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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. What about the Soussan boots on other labels with "Licensed to Soul Galore Productions" printed on? Eula Cooper and Rita Dacosta spring to mind, along with the Johnny Ross that Pete had a bit of bother with. Has anybody ever compliled a listing of these? Godz
  2. Sounds reasonable. But why R for Parlophone and DB for Columbia? Godz
  3. That's uncanny Bri! I was just about to say that my mum went to see both Lovelace Watkins and Peter Gordeno at a club on the oustkirts of manchester in the early 70s. I think it was either Sinatra's or the Broadway Club. Godz
  4. Mind you, whoever wrote the card is probably working for George Bush. "Imagineered" indeed. Godz
  5. ...and that phone number don't work no more
  6. Mine came with one of these. Godz
  7. That's right Ken. On Blossom Street. I think it closed down recently. Maybe Top Cat, Trevski or one of the other Yorkies on here can tell us more. When the Stephen Joseph Theatre moved from its home in Westwood to the abandoned Odeon building there was uproar in the town about the amount of funding the council provided while closing some public toilets. It became known as the battle of the Luvvies and the Lavvies . I'm really pleased the theatre supporters stuck to their guns. It's a magnificent building and the STJ contributes hugely to the town's profile in terms of tourism and culture. A triumph over local press led short sightedness. Godz
  8. Do you mean Coles Corner Shane? The actual cover shot was of the Stephen Joseph Theatre in Scarborough aka Alan Ayckbourn's gaff. I believe it was the closest thing to the original Coles Corner which was demolished some time ago. The STJ was originally an Odeon Cinema and as the photos show is in the classic art deco picture house style. Godz
  9. Kind of acid funk thing I've posted this before I think, but hey, any excuse "Our Bombs Are Direct Hits" - what a slogan! Godz
  10. Dante - wake up at the back there! Godz
  11. Hey Eddie - snap!!!
  12. That'll be Larry Atkins - Lighten Up on Highland then. Flip is Ain't That Love Enough. One of ther best double siders ever. Godz
  13. I do the same in our local cafe if they serve me a cup of tea in anything but the finest bone china. Mind you I am completely lulu. Godz
  14. Where's the emoticon for applause? Godz
  15. I only have the Hortense Ellis version That's bloody lovely that is! Godz
  16. 2) Pitney Godz
  17. I dunno, you try to give someone a bit of back up. Anyway, two words: 1) Gene
  18. Don't think Ed actually said it was a Northern Soul night Playfair. In fact I know that it's a general 60s night and I'm pretty sure the people who attend don't care which issue of the Small Faces 45s get played either. Not sure the same rules apply in the case Godz
  19. Same Ray and Dave as the ones that did "Wrong, Wrong, Wrong" on Mica? Don't think I know it but would like to hear it. Soundfile anyone? Godz
  20. Yes you do. I gave you the website address for Vinyl Carvers two weeks ago. Now go and do an intro in the new members bit. And learn to pronounce "Pama" while your at it /index.php?showtopic=40577 Godz
  21. Czechoslovakia I believe Pete. In fact seperated into the Czech Replublic and Slovakia since the early 90s. You're obviously not a great Eurovision fan I'm intrigued by what you say about who's producing these and the story behind the Pye thing. Please expand - by PM if you'd prefer. I'm trying to think who might be the most unlikely person to do these and I can't do better than Swampy the protester... Godz
  22. Yeah you're both right. I wasn't making a moral statement of any kind, just an observation about the fact that you can more or less do it with impunity at the moment. To be honest I quite fancy the Herbie Goins one as it's not the sort of thing I'd spend big dosh on but wouldn't mind a copy on vinyl Godz
  23. The whole thing is rife on ebay just now - and it's not just soul 45s. Check these British "reissues" I'd be suprised if they were properly licensed. Just more proof that even major labels aren't really concerned about small scale stuff like boots of obscure singles I guess. Godz
  24. Ezzie, The comment was meant in fun and refers to a bit of a standing joke on this forum. I've bought records from Belgium and sold to Belgian buyers. I'm also extremely fond of Belgian beer. No insult intended. Godz
  25. Pretty sure he's Belgian actually as well. More of a Mod organist than Jazz but still probably best to not send him any money for records Godz

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