I booked Desmond Dekker for the venue I was running around 1994, The Stage Door in Scarborough.
The rider was very specific, including a bottle of Remy Martin Brandy. As we were a small venue with a maximum capacity of 150 (legally...) it was a tough gig as, due to the price of the band, accommodation etc, the best we could hope for was to break even on the door and have a good bar take. I talked it over with the owner who, eventually said f*ck it Paul, if it means that much to you, just do it.
The band arrived around 2pm to sound check and be shown to the hotel. Desmond's manager and MC, Delroy did the vocal check while Desmond went to the hotel to rest. I was shocked at how small and frail he seemed and, to be honest was really concerned about how the performance was going to go.
Meanwhile, the band were getting stuck into the refreshments and by 7 o'clock it was clear that while the rest of the musicians were drinking beer, the Remy was actually for Delroy and he'd pretty much destroyed it. The air in the dressing room was thick with err.. 'incense" and by now I was getting really worried. Delroy however - despite having the reddest eyes I've ever seen this side of a zombie movie - was all smiles and and assured me it was going to be a great show.
9pm - the place is full and everybody is getting into the rocksteady and dub sounds from the house sound system. The band hits the stage half an hour later, without Desmond but with Delroy MCing and really winding up the crowds anticipation. After a couple of numbers, Desmond appears, wearing a combat shirt and his trade mark beret, walking through audience to riotous applause, cheers, handshakes and pats on the back. He climbed on stage and something truly amazing happened:
He seemed to grow about a foot in staure. It was as though he sort of unfolded like a newly hatched butterfly stretching it's wings for the first time. His face was lit up in a sweet smile.. and then came the voice. I'm not ashamed to say I was in tears. You could feel the electricity in the room as the hits and lesser known songs flowed, all equally received by a crowd as ecstatic as I've ever witnessed.
The rest of the evening is a bit of a blur now to be honest but the run up to the gig and then Desmond's appearance on stage is a memory that's indelibly stamped into my brain.
Probably the finest gig I ever put on.
RIP Desmond.