Sounds like you've never been, Bigsoulman. Admittedly, there have been years when it's a wash out - but there have only been three really muddy years since I started going in 1989 - it's just that people remember those images more Not a bad average for an outdoor festival in Britain really.
As for standing in all that nice stuff you mentioned, well that's another fallacy I'm afraid. You have to consider that for almost a week the site contains a population roughly the same as a town like Bristol. On that basis, a dozen or so arrests each day for (usually) minor offences is pretty good going. This is partly because although there are loads of people in various different types of intoxication, there's no 'licensing hours' in operation as such, and consequently no rush to throw as much ale down ones neck in as short a time as possible. The other major factor is, of course, the magical, positive vibe which just infuses the whole festival. Given the choice of wandering around my home town of Scarborough at four a.m. in a slightly beffudled state or doing in at Glastonbury I know where I would feel safer
Best atmosphere I have ever experienced. And I haven't even mentioned the music