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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. That's Lonnie Lester on Nu Tone. Godz (back on forum after a few weeks enforced hibernation!)
  2. Also managed to delete my original post due to drunken geniusness. here's what I said though: Unlikely to be from the 60's I think. DCT recorders on Hollywood Boulevard did all of Sousan's 70's acetates. I used to have the Detroit Symphony "I Have Faith In You" instrumental with an inst version of "I Hurt On The Other Side" credited to Sidney Barnes Orchestra on the flip which was on DCT. I've also seen some of those so called Mirwood Strings tunes (which were backing tracks with synth strings added) on DCT acetates. I assume they were given to DJs prior to the Soul Fox releases. So an interesting artifact but no real rarity value I reckon. Godz
  3. yeah, they're all original Soul issues but with bootleg eddie foster labels stuck on them to give them more credibility Godz Or was that DCT - see other thread...
  4. You're not gonna get £30 for Warm Excursion either - there's been loads on eBay recently. I just got one for $20. Wouldn't mind the Harlem Train though. Fancy a deal that would include The Wailers - Lonesome Track on Ska Beat? PM me if interested Pete. Cheers Godz
  5. Just realised you said over to the experts. Not one so maybe shouldn't have answered. however i must admit I was intrigued to hear you were from Newton Aycliffe. I always thought you were from Ireland and in some sort of rock band. And dead. Soz mate. Bet you get that all the time. no offence intended godz
  6. Cheers guys. was it reissued just to satisfy demand from UK? Godz
  7. I found a box of records in a cupboard today - mostly reissues and cheap stuff but a couple of them made me want a bit more info. I have Elvin Spencer on ES Cozy. Is this the same as the Twinight version or the Winner one? And what's with ES Cozy - is this a boot or a legal reissue? In the same box was Bill Spoon - Love is on the Way on Hense Forth. Again, is this the same recording as the Highland issue and is it legit? Finally, if these are legal, why were they reissued? As always, in info gratefully received Godz
  8. I really should engage my head brain instead of relying on that little on half way up my spiny back shouldn't I? OK gash, you win on points. But I still have the moral high ground Godz
  9. Can't wait to tell my pals I'm a Southerner Godz
  10. fit like the day Gaz.Still oot here min we mi beelz freezin aff mi dinger hori feckin zontal sna an 80 mileanoor wins bla'n a hoolie gadgie. should b hame on Mundi.Lookin a iffy maybe for Saterdi hiv ye bookit up fir Butch,s hotel? and fit abot gan tae Papa Gallos fir tatties fir a chenge. Hiz onaybiddy else asked tae got fir spudz we iz on Saterdi Fits new wi ye since Ive been awa min. let me ken gadgie cov The Gashe link
  11. Can any kind soul help with a sound file of this tune. MP3 preferably as I sometimes have bother with real audio. And while I'm asking, what does this go for these days? Anyone flogging one? Cheers peeps, Godz
  12. I probably over reacted a bit cos I come across all kinds of prejudice all the time in my job. Think my PC-ometer kicks in a bit too fast these days If there's one thing I can't stand it's discrimination. And fcuking scottsmen Godz
  13. Snake Davis used to do a lovely version when he had his proper trio with the incomparable John Ellis on hammond. It was in the days before he started pandering to the Northern crowd and ditched all the soulful jazz numbers. ...Ducks for cover forthwith Godz
  14. He also did something called "You're Gonna Make Me Love You" which came out on Okeh and has had the odd play Godz
  15. Just a quick update as I know a few people on this site are interested in what this individual gets up to: He wrote to me asking for my address so that he could send cash for his win. I replied pointing out that the listing clearly stated that all none UK buyers could only pay by paypal and that as he was no longer registered with eBay and couldn't comply with payment instructions, I had asked for a final value credit. Here's what he said: no problems you receve negative feedback stupid guy Well he'll find that difficult what with being unregistered and the item being now invalid. True what they say about a leopard never changing its socks though Anyway, before I blocked his email address I told him that I had published his new address and that it had created a lot of interest Godz
  16. Should also say I'm doubly embarressed about being a bit obtuse as "I'd Like To Get Near you" is one of my all time faves Contrite Godz
  17. Crikey I wish I'd never opened my Keyboard. Didn't want to do this in public in case I got accused of being homophobic (which I'm not). My post wasn't about Mr Caiton but in reply to Gash's sausage comment - I thought he was referring to his own slightly dodgy comment when he said "If anyone will let that one go". as for my reply. Errr.... Put it this way. The sausages for sale where I live would be of little interest to anyone of ANY sexual proclivity... ...Theyre too soft AAAARRRGGGHHHH....Godz
  18. I'm from Monster Island, me Godz
  19. Rob Lythall? He used to get his done in Blackpool by the same guy that did mine. I packed in after someone who should remain nameless was a bit upset at me having Eddie Parker - I'm gone for sale. I decided to pack it in and stick to vinyl from then on Godz
  20. Hi Daniboy. If you haven't done so already, check out: www.funk45.com Loads of clips of fantastic funk tunes. They're all in pretty ropey Real Audio but you get a pretty good idea of what they sound like and it'll give you plenty of ideas on what to look for on eBay. You won't get the monster stuff like Salt or 3rd Guitar without paying through the nose but there's tons of stuff in funk45 that you can pick up really cheaply on the Bay (just for Pete s ) or in set sales. And if you're anywhere near Scarborough tomorrow night (Sat 19th) and fancy a bit of funk and old school Hip Hop come to Critical Beatdown at Vivas, Huntriss Row. Oh yeah, listen to reggae as well Cheers, Godz
  21. Only cos it's peurile and doesn't acualy make any sense. Pm me for explanation if ya dare! Godz
  22. Dunno Pete I used to really like Los Lobos when they were doing stuff like "Will the Wolf Survive" and all that. Sounds like they lost the Tex/Mex edge and have gone a bit mainstram US rock now - even if they are Thee midnighters fans. Godz
  23. We must know each other! Godz
  24. People who make massive, ignorant, intolerant generalisations for a start. Substitute 'yanks' for one of your slang terms for black people and re-read the sentence. Then have a think Oh, and constant uppercase Godz
  25. A funny thing happened on eBay the other day. I had a few things up including an obscure popcorn type thing. The winner had a feedback rating of zero (no transactions, registered in February) but, I thought to myself, everyone has to start somewhere. The item ended on Monday but when I checked back today I noticed the buyer was no longer a registered user. I then checked back and looked at a request for total he had sent yesterday and guess what I found: I would like to have the item sent to the address below: salamone joe 10 cite reine astrid maurage-belgique, default 7110 Belgium Looks like someone at eBay got wise and threw him off. Reason I'm posting is in case this is a new address - and anyone is still planning to pay him a friendly visit. Godz

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