A good mate of mine has to do something as part of his music degree. Here's what he wrote:
So right.. the idea is that I record these songs using the recording and production techniques from the original records. If I cant physically do that, I have to try and emulate it. So I've done "Wade in the Water" by Ramsey Lewis and have done a bit of research on the studios and equipment they used. I've got digitally modelled mixing desks and effects which I think are the same as the ones that they will have used. The reverb is an acoustic replica of the 1950's decca studios echo chamber; the drums are recorded using one old condenser mic in a room; the bass is recorded through a knackered 1960s fender bassman valve amp and stuff like that.
However.... it just doesn't sound right. I've done it on Rhodes rather than a real piano, but I quite like that. Its just the other stuff that I'm not too sure about. I don't know if its the way I'm playing it that hasn't got the right feel, (coz they made me play everything myself too) or just the way its been mixed. See if you can figure it out.
I've given him some feedback already and Mike (the pal in question) is happy for me to post the tune on here. Please try to make critisism constructive (not just 'it's crap' or 'I wouldn't dance to it' ta). As Mike says it's not supposed to be a slavish copy of Ramsey Lewis, more something with the feel of a recording from that period. There are no samples, as that's not the point here and all the instruments are played by Mike - the clever bastard So bearing that in mind, all comments gratefully recieved.