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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. This is a boot of The Rainbows on Capitol. See the Capitol thread for a scan and clip Godz
  2. Hey! Don't bogart that joint man!
  3. Wine ain't helping the old memory but I think John Bowie, Donna King and Ambassadors on Pee Vee were spun by the chubby one first as well. Where's Fluff when ya need him? Godz
  4. Elusions on Lamon is another. Phenomenal tune.
  5. Dee Dee Barnes on Arctic off the top of my head
  6. Just To Make You Happy - shirley karol - dakar One from my contribution to the Soul Source CD swap in 2005 Godz
  7. I just said it was ok in our house, mate - didn't say it was soul . Congrats on most ridiculous use of the term "PC: for a while though Godz
  8. Actually I quite enjoyed it other than that. Bit of Massive Attack and Portishead is always ok in our house Godz
  9. OK Episode 3. Lisa Stansfield. From Rochdale - in Yorkshire
  10. 20 mins from Whitby to Scarborough. Feck me what are you driving? Takes us about 45 on a good day. Mind you I'm not Canadian - are they more streamlined? Godz
  11. Help Me - rainbows - capitol 14662 refosoul
  12. Same group, same label - and nothing like a Five Stairsteps tune. Not much like a soul song to be honest, but hang on to your hats! What a backing track!
  13. A Piece Of The Sky - verdelle smith - capitol 14658 refosoul Refosoul Rare and Northern Soul Clip library A nice cheapie.
  14. Blimey - you mean there's something you haven't got? Godz
  15. Kissin' Her and Crying For You - checkmates ltd - capitol 14657 refosoul Refosoul Rare and Northern Soul Clip library
  16. Yeah - let's all grow short arms and long pockets. That'll certainly show eBay
  17. Maybe I misunderstand what you're saying then. Aplogies if i do but it seems like you want the benefits of advertising your records on eBay (massive exposure, searchable content, secure payment methods, feedback etc) without paying whatever the going rate is. Two wrongs don't make a right, mate. Godz
  18. WTF? Would you pay £15 postage for uk delivery on one 45? If your record doesn't sell for £25 that's because that particular week no-one wants to pay that for it. eBay allows potentially millions of people to see your sale items. If you don't want to pay the fees use other methods of selling. I'm not justifying eBay hiking their fees here - just seems that charging false and inflated postage is completely unethical. Also, if you have to refund an item for some reason I believe you're only obliged to return the actual sale price - not shipping. Not good Godz
  19. Profonix on Davey-Paul. Brief Searling spin I recall. Godz
  20. That last bit didn't apply in the 80s did it? When The Fall released "Slates" on 10 inch in 1981 it was considered ineligible for the singles chart as it had six tracks so wasn't classed as an EP, and ran over 20 minutes. It was too short to be considered an album though, and despite being one of the band's biggest sellers didn't register in any chart at the time. Nowt to do with soul music of course ( err.. except for Ghost in my House, maybe...) but a nugget for the anoraks on here Godz
  21. At the risk of being torn to shreds by the baying mob... ... I thought that there were some really good bits. Particularly enjoyed seeing the footage of Cymande. I agree that ol' Jazzy was talking pants though. Most black kids I knew in the 70s just thought Northern Soul said nothing to them. That was certainly the case with the black kids I went to school with anyway. On the whole they were more interested in reggae and to a lesser extent funk. A lot of my school chums were influenced by their older brothers and sisters and they wanted music that was a bit more political and representive of their culture, so it was more a case of choice than being excluded. Godz
  22. Quick tip if you're thinking of setting a quiz: Make sure you remember to hang around to provide the bleedin' answers! Godz
  23. and was Bunny Sigler conceived after a visit to the Playboy club?
  24. If it's all Philly stuff, how about Eddie Holman for Number 2? Godz
  25. Course it was! Any others? Godz

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