Wardy. Unless anyone disagrees in which case I'll edit it and just send the bits that prove my point Godz
  8. Just a test to see if you would respond Christian But "Ton of Dynamite" - it's instrumental! I used to have this arguement constantly with my old pal Wardy. I don't reckon some shouting over a record constitutes a vocal. If it does that would make all those Ramsey Lewis cuts with hoots of appreciation vocals too, don't you think? Broadway Sissy was always the one that got us rowing when we were in our cups Godz
  9. Favourite Male / Female Singer? Marilyn? Divine? Dana International? Nadia? Oh, hang on Male/Female SOUL singer... ,,,Not sure i can think of any of them Godz
  10. just checked out the Lorraine Chandler biog bit to see if there was any mention of the "September Jones is really Lorraine Chandler" rumour that went round a few years ago. Does anyone know who SJ is? I can see why the rumour started as there are some vocal similarities as well as the Pied piper connection. Any info peeps? recordings apart from the Kapp one etc? Cheers, Godz
  11. Good one! Angel Dust springs to mind as well
  12. Not as good as "We Almost Lost Detroit" in my book" though Johnny. Godz
  13. Did Pete Smith make these? heh heh heh...
  14. Some great stuff there Christian. Just needs a few Blue Eyed stompers and instrumentals to give it a bit of balance eh? Godz
  15. Nah, it just says "elemental force of nature - particularly troublesome to residents of far East and dodgy silver faced aliens" The hours are long and the pay's rubbish - but talk about job satisfaction Godz
  16. Yeah but my boss is gonna be suspicious when he finds out I've actually been doing some work this week Godz
  17. well my daily paper is the Guardian and they'll print ANYTHING! It must have been like getting it on a plate when the song "Britain is Sh*t" by the splendidly named "Selfish C*nt' came out My answer to the filter problem would be to adopt the old secret gay language, Polari. Imagine seeing the old crowds at Wigan described as: Chickens and Palonis in their Hoofing Batts and Quarter Dacha inch Kaffies with their Shush Bags on their Pallias, off their eeks on Doob Translation: Young boys and girls in their dancing shoes and 40 inch trousers with their holdalls on their backs, off their faces on amphetamine pills. Do you think it could catch on? Godz
  18. Yeah, got one on Atlantic first and just got the Octavia copy recently. As you say Grass is Greener is a fantastic deep cut. Thanks for that Chalky. Anybody got views on the others? Should have said that Wake up Wiser is same as Bettye Swann but I think Chuck Borris version tops it. Godz
  19. Cheers, Pikester! G
  20. Just managed to hear this (thanks for the help Mike!) Top version. I've had the Betty Everett version for ages on both Fantasy and UK Liberty. Have to say that this version beats it though. Great arrangement and a superb vocal. What does the album go for? Godz
  21. Ok, talking of tunes that you don't hear out - here's a few. No p*ss taking now. I'm not saying that any of these are unknown. I don't get out to Soul Nights these days so they may well be played to death, cheap, derided as rubbish etc So, making no claims, just would like to know if any of this lot ever get played out. Chuck Borris - You'll Wake Up Wiser - Enterprise Collection and the Civics - I'll Be There - Soultrain Crossfire - Take Me Back - Virtue Keanya Collins - It Ain't No Secret - Blue Rock David and the Giants - Super Good Feeling - Fame Frank D'rone - -Think I Will - Cadet Five Special - The More I Get To Know You - TEAL Jimmy George - Aint It Something - Viva Lovelites - When I Get Scared - Phi-Dan Deans Lucas - Cry It Out Baby - Hill Little Rock Brotherhood - Girl Watching On Broadway Avenue - Ref-O-Ree Lenny O' Henry - Cheated Heart - ABC Rainbows - It Wouldn't Be Right - Dave Benny Troy and The Maze - I Don't Know You Anymore - 20th Century Ella Washington - Bye Bye Baby - Octavia Cheers, Godz
  22. Great tune Mischief. I always wondered the same. Godz
  23. I remember when all that UK Brunswick Northern Soul stuff came out and looking at them in my local shop and thinking "oh they've made the labels red now" without realising they were Demos. Not the end of the world, I know, but still a bit of a "DOH!" situation. Godz
  24. I'd have carried on dozing... Godz
  25. I'd be in favour of a shortened version. Shorter the better in fact

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