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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. That's a lot of boots for a record that's way too bloody fast
  2. I can never tell. He keeps such a straight face... Godz
  3. Here's writer and Woodstock promoter Artie Kornfeld. I think he wrote Keeps on Burning for Burning Bush as well. Bloody hippy Godz
  4. You've lost me now Ken. The pic I posted with the Monarch stamps is a boot. If the other one with a similar label is Bell Sound stamped and no Monarch referrence surely it's legit? Godz
  5. Here's the white and red boot. Check the (huge) run out. 100301 dates it well into the 70s doesn't it? Godz
  6. Yes, but I said "with that label design", Ken. If you splash out on a decent pair of specs you'll notice that there's a slight difference colour-wise Godz
  7. Unless it was booted twice with that label design this is a real one. The 70s boot was pressed at Monarch and there's an MR stamp in circle and then the usual triangle and delta No 100301 X. Biggest giveaway is that the run out groove on the boot is massive - wider than the actual track in fact. Godz
  8. Yeah, same Neptune Paul. In fact there's one on eBay at the moment - which is where I've just nicked these pics from. Item 170094415366 and Buy it Now for $39.99 if anyone's interested. I've answered my own question though. There was a Neptune thread on here and although Bryant wasn't mentioned, the LP was described as 5th Dimension type soul/pop (which figures) and not very interesting. Godz Godz
  9. Great pic Tony! Anyone know if the Neptune Lp is any cop?
  10. There is too such as thing as Bok, Pete! He was an ace gargoyley type geezer from Doctor Who in the Jon Pertwee days. Just ask Ian Levine if don't believe me Godz
  11. She's American. She was in an incarnation of 5th Dimension in 1978 and later sang on cruise ships, where, by all accounts, she was a prone to be bit shirty if she didn't get the applause she thought she deserved. She was also on album called New Directions with Jazz singer Bobby Wade. Not sure where she was born but if it was North Carolina, the girl second from left could be her around 1965/66. Godz
  12. There was a thread about this great tune a few weeks ago. German copy.
  13. Three more from France. Choppin' Around is a nice instrumental.
  14. Cheers mate Don't think I paid to much for it either. Certainly not more than a US Roulette copy would have cost. Nice thread this innit? Here's two more from Spain. Not speaking the language I took a punt on Evasivo meaning Elusive. I think the sleeve slightly makes up for the dodgyness of this oldie
  15. Couple of Japanese ones. Sammy's great version of Shaft and The Human Beinz - Nobody But Me. You might be able to make out the title just under the yellow characters at the top.
  16. Just about everyone did more than we did, Bogue. South Africa, Asia, Southern Hemisphere - they all did 'em. I guess in the UK it wasn't seen as an essential marketing tool. Godz
  17. Italy Italy Germany France
  18. And here's the Spanish version Sugarpie De Santo and Bobby Goldsboro from Italy, Julien Covey Germany
  19. And it has Licenced from Soul Galore on it.
  20. He also has mowtown on vynal which he's partial to spining too. Feckwit. And he's doing the Frank Popp boot. Isn't someone on here supposed to jump on him for that? Godz
  21. Spot on Pete. I voted Don't Care for similar reasons. I also thought "would the people who made the tunes give a toss about whether people were jiving or doing backdrops as long as they were dancing and digging the tunes?" and "Did Popcorn Wylie have a 'no drinks on the dancefloor' rule?" I go to plenty of nights where music other than Northern Soul is played (my own funk night for exapmle) and people are polite and friendly and don't scrap. We don't have the monopoly on that. It also put me in mind of the folk club at my old pub. For a while a guy did the bookings and he did everything he could to get new people involved. He booked cutting edge contemporary roots and world music acts and for a few years we had some of the biggest names in the folk world too, and drew big audiences including plenty of younger people. He got little support from the old die-hards and eventually he packed in in. The club moved venues a couple of times and ended up back at my pub in the small room with a coal fire, where the ten or twelve hardcore traditionalists could meet and sing the same old tunes without the need for a PA or electric instruments. Ring any bells? Godz
  22. Hey! I pointed this out back in January you Johnny come latelys /index.p...&pid=412719
  23. Peter - it's Jackson 5 mate - not Jackson 2
  24. I think Blues & Soul listed "Apple" in the soul chart before anyone in th UK had seen 'em. Or maybe that's just urban myth. Or Mormon myth. Little Jimmy's Long Haired Lover from Liverpool was a cover of James Carr song (possibly ) Godz

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