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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Made that plain in my note to eBay Mark Have to wait till morning now to see what occurs. Nighty night. Godz
  2. Won't it just get pulled? If I contact the bidders to tell them it's probably dodgy, it could be argued that I'm trying to sabotage his auction without proof of anything iffy. If it does get pulled I've probably done 'em a favour anyway Godz
  3. Mind you it usually takes eBay a while to act on anything so it could be an interesting excercise Godz
  4. oops. Might be too late. I just dobbed him Godz
  5. Ahh Pottsy, But is the record you've been offered authenticity? Godz
  6. Universals Harry Deal and Galaxies or my old mukka Gammera by The Moons Godz
  7. ..so I said "no, you misunderstand my question. I asked about stamps / writing in the vinyl to determine its authenticity. ...so he says Hello, yes,the record's are authenticity. Hmmmmm Godz
  8. I just wrote to the seller and asked a straight forward question about stamps / writing in the run out groove. Thought it might give a clue if he has the item or not. Here's his reply: Hello, The price i will ask for it it's 1900USD.If you are ready to buy it,i will need to know all your full details,like your full name and your full address,so we can close the transaction.The transaction will be close using eBay Purchase Protection,and eBay will insured it,all the shipping cost i will pay for it,and will be made using FedEx service,and will take max. 2 working days,and the shipping will be insured.If you are ready to buy it,just mail me all the info i need and we will start this purchase, Thank you, Bargepole? Godz
  9. Ahh, another winner then Cheers, Daz - I'll relegate it to the cupboard of doom then. Godz
  10. Just bumping this up as it's had 70+ views but no replies. Anyone familiar with this?? Might appeal to those who like the Intentions 45 on Up Tight discussed last week. Thanks in advance Godz and don't you start again Pete...
  11. Here it isn't then Godz
  12. First Bernard Manning, then this. Have I upset you or something, Pete?
  13. Through the letter box today came: The Debuts - If I Cry - Scudder New to me. Sort of Blue Eyed / Beach with horns type number, a bit like the Tempests to my ears. Is this known, ever played, worth anything etc? Cheers, Godz
  14. Does Audacity have a button called "convert moody to chirpy" then? Godz
  15. Don't think so Ken, Here's a pic of Samantha Jones. As for Mary Millington, funny thing is I can't remember her face really...
  16. Well Dang Mah Poons!! Boy, Ah say, Boy. Godz
  17. Maybe someone should bootleg some of those Goldmine 45s then Godz
  18. Short clip below. https://www.tru-thoughts.co.uk/clips/Alice%...t%20Calling.mp3 I think that this is on Alice's solo LP as well the Quantic album "Apricot Morning" For the more adventurous Quantic is well worh checking out. His albums are a mix of soul, funk, latin, Jazz, dub and downtempo electronica. As well as Alice Russel he also uses the incredible Spanky Wilson as a guest vocalist (but she's American so not counted in this topic ) More info on Alice here: https://www.tru-thoughts.co.uk/?page=record...ease.html&id=95 You really need to see her live though. Last time I saw her with Quantic Soul Orchestra she had an audience that ranged in age from about 15 to 60 in the palm of her hand. Joss Stone doesn't hold a candle. Godz
  19. Alice Russell. Can't think of anybody in Britain who can compare at present. Godz
  20. Was anybody at Carolines the night that Dave and Rod had got a load of 45s that Granada studios were getting rid of? Almost all demos, row after row of Cameo Parkway, Stateside, etc. Shane Martin demo, Lynne Randell demo etc etc etc. Engrained in my memory Godz
  21. And when we gor 'ome, mam and dad would slice us in two wi' bread knife. And you try to tell that to these youngsters of today... ...and they don't believe you Godz
  22. Well mine came off Oldham Market (which used to be a proper goldmine) and I left there in 1984 and had more or less stopped collecting by then so I must have picked it up around 80-82. Who really knows who found what first eh? Godz
  23. Cheers mate Godz
  24. I used to know a guy called Dave Stubbs who collected only British and he had those little glossy fold out sheets that went out to all record shops detailing that weeks new releases. He had them going back to the mid 60s - when he first got into collecting - and he used to show them to our gang. He'd say stuff like "this week there was a Doris Troy single on Cameo Parkway, I knew her and I liked the label so I ordered it" Stubsy bought all this Northern stuff as new releases before the DJs had started playing them. But back to the point - does anyone on this forum still collect / know about British stuff? Godz
  25. What's the deal with JM's auctions - I assume he takes a percentage? Anybody willing to let me know how much? PM if info is too sensitive Godz

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