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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I got a clue Dan. Think back to the CD swap that you coordinated in June last year. Dig out Derek's CD and listen to track 1 Any closer now? Godz
  2. Well this Hip Pocket Record is only four inches across so beat that! Godz
  3. Here's one And you get a... Free Tony Blackburn in every packet Godz
  4. Looked the part too! Pallbearers Godz
  5. Can't remember my first £100 sound but I sure as hell remember my first fifty quider: Construction - Hey Little Way Out Girl - bought from Tim Ashibende at the Casino around 1978ish. I shook all the way way home with the enormity of what I'd just done Godz
  6. One on Pat Brady's for £20. Godz
  7. I'm pretty sure there was a Karmello Brooks that appeared in a couple of 70s blaxploitation movies. I'd think it's a safe bet that they are one and the same. Anyway, Milestsone is a jazz label ain't it? And she certainly phrases like a jazzer. Who said she was a pop singer anyway? Magnificent record. Godz
  8. Ah well. Harder than I thought then - except for Darks Huge gospel hit: Edwin Hawkins Singers - Oh Happy Day - even made No 2 over here. Lead vocal - Dorothy Morrison who also did "I Can't Go Without You" on Brown Door. Pics show mono and stereo sides of promo Not much soul on Elektra as far as I'm aware. Very hot on the beach today. Night all Godz
  9. Well done mate! Just so people don't get misled, it's best to ignore the UK bit. Lady was involved with one of the biggest gospel hits though Godz
  10. You've obviously been to church this morning, mate We're on the way now Godz
  11. No it's not Darks. What have you got in mind? Godz
  12. Praise the lord indeed! This one should be a bit easier than last weeks. It needs to be really as I have to be out just before noon This weeks mystery singer had a 70s/crossover song that was an old Mecca sound. The attached tune, however, is on a label that you wouldn't really associate with soul music. Feel free to guess, make comments etc etc. No pressure - just a bit of Sunday morning fun. Godz gospel_02.mp3
  13. According to local rumour, there's a family in Filey that is so inbred that one feller actually IS his own dad Godz
  14. Err - we sorted this out in post No 27. It's Thelma Houston More Gospel Soul Tomorrow. Godz
  15. I know it came out on Soul Fox rather than Mirwood but I really like the instrumental version of the Mirettes "He's Alright With Me". You can really hear the band cooking on it - particularly the bass player. It makes nonsense of the often repeted stuff about Northern Soul records being rougher, inferior cuts to the likes of Motown. Godz
  16. Maimie Lee - I can Feel Him Slipping Away - MGM. They all have a bit where, if you're playing it out, it sounds like you've tocuched the turntable platter for a second. I assume it's down to the master tape sticking for a moment. The thing that amazes me is - given there are plenty copies abou suggesting it was pressed in bulk - the Quality Control dept of a label as large as MGM let it slip through. Another case of painted on ears* perhaps. Godz * painted on ears - for deorative purposes only
  17. A muso mate of mine described it as a bit that you sometimes stick in between verse and chorus to stop the tune getting boring. If I understand the first post properly though, how about The Soul Blenders - Tightrope. Brill begining, bit disapointing when it it carries on and sounds a bit psych-pop then goes really spuds up later on in the song leaving you thinking what the feck am I listening to? Is that what you meant? Godz
  18. I don't believe you real name is "color #3333ff Karen" All a bit THX innit? Godz
  19. Hey! You're the expert, Mark Just an old codger's memory playing up. Hang on - just remembered another one. Sounds of Lane - Serenade. It was actually an instrumental version of The Electric Prunes - I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night, really drenched in reverb. Worked better as a psych tune than a soul one. Really, really cannot believe anyone played that out other than the odd youth club. Godz
  20. Maybe its YOU that's Gamera then :secret: You can run but you can't hide... Godz
  21. Dave, We've done this one loads of times, mate. Having a character name on a forum is just a bit of fun and can be a bit of a statement about your interests or personality (although not in my case, obviously...). If someone is out of order they can be challenged / chucked off / have posts deleted whether they are called John Smith or Gamera the Invincible. I always use Godzilla on this forum and on a couple of others I occasionally inhabit but I've always made it clear that if anyone wants to know who I am, just PM me. Not that it makes much difference All in my opinion of course. Godz ps - you're not Gamera the Invincible are you Dave?
  22. Weren't Soul Fox Strings and Mirwood strings etc on the Soul Fox label rather than Soul Galore Mark? Any chance of throwing the label listing up just out of interest? Cheers Godz
  23. Cheers Rachel. Got another interesting gospel guess-who lined up for this Sunday too Thinking caps will be required. Godz
  24. Possibly remembered with less fondness than Soul Sounds - no doubt due to Simon Soussan involvement, particulalry those awful synth instrumentals. Have to say some pretty fantastic stuff came out on these booties in the 70's though. Anybody got a complete listing? A few personal faves were: Doni Burdick - Bari Track / I Have Faith in You Inticers - Since You Left / I Got To Find Me A Baby Fabulous Jades - Come On and Live / Planning This Moment Benny Curtis - Dirty Hearts / (can't remember what the flip is) and of course "Bob Wilson Sounds" Of yeah Four Perfections and Jimmy Mack too. Damn good recordings compared to some of the other boots around at the same time as well. Not that I'm advocating bootlegging, of course but as mentioned in the other thread, they are a part of our history like it or not. Godz

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