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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Doesn't wind me up but I always smile when I see it referred to as a "youth cult'. Have you seen the state of some of those youths?
  2. Thank heavens your spelling's improved since then though!
  3. Yep. Apart from the colour, the typeface and the label design it's spot on!
  4. I'd have maybe gone for Deana Lucas... .. although in my defence I'm quite hung over and didn't genuinely expect anyone else to join in my imaginary game hehehe
  5. Makes me want to play a game of "who would I cover this up as?" aka "It sounds a lot more more like ??? than it does Bettye Swann" (as her name is actually spelled...).
  6. Have to wait til RSD maybe Rod https://www.roughtrade.com/albums/92763
  7. Don't do this...
  8. That's the second issue too.
  9. Anybody got a copy of the three track 12 inch on Kay Dee please? Cheers.
  10. I was joking about Batley but it's definitely a Spector-Mann-Weil composition. If you have a copy that credits Len Barry as the writer I'd be interested in seeing a scan. Cheers.
  11. Phil Spector, Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil wrote it while they were staying in Batley
  12. Three issues listed on 45cat: https://www.45cat.com/label/tcs
  13. The flip of one of the Nights 45 was called Country Girl - I know for sure that a few folks snapped that one up in error!
  14. I have a really nice condition Canadian copy of If It Ain't One Thing. I realise some people don't go for Canadian issues but if you're interested drop me a line. Cheers.
  15. Saw her At Ponderosa Stomp 2013. Dunno about the authenticity of the acetates but it does sound like her to me.
  16. There's also the Soulmasters Beach version, which has girly BVs but a male lead.
  17. I thought you'd get it but also guessed that you probably wouldn't find yourself in agreement or sympathetic, to be honest However, why should they play MP3s when they've been playing vinyl as long as long as we have. I'm not talking about vacuous Nathan Barley types either (they wouldn't be my pals otherwise), the guys I know tend to be genuine music fans, albeit not obsessed with chasing OG Northern/Mod/R&B 45s. One particular mate has a humungous jazz collection and a deep knowledge that goes with it. He's got all kinds of rare originals but will buy a reissue LP if something's out of his price range. To accuse him of lacking passion when it's the music rather than the OG status that drives him seems to miss the point somewhat. And who am I to begrudge him if he decides to buy a reissue soul 45 that works well in his set. Or to tell him that he should start chasing MP3s of all his vinyl for that matter! And you still managed to misinterpret the cat analogy
  18. I think I've made this point before, Mik, but I think you're viewing this issue from a strictly scene based perspective. There are another lot of DJs who play vinyl because they always have done, have collections with old original records across all sorts of genres, some of which they bought as new, some they've collected from second hand vinyl shops, boot sales, charity shops etc. These people also buy new vinyl regularly. Most of them are aware of the scenes like the NS scene but aren't actively a part of it. So when the likes of Juno advertise each week's new releases, they're as likely to buy a couple of Outta Site releases as they are new House or D&B releases, dub 12s, Nu disco or the latest Bamboos single. They play sets that cross all genres without subscribing to any particular scene. The reason they'll buy a repress is because they hear it and like it - they may be unaware that there's an expensive original or it may just be of no interest to them that there is one. One thing I'm sure of is that they are not pretending to to be some top Northern, mod or R&b jock - they don't play at those venues or to that audience. I guess there's likely to be a temptation from the good folks on this site to look down on these DJs, but that's kind of missing the point: to expect someone who isn't part of a particular scene to nevertheless conform with its values isn't logical. That way we'd trying cats for murder every time they kill a bird.
  19. One of my favourite looking labels with a couple of nice surf and garage things and some whacky low-fi girl stuff. Some issues in nice red vinyl. Apparently Cleo is actually label owner Tommy Falcone's wife in a halloween costume.
  20. Just need to see if they go with my circle skirt....
  21. I never knew you could get Northern Soul shoelaces - they're clearly the one item of apparel missing from wardrobe. Thanks for the pics!!!
  22. What's up - scared to google and find the horrible truth There's a few for sale between £10/12 up to £18. One went for £4.99 in January. Don't retire yet!
  23. Just take out a stanley knife and begin carving Norther Soul Rools in your forearm. Can't lose...

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