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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Hasn't one of them got something really good on it? Brain's saying Hytones "Bigger and Better" maybe - could be wrong though. Godz
  2. I remember seeing in a soul fanzine ages ago (can't remember which) a drawing of how to mend a cracked 45. The recommendation was to cut about two inches off a plastic ruler - the pic showed one of those with a bevelled ridge down the center - and glue it to the B side. Never understood why a ruler. Surely an apple or a small dog would have been about as effective. Sorry - not much help this really is it? Godz
  3. 1976 - 70's Rock group Babe Ruth played on Soul scene 2005 - 70's Rock group Cado Belle played on Soul scene We've come a long way Godz
  4. ok fair enough. You're right - it's a rubbish game. Godz
  5. Ok here's something to stave off the boredom. Top Trumps DJ style A mate of mine was bragging about spending a year in Leeds living down the road from Andrew Weatherall so I was wondering who else lives near famous DJs I think you should add points for fame but deduct for lack of soul. And no being big headed and saying "Me - I live here" unless people outside of this forum have heard of you. ...err and some other stuff - you can tell I haven't really thought this through... so feel free to make up more rules. I'll start the ball rolling with Jimmy Saville - he has a home here and his mum lived here until her death the other year minus 5 points cos he aint really a soul jock Plus 10 points for inventing twin decks Anyone else want to play? Godz
  6. Tell him I'll give him £40 Only kidding, cheers Dave. I'd ask if anyone else had one to sell but then Mike would chuck this post down into the Wants section Godz
  7. Did it actually sell at that price, Dave? And can you remember who had it? PM me if you want. Cheers mate, Godz
  8. Now that most people seem to be saying that instrumentals are passe, how much do you reckon a copy of "Hold On, Help Is On The Way" should cost me? I'd have thought £40 ish - am I far out? Cheers Godz
  9. Too right Seriously though, I think eBay's attitude is really crap. The reply reads to me as though their main concern is that transactions don't take place outside of eBay - thus denying their income. The fact that bidders could become victims of fraud - potentially to the tune of thousands of dollars - seems to be of little consequence to the bastards. If there wasn't so much good stuff on there I'd boycott 'em Whatever their intended action may be, it hasn't included closing this miserable piece of scum's account yet has it? Godz
  10. Well I finally got a reply from eBay regarding my reprting this item as attempted fraud. Hello, Thank you for reporting this email that you received. This email is attempting a sale outside of eBay and appears to be intent on committing fraud. Only items that are listed in a person's 'My eBay' page under the "Items I've Won" section are considered to be valid completed transactions. If a person is not the winning bidder or listed on the bid history page, then they have not won the item. It's important to know that items purchased outside of the eBay format are not eligible for our protective services such as feedback, dispute resolution, contact information requests and most importantly the Fraud Protection Program. These services are only available for items that are listed and purchased on eBay in compliance with our guidelines and listing policies. For more information on this policy, please visit the link below: https://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/solici...fsite-sale.html I have reviewed your report and have taken appropriate action in accordance with our site policies. Such action may include issuing a warning, temporary suspension, indefinite suspension or terminating the membership. Due to privacy concerns, I am not at liberty to discuss the details of any action taken. I hope you understand this position and that it assures you that your personal account history will always remain private. Well thanks eBay! Godz
  11. well, worth a last shot. Picture_1.pdf Godz
  12. Only kidding Mark - besides, I think it may be a bit late for that. Anyway, if I win it for a million it looks like there's plenty of people out there I could move it on to and make a packet Godz
  13. Hope he doesn't remove all the top bids and leave it at a straight million or I'm really up sh*t creek!! Godz
  14. Me too mate - I love 'em! It was just a gentle referrence to Christian's impossibly high standards when it comes to soul music Godz
  15. US $99,999,999.00 not bad. Godz
  16. Yor are correct, of course Christian - but not in the way that they meant For one moment there I thought I actually had a record that you liked Maybe I should sell it after all and buy some Beach Music and instrumentals... Godz
  17. And don't forget Mark - it's an "authenticity record" Godz
  18. Anybody know off the top of their head what the Final Value Fee on 95 million is Godz
  19. I think we've discussed this tune before. £1.25 new release - The Golden Disc, Oldham 1976 (I think - at work at the moment) Told by mates it was "not Northern" Favourite tune in my box for nearly 30 years Godz
  20. Crikey, Just bid a million dollars and was (thankfully) immediately outbid. Almost cacked myself just pressing the "confirm Bid" button! Scariest thing I've ever done. Time for a lie down Godz
  21. Yup Cheers to Dukesy for starting this one off. What an "authenticity" beauty Hey - have we got a new euphamism - "did you spill my authenticity pint?" Godz
  22. Not sure how the scan will come out, Gash, but you may be able to compare signatures. Godz
  23. killer! Godz
  24. from a couple of years ago; Jimi Tenor - Spell Another Scandinavian. Sounds like Superfly era Curtis Mayfield reincarnated. Godz

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