I'm glad you asked, Karen
I didn't think that Mike really had the time or resources to learn to play all the string instruments so it looked like he would use the part of his brief that said he had to emulate anything he couldn't re-create from scratch. It didn't sound like those dodgy keyboard strings (thank God) so I asked him how he'd done it. Here's what he said:
The strings are a vst instrument. Its like a virtual sampler keyboard
thingy. However.. i played 8 different parts by hand so they were all a
bit different, used 8 different string sounds and sent the sounds
through 4 speakers in my studio in a little semi circle like they were real
string players, then recorded them using a sh*t old mic. Then put them
through the decca chamber. A total pain in the arse, but they sound
nearly proper dont they? This is the thingy...
Well worth the effort I reckon