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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Picture the scene: I'm 15 years old and have been three times to Wigan Casino. I'm trying to recover one Sunday evening, during which I've had to do the obligatory trip to Granny's house. I'm feeling pretty spaced to say the least and then all of a sudden I hear "Put Your Arms Around me" coming out of the telly - sung by a women wearing a long frilly dress and bonnet, holding an ornate parasol - it's "The Good Old Days"!!!!!!! Talk about culture shock Godz
  2. Haven't we done this before? Actually it may have been on the funk 45 forum. Either way I remember someone posting a link to this set of beauties! https://www.spanner.co.uk/comedybands.html Ring any bells? Godz
  3. Things have changed a bit. If you know where to go there are flush loos Just near the stage where you catch people like Terry Callier for your soul content too Godz
  4. Blimey!!!!!! I have one of those big red books. And here's a quote that always intrigued me: THIS IS NORTHERN SOUL (Various Artists) Note: Includes Tony Middleton, Al Williams, Eddie Holman etc. If anyone has a copy of this for sale please contact Pete at Music master and name your price! Album GRAPEVINE (N Soul) 80/ GRAL 1002 Did you ever get one Pete Godz
  5. Sounds like you've never been, Bigsoulman. Admittedly, there have been years when it's a wash out - but there have only been three really muddy years since I started going in 1989 - it's just that people remember those images more Not a bad average for an outdoor festival in Britain really. As for standing in all that nice stuff you mentioned, well that's another fallacy I'm afraid. You have to consider that for almost a week the site contains a population roughly the same as a town like Bristol. On that basis, a dozen or so arrests each day for (usually) minor offences is pretty good going. This is partly because although there are loads of people in various different types of intoxication, there's no 'licensing hours' in operation as such, and consequently no rush to throw as much ale down ones neck in as short a time as possible. The other major factor is, of course, the magical, positive vibe which just infuses the whole festival. Given the choice of wandering around my home town of Scarborough at four a.m. in a slightly beffudled state or doing in at Glastonbury I know where I would feel safer Best atmosphere I have ever experienced. And I haven't even mentioned the music Godz
  6. This is what I mean about not counting instrumentals. Astral Trip is a great tune (in a kind of action / adventure theme sort of way) but just has nothing to do with Soul music. Godz
  7. Samantha Jones - Ray of Sunshite I don't think you should allow instrumentals in this thread cos it makes it too easy (Dizzy, Witchunt, all the Sousan stuff etc). Sure will be interesting to see who dare admit their Guilty Pleasures though. I was going to start with Present - "Many's the Slip" but I still have a huge soft spot for that tune. Godz
  8. Well I can hear about four notes on a bass. Obviously another case of Mac superiority Godz
  9. Didn't seem to work with The Streak though, did it Dave? Actually, I feel a bit let down. I expected replies along the lines of "I'd be on to it like a flash" and "Bare faced cheek" etc etc. Ah well. Godz
  10. I get about a second of the tune. Godz
  11. How about giving a rough idea of the sort of stuff that's on the list Phil? And if someone is putting all the stuff onto CD for you couldn't they slap 'em on as MP3s? That way you should be able to get all the tunes and scans on one CD. Just a thought Godz
  12. Another one of those "If I put Northern Soul at the begining of the description I'm BOUND to sell it" type thingies https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...4713094848&rd=1 Godz
  13. oops - fair enough Gav. I wouldn't dream of having a go at anyone who was genuinely dyslexic or had never learned to write properly. It was just meant to be gentle fun. Let's concentrate on those who refuse to use lower case then Godz
  14. Exactly!! - Ban me! Ban me!!! Godz
  15. Every now and again we get a call for a particular person/topic/viewpoint to be banned from the board. What's your personal favourite? it could be something that you strongly agree/disagree with or something that just winds you up or makes you laugh when you see it. Here's my starter BANN PEOPLE WHO ALWAYS WRIGHT IN CAPITOLS AND CARNT SPEL Any more...? Godz
  16. Just sent you a PM mate Godz
  17. Cheers JT. Just gave that a go but it's still the same. The feller who's mending the roof reckons we need a go with his blow torch. I'll let you know... Godz
  18. Yes, that's exactly what just happened - the first bit that is, not the "leave it as is' bit. Well, that was fun. Now, where have I put those Bell Sound jobbies Godz
  19. Mrs G is NEVER gonna believe this is a discusion about records Just tried it though and it seems to have nicely spread the white stuff around more of the edge...
  20. Flippin 'eck!!! Not sure if Anita Harris is worth the trouble Cheers for the info though - never get bored of stuff like that. Getting close to soap and water deadline I reckon... Godz
  21. Cheers Hippo, I actually have a bowl of warm water at the ready but was waiting in case anyone said "For God's sake no washing up liquid" If no more suggestions in next 10 mins I'll give it a bash Godz
  22. I've got an acetate that I'm going to list next time I put some stuff on eBay - a 70's pop one, not rare soul so no need to get excited Thing is it looks like it's 'gone off' - it's covered in white stuff that looks like mould. Doesn't affect the play surface but it sure looks ugly! I'm aware that ispropyl is to be avoided but wondered if anyone has any tips on cleaning acetates safely. Thanks in advance Godz
  23. Blimey!!! Just got back and decided to have a look if anybody had replied to my post and found all this stuff Think I'd better make my point clear. The title of this post was supposed to be a bit tongue in cheek and I knew JT would not be able to resist steaming in. He's got broad shoulders though and I think this thread shows he can take it as well as give it out. To be honest I'm often amused at James' posts but think he does go off a bit half cocked sometimes - and I'd be a liar if I didn't say that I thought his message on the funk45 message board struck me as a bit of an attempt to ingratiate himself with his critics on there by having a pop at an easy stereotypical target (ie all Northern Soul collectors are narrow minded and unsophisticated) Thing is I'm now faced with people slagging off the funk scene - which is the last thing I wanted. What do you think I was doing on that board in the first place? Can we have nice cuddly peace back now please Godz
  24. Some people are just determined to ensure they have no friends. https://www.fryer-mantis.co.uk/modules.php?...iewtopic&t=2738 Godz

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