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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. So was that Lada Edmund Jr dancing behind Ray Charles at the end of the programme? Sure looked like her. Godz
  2. So about £60 then? Cool. Ta Godz
  3. Current going rate for Invitations - Watch Out Little Girl - MGM please? Cheers Godz
  4. You lot that are making all the disparaging remarks about women must have made some dreadfully bad choices in your lifetimes. If your judgement's that poor I'd hate to see what kind of stuff's in your record collections ... Godz
  5. Ecord collecting eh? Sounds intriguing - must give it a knock. Also like the sound of eating jelly while admiring your 45 collection. Couple of questions though: Does it matter which flavour? Are you allowed to enhance the experience with fruit and custard and turn the whole whole thing into some kind of huge trifle experience? Hope so - I find jelly on it's own pretty boring. On a slightly more serious note, I always feel a bit queasy when I hear people say that their collection is the most important thing in their lives. I love records as much as the next (reasonably sane) person but surely family would come first? Those who think otherwise strike me as bordering on being sociopaths Godz
  6. Time to upgrade from Amstrad Godz
  7. Interesting article - although I think their definition of psych is a bit loose at times - I mean - Eula Cooper If just having sound effects counts, they missed The Sweets "Satisfy Me Baby" and Three Degrees - "Contact" for starters. The bits that raised my eyebrows most though were the claim that The Count Five's "Psychotic Reaction" got Northern Spins (wonder if they're getting confused with The Seeds?) and that The Present's version of "Many's The Slip" is the best - suggesting there is/are other versions. Can anyone spread some light on those two claims? Godz
  8. Hey Andy - must be worth giving me a tenner to stop me bidding a grand on it eh? Godz
  9. It's a Bootleg. Mind you it is Tuff. Godz
  10. Godz
  11. Lots of paintings and other works of art don't make big bucks until after the artists' death. I think it's just part of the nature of collecting that some things take a while to become popular / desirable. As for the racist element - I sell quite a bit of 60s Garage and Beat music to a couple of Japanese collectors. Never really thought of them as racist Godz
  12. Wouldn't be the first time I've bid $1,000.000 on a Gene Toones 45 Godz
  13. Do you reckon they know it's Jonathon King though? Nice to see him out mind... Godz
  14. Cor!! Capricorn XL5 - what a top title It sounds like a cross between Capricorn One and Fireball XL5 (younger readers might as well give in now ) Seems like I need it for my Sci-Fi / Theme tune collection Soundfile of this B side anyone? Cheers, Godz
  15. Will do Chris Godz
  16. That's Begging - great version! The backing sounds more like Timebox than 4 Seasons. Nice one Godz
  17. Ding Dong!!! Godzilla has left the building
  18. No problem with MP3 mate. PM your email address. I'll have to do it on upstairs compy as I still haven't built my office yet. That means I won't be able to email it till later when Mrs G comes home with the memory stick. Meanwhile: Godz
  19. Really Marc? In that case Steve you can have it in three years when it's £250 Godz
  20. Steve, I agree with you about those tunes but I was thinking more about some kids round our way who run a sort of Mod night and it gets played on CD (I only went a few times - it was a bit boring). FW packed the floor and everyone seemed to love it and I'll bet very few of them new its history. And Mrs G sez I can't go stompin' till I've done the washing up Godz
  21. Backed up. It's easy to be elitest now that the world and his dog know it but it craps over lots of the unreleased Motown that gets raved about. I could happily never hear it out again but that doesn't mean it's not a great record. You need to ask why when newcomers first get to hear Northern Soul stuff it makes such an impact. Godz
  22. Sorry mate. Bought mine about three years ago and I was just being curious as it took me years to get one. There again I don't get out much so maybe that's the reason. Can send you a good quality MP3 if you like. Godz
  23. Three iMacs (old style) here. Graphite, mine; Ruby, Mrs G; Original Bondi Blue, upstairs plugged into the decks. They make me use a PC at work and I feel dirty. Different strokes though Godz
  24. You don't need to read the credits, you can tell 'em a mile of by the sound. Godz
  25. Nah - your gettin' cold now. Stick with the EZ listenin' G

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