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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Should just clarify: We're both off to the theatre but I want to go hunting while Mrs G hunts for Mac stuff. Also just been told by Mrs G that she objects to being known as Mrs Godzilla. Not sure what little Minya would feel about that Seriously, cheers everyone for any tips. Will print them off before leaving home tomorrow Godz
  2. Cheers Sweeney - - - Sweeney!! - London! Oh my God it's all true!!!!!! Godz
  3. Nope - that's a film not a play. Off to see part one of "His Dark Materials" - Philip Pullman. Mind you, if any body fancies doing a theatrical version me and Mrs G can give advice on underwater breathing and surviving for millions of years without detection Godz
  4. I'm off to London to the theatre tomorrow (Weds) and will be there till lunchtime Thursday. Mrs Godz is off to the Apple Store on Regent Street to look for an iPod Shuffle and other gadgets. Are there any record shops nearby that are worth a look in. Anywhere that sells second hand soul and funk or new release funk stuff (Daptone etc) would be fine. Cheers now, Godz
  5. Tee Hee Hee While I would never dispute people's right to enjoy whatever the want (Music-wise that is ) I have to say that old Rufus always sounded like a dodgy Elvis impersonator. Each to his own though... Godz
  6. Oh Yeah, I think it was the CBS sampler "Rock Machine I Love You" . Godz
  7. I remember seeing this at Wigan!! Pretty rough job as well if memory serves. I think one of the Brackenridge twins from Mr M's bought it from that youth. Godz ps I stoped buying copies of the Rufus Lumley LP as I couldn't shift them for a tenner. Something to do with it being a dramatic pop record rather than soul I supposed
  8. Also got a US release which is pretty easy to pick up. I think the other side "sweet happiness" got played a bit at the time, probably cos it sounds a bit more 60sish. "Everything" got booted on a crossover CD that you see now and again. Godz
  9. Are you absolutely sure on this EA? Four below zero definately sound black to me. Have you got some line up info? Cheers, Godz
  10. So who's forehead does the advertising go on? 1) A real person he found 2) A legal reproduction of a person he once met 3) A person that looks like the teenager but has just been officially licenced from the mum and dad of the real one 5) A box full of this person recently found in a warehouse Add your own ............... Godz
  11. Back to the "Mad For It" bit of the thread. Here's how my mates were warding off the cold winter months a couple of years ago. It's supposed to be tongue in cheek as you can tell by the lyrics but to be honest, when you heard it live it was an absolute monster. Sorry, but I wouldn't bother downloading unless you have broadband as it's pretty big (MP3) file. Ladies and Gentlemen - I give you - THE MAD CYRILS: Godz
  12. Spose you mean the Radio Staion Cd not my "Original Organ Solo by a Seven Week Old Kitten" I'll get me flea collar Godz
  13. Good job he fell for that bogus info about the red 'A' making it an original eh Trevski? Godz
  14. Ahh, here we are: Godz
  15. Couldn't read the tracklisting very well but 22 - 27 look a bit familiar Does it say Kiddin' on the Keys? Might have something here, hang on a few secs while I have a look...
  16. I'm not disagreeing with you here, Chalky. Entertain yes - including playing different stuff - but you will have seen and heard that phrase as many times as I have. Maybe it's just lazyness, you know, people just repeating what they've heard others say without really forming their own opinion. Or maybe some folks really do have that inflated idea of their own worth - it's a night out for Christs sake. Godz
  17. I'm glad someone said this Winnie. If there's one phrase that does my napper in it's when DJs say "It's a DJs job to educate" Talk about fcuking arrogance! I host a local funk night and I play lots of stuff the people who attend don't know. I just see it as playing some stuff that they might like to have a dance to. Likewise, when I go to a Northern Soul event it's in the hope of hearing something that's new to me and that I may like. This doesn't make me some kind of fcukwit that's in need of education It's the air of superiority implicit in the wording of that damn phrase that gets my goat. And it's one that I hear and read continuously on this scene. OK - Rant over Godz XXX
  18. Clarence Jackson - If it Don't Fit, Don't Force It... ...See Ya Godz
  19. Second that request for a soundfile!! Noticed it's got a Brian Bennet arrangement. Bennet did some top funky Library type stuff in the early 70s, so it might not even be as daft as it sounds. Did I ever tell you the story about Roy Barraclough making a pass at me in the bar of Oldham Repertory Theatre... One for another time maybe
  20. Fair enough. I guess it's a coincidence that the seller's id is htfr123 and he's based in Birmingham. HTFR is also the initials of Hard To Find Records who are based in ... ...Birmingham HTFR have been dealing vinyl for over 15 years and as well as House, Techno etc sell Soul, Funk and Disco. If they are one and the same you would expect that they may have heard a whisper about boots by now. And I never got a reply to my polite email asking if it was deffo an original. And the items are still up there. Still benefit of the doubt etc Godz
  21. Well, sorry but I couldn't just sit there once there were bids. I emailed the seller to ask if he was sure the record was a first press. No reply so I emailed the guy who was bidding on Tamala Lewis and Billy Arnell. He thanked me for the tip and told me that I was the fifth person today to contact him. Doesn't seem to have withdrawn his bids though Godz
  22. Another one of those Ritz 12"ers just sprang to mind: Cleveland Eton - Bama Boogie Woogie The UK 12 was on Gull and (I think) Ovation in US. The tune was a bit like a mixture of Peoples Choice's Do It Any Way You Wanna and Brass Costruction's Movin' from what I remember. I think Cleveland played bass on Ramsay Lewis's Wade In The Water as well. Godz Not gonna get told off again like when I mentioned reggae am I?
  23. Two Hearts Are Better Than One - Cotillion SD 5223 1980 There were shedloads of cut out copies round our neck of the woods a few years ago. That's the trouble with CDs - the chazza shops think records are old hat now and a lot of them chuck 'em straight in the bin. I went to get some cash out of an ATM last year and returned to my local Scope shop shop just as they were binning a load of 45s - I got about £120 worth of funk 45s from under the partially complete jigsaws and stuff. The nice old lady inside told me they'd thrown around a dozen boxes of singles and albums the previous week There was an issue of Dennis Coffey's "Theme from Black Belt Jones" in the lot I got so lord knows what they threw away Godz
  24. I think that sometimes the Ritz alldayers used to try to push things even further than the Mecca. Off the top of my head I remember these all getting played - probably not all on 12" though: Weather Report - River People Donna Summer - I feel Love Village People - San Francisco (You Got Me ) Earth Wind and Fire - Biyo Eddie Henderson - Say You Will Parliament - Give Up The Funk (Tear the Roof of the Sucker) Lalo Schiffrin - Jaws and summatt by Love and Kisses ...I think... Godz ps - Wendy - I'll PM you later this afternoon Godz

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