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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5763923654&rd=1 Now that's what I call a sound system Godz
  2. If you'd checked my early posts on this forum you'd know that I sometimes use Gojira. I just keep it simple for the good folk on here Anyway, I've destroyed Tokyo more times than Goldmine pay royalties. What more do you want mate? Godz
  3. Just remembered - It was Carolines at first, then Nocturne
  4. What about Nocturne - also in Manchester. Changed it's name to something else. Tuesday night soul sessions with Richard S. Two great big pillars in the middle of the dancefloor. I used to borrow records off Richard and give them back to him at Wigan on the Saturday. Godz
  5. Never made a secret of it Pete. Anyway I'm sure I PM'd you with my real name when you chucked your dummy out and threatened to leave the list Bernard Manning eh? Are you referring to my Mancunian roots or slightly bulging midriff looks like it's back to the Scarsdale diet for me then Godz
  6. Cheers Jock - I'll probably stick it on with my next lot. Godz
  7. Anyway it's Minya not Godzuki - you cartoon watcher! Forget the arse thread - it's bollocks Godz
  8. Already corrected myself on this one Chalky Godz
  9. Watch the films, Stu - I always win Seriously, though, I spend enough time time on here as it is - although it will be a bit less as of next week as I've got the OK to go back to work from my GP. Thing is, I like it on here because it's informative AND fun - not too much like going back to school mind you, that arse thread got on my nerves a bit - I expect a higher level of wit out of you lot Godz
  10. Who are you calling Proto? Godz
  11. I found one of these with "Con Me" on the flip in the Cupboard of Doom at the top of the stairs. Not sure if it's of interest to anyone on here with it being a ballad, but if it is drop me a PM. Or email: gillnpaul@yahoo.com Godz
  12. Timi Yuro - Can't Stop Running Away - Mercury MF 859 UK Issue. Going rate anyone? Record Collector says £35 so is that about right / under / over? And while I'm at it - are there still people who only collect British issues of soul stuff? I remember that for a while Wigan was full of the blighters - or maybe it was just the people who I was hanging around with at that time. I steadfastly refused to buy anything on a UK label for quite some time just to be cross awkward with my pals. errr - strayed from the point a bit there - wot's Timi worth then? Cheers, Godz
  13. The tune is Sukiyaki by Kyu Sakamoto - a No 6 chart hit on HMV in the UK. 1963. Godz
  14. Mrs G is just sharpening her dorsal spines. I think she may be popping over for a word, Baz Godz
  15. Sorry - must have been getting it mixed up with one of the old Levine ones - no insult intended. However if my intro said "Born in the Cretaceous period, first film appearance 1954, seen as a cypher for the United States use of Atomic Weapons against Japan, main hobies - levelling cities and fighting other improbably large beasts" would they let me in? Godz
  16. Yeah but don't you have to get "a scene member of some standing" or something like that to say that you are a righteous person and worthy of becoming a member? That's me fcuked right from the start then Godz
  17. It may be people who are interested in the whole thing but can't be bothered to post. I regularly read the funk 45 forum but wouldn't dream of joining because it's ultra cliquey (if that'a word) and most of them seem to be twats. Godz
  18. I've had two yellow copies and they both sounded like they were recorded under water. Are the blue ones any different or is it just the recording itself that's a bit wobbly? Godz
  19. Maggie Reilly I think Gash. As I said - good luck though - wasn't p*ss taking (this time ) Got another Anchor sleeve if you want it though - yours for £50 Godz
  20. Well you've got to try haven't you - besides, I need to get some dosh in my Paypal account as I've been let down somewhat and I need to pay for some none eBay stuff. Anyway, some end in a couple of days but there's loads of cheap stuff (and some outragiously priced common stuff ) that's just gone up today https://search.ebay.com/_W0QQfrppZ100QQfsoo...sassZpapalazaru That should get you there - no laughing now... Godz
  21. Good luck with that one Gash. I put one on eBay the other week and it went for about £20 despite loads of people looking at it. I found a copy with the first google search I did, so I don't think it's that rare. Anyway they were a rock band with a scottish lead singer weren't they? Should be easier to pick up in your neck of the woods then Godz
  22. Gordon Brown - The Economy (Lee Mitchell)
  23. I bought three really cheap items from Hong Kong this week. They all cost around a couple of dollars each but the postage was 7 dollars on each item. I stupidly assumed that there would be a discount for combined shipping and I emailed the seller asking for a recalculated total. He quoted me $18.50 shipping - a discount of $1.50 I suppose the lesson is always ask before you buy. Godz
  24. Have to disagree here mate. I happily pay the paypal fees as it saves me time going to the bank a couple of times a week and changing foreign cash at the post office etc. Also you are much more likely to get immediate payment from someone with a paypal account. It's a godsend to sellers

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