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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. About ten years ago there was a piece in the Lost and Founds of our local rag. It was about a piece of jewelery left in a town centre fish shop: "Ladies ring found In Tasty Plaice" Now call me childish but.... Godz
  2. Here's the Herb & Doris version mentioned earlier. Gonna stick this in sales once I get round to knocking a bit of a list up. herb_doris.mp3 herb_doris.mp3
  3. https://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/3942909.html Not sure if anyone's mentioned this already. The big band upstairs just gained an ace keyboard player Godz
  4. Thanks for that Rachel. Mrs G said it was as messy the rumpus room... Godz
  5. See what i mean about Gloria Jones / Tainted love / Marc Almomd / Communards though? Or do I think too much Godz
  6. Is every post I do from now on going to have this bloody record on it? Godz
  7. Correctamundo! It's The Art Reynolds Singers - I've Made Up My Mind on Capitol. Well done that man Godz
  8. Some great guesses here. Not right as yet though. Your gonna kick yourself for saying Gloria Jones though - and you'll see why when you find out... Godz
  9. Don't think any of the above had a disco hit mate Next clue - she had an album produced by Jimmy Webb... Godz
  10. Bigger in the disco era than Laura Lee, Lars. The disco hit was a cover and was covered later by a UK outfit - who also had a hit with it. Nobody has expressed an opinion on the song yet. Anyone else like it - in a shouty gospel, poundy organ kinda way? Godz
  11. And Judy Freeman's international smash hit was? Sorry asbo, better luck next time. Godz
  12. oooooooooohhhh - Nope Did Candi record with a Gospel outfit? Good call though Godz
  13. Nope. This person's Northern spin (as opposed to the later disco one) is full on 60's stuff. And it's on the same label as the gospel outfit she's with on the MP3. Godz
  14. I can see the logic in your answer but, sorry - wrong. Her hit was more of a disco era tune. Although it was played at Wigan! Godz
  15. Good lunch at the pub mate? Godz
  16. Linda Jones? Nope. Don't forget this bit: ...some years later have a world wide smash. Godz
  17. Not a bad guess Kenny, but it's not someone that you would immediately associate with Gospel. Well done for having a go though Godz
  18. This should blow the cobwebs out! A Gospel Soul stomper with a lead vocalist that went on to record a Northern classic and then, some years later have a world wide smash. But who is she? gospel.mp3 Godz
  19. Well it's different to mine but if you were going to bootleg it, why change the publishing credit? Odd to say the least. Godz
  20. https://gadgets.qj.net/How-to-Pirate-a-Viny...pg/49/aid/39381 Just pouring some stuff over my Al Williams as we speak... Godz
  21. "If You're Gonna Love Me" is a beaut. Godz
  22. Deluxe 127 in nice nick needed to fill a gap in the funk box. Please PM if you can help. Cheers Godz

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