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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. As I'm now Mike's agent I'd like 20% of that link please Kolla Godz
  2. Why post saying you could post something but can't be bothered. Also why so touchy? It's an intesting subject and some replies had a bit of humour - better than being ignores and certainly not desrving of being called inane. Makes you sound a bit superior when in reality we're all equal round here mate Mind you I'd be upset if anyone critisised my paper of choice - 40 year old copies of TV21... Just post it and I promise to be completely nane. Godz
  3. And you'll never guess what was up with my copy of "Earthquake"...
  4. I got a copy of Mr Flood's Party with a water damaged label Good luck getting a refund Donna. Godz
  5. Beat me to it Rod! Have to say to Macca, excellent use of the word 'dolt' a couple of posts up. Sadly underused term these days. Godz
  6. Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this with my arm. Doctor: Well don't do it. Works for for free CDs too, Rod. Besides I believe that the Mail has a "Best of Black & white Minstrels" in an upcoming issue... Godz
  7. Seperated at birth Malc Randy Newman Ron Holden Only joshing mate
  8. I'm Your Pimp is album only, Kev. Godz
  9. Ok check first posts for revised and updated list. Does it sound churlish to say if you've expressed interest in any of these and then failed to get back to me it's not worth bothering this time? Godz
  10. I think you'll find that's Private Stock rather than Power Exchange, Mark. Think it was a 70s release. Heard it only once at the Casino and that was when - against my better judgement - I went into Mr M's. Amazing that i can remember stuff like that but not where I've put my keys... Godz
  11. Well have a look at these picks - there's the RCA connection for you. Maybe she left and was replaced by a white Linda by the time of the Spark 45. This Linda is Linda Fields and is or was involved with a band called Fritz Brause. Don't know anything about them. Godz
  12. Which would be about £795 too much Still, different strokes and all that... Godz
  13. Donno mate. Once he's back in contact I'll ask him and post his reply. Paul
  14. Mike's trumpet playing is definately for real Boba. He used to empty the spit valve all over my stage when he played at the old venues. Musicians are really disgusting you know...
  15. I'm glad you asked, Karen I didn't think that Mike really had the time or resources to learn to play all the string instruments so it looked like he would use the part of his brief that said he had to emulate anything he couldn't re-create from scratch. It didn't sound like those dodgy keyboard strings (thank God) so I asked him how he'd done it. Here's what he said: The strings are a vst instrument. Its like a virtual sampler keyboard thingy. However.. i played 8 different parts by hand so they were all a bit different, used 8 different string sounds and sent the sounds through 4 speakers in my studio in a little semi circle like they were real string players, then recorded them using a sh*t old mic. Then put them through the decca chamber. A total pain in the arse, but they sound nearly proper dont they? This is the thingy... https://www.garritan.com/GPO-ensemble.html Well worth the effort I reckon Paul
  16. I'll see what I can do Kev. It's a different singer on Tin Soldier and I'll have to check to see if it's ok to post it. Mike's incommunicado at the moment so we'll have to hang fire. I think it's fair to say that vocally it's a very different approach to the Small Faces and I'm not sure if this is the right forum for it. Not trying to be cryptic here and if I get the go-ahead I'll post it so people can make their own minds up. Thanks to all for the postive comments though. I'll think Mike will be made up to see the two tunes getting such a good reaction on here Paul
  17. Absolutely! We had a conversation about that a couple of days ago when Mike sent me a rougher version of the tune. Went like this: What's up with the congas Mike? I like to hear them fairly upfront, which they are, but they just don't sound rich enough if you know what I mean - as if there's a subtle part of the sound of the instrument missing. Am I making sense? the odd conga thing is coz i couldnt get hold of any congas. I used stevie beats bongos that he got from gough and davy (local music shop) for £9.99 they have cardboard skins and are a bastard to play Guess he must have tinkered since then. So now you know, tricks of the trade and all that Surprised no-ones asked about the string parts though? That was my second question straight after 'who's singing?"
  18. Blimey! all seems very positive so far Mike and I were discussing how it would go down and we acknowledged that it might be seen as sacrilege in some quarters. In fact to continue the religeous analogy, Mike said "They'll crucify me!" Nice to see the old soul crowd aren't as closed minded as some would have us Godz
  19. It's me singing... ...Ha ha - as if! Well done Karen. I wondered who would be the first to ask. It's this gentleman: https://www.davidlaudat.com/ I never watched X Factor so I only know him from acting as compere at Scarborough's Beached festival last year. I think he's got one of the best contemporary soul voices I've heard in a very long time. Be nice to get some feedback on the music / production side of things too. Paul
  20. Vinyl Carvers here I come! Too late to cover it up though. Bugger
  21. I know I'm biased but I think that is just stunning
  22. Ok here we go. Contained in the next post will be my mate Mike's recording of Move On Up. Once again feedback will be really welcome and try to make it as constructive as you can. As a reminder of what the whole point is, Mike said: ...the idea is that I record these songs using the recording and production techniques from the original records. If I cant physically do that, I have to try and emulate it... So once again, it's not supposed to be a note-for note copy of Curtis Mayfield's version - I doubt anyone could pull that off - more a version that sounds as if it was recorded around the same time and with a similar feel. Mike's supposed to play all the instruments too. This should be interesting... Godz
  23. On Mike's behalf I'd like to pass on a huge thanks for all the comments. I think he's even joined up to read them - never thought I'd see the day! In a few moments I'll be posting the next part of his 60s music project - Move on Up. Now that should get a reaction Cheers Godz
  24. I mean I don't think Mike who's producing this stuff would let me - I'll check though! And by Mods I meant modernists - not moderators. Confusing myself here... I don't think you'd like it though Tim Paul
  25. I'll ask Mike about posting some more stuff as he completes it. Probably a good job I'm not allowed to post up Tin Solder though - now that would put the wind up the mods Godz

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