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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Fair price to ask for a WD of My Heart Cries For You these days? Cheers Godz
  2. Blimey - the government have surely got it right this time with their concerns about the dangers of Super Skunk! Anyway this whole thread is full of the usual hypocrisy about about bootlegs. I mean just look at Soulmaguk's dalek avatar: Obvious Boot Original below 60s press to satisify demand from international dalek fans Officially licensed reissue from a couple of years ago Godz
  3. Antoinette Daly on Piccadilly Maybe? That's the version that's on a comp from about ten years ago called The Picadilly Story or something like that. Loads of soul covers on it. Most of them a bit dodgy but a few decent ones if I remember correctly. Godz
  4. They wouldn't agree with you on the Garage forums though Pete. Over there they refer to horn players as "Hot Valve Men" and the purists reckon they have no place in garage music. I loved it at the time and still have a bit of a soft spot for it from a nostalgic point of view. Always thought of it as a sort of rock band with horns sound in much the same way as Manifesto though (ducks for cover) but as you suggest it did sound immense at w*g@n. Godz
  5. Does it really fetch a ton these days? Should I stick mine up on here now to beat the flurry Godz
  6. Some nice pics and loads of info here: https://www.spectropop.com/BabyJane/index.htm Godz
  7. Certainly is Who's the other version by? I seem to remember it's an MOR singer with (maybe) an Italian sounding name. I think the feller also has an LP on the same label with something better than his cut of Down and Out? Anyone know what I'm talking about? Godz
  8. Don't get the premise. There's stuff from the 60s and even earlier with fanastic production values. Not talking just soul music either, have a listen to some of the Sinatra/Nelson Riddle recordings or those of odballs like Esquivel. I don't think those records would be any better if they'd been recorded with modern techniques. Conversely there's stuff from the 70s and beyond that sounds like it was recorded in Tracy Emin's bed and pressed onto dustbin lids, especially on small indie labels. On the third hand where do labels like Daptone's ouput fit in here? I think what I'm trying to say is that the period and available techniques are not the only factors determining what a record sounds like. or something. Godz
  9. Didn't know there was only one of these John. So that means that all those off centre boots were pressed from this copy then. Was the original off centre or was it just the way it was copied? I'd love to hear a nice non-wobbly recording of this. It's not just a straight backing track either is it? So there's a story behind this track that we don't know yet I guess. What was the unfortunate incident by the way? Godz
  10. Done the traditional "reduced - get 'em now before I chuck 'em in the bin" thing as that worked last time. The Joanie Sommers is dead cheap and the clip includes the nice flip. Larry Atkins is a bargain in this condition I reckon. Everthing reduced and a couple added. Cheers Godz
  11. Ace! I love trivia like this. Any pics of the work? When I used to put bands on at my venue we had a London based outfit called Love Train a couple of times. Best Disco band I've ever seen, did parties for Mick Jagger and people like that. The lead singer turned out to be the son of Francis Matthews - the voice of Captain Scarlet. He told his dad and I got loads of signed stuff through the post Godz
  12. Ahh this old chestnut. You have four excellent theme tunes there. Not soul, and I can see the arguement that states that they should never have been played on the soul scene. Doesn't make them bad records though. In fact I've heard plenty of soul records that, judged as soul records are a lot worse than those four if they were judged purely as theme tunes. Imagine telling Barry Gray that Joe 90 is a crap theme tune because it's not soul music It's up there with his other themes like Thunderbirds, Stingray or Captain Scarlet - it's just that these others don't get knocked because they were never played at soul venues. Blame the DJs - not the tunes I say! Godz ps Police Story has "Theme From The Magician" on the flip - another winner!
  13. 99 Soul Club do a night at the Grand Hotel. Their website seems to have disapeared but if you contact member "Jackie Wilson's Voicebox" on here, he should be able to help you. There's also a mod night called The Beat Club. No website or mobile phones for them as they are 60s purists. Big on man made fibres though I believe, and their tellys only have three channels. Contact member "Edsuede" on here for info. There are also nights at the Mere Club and Crown Tavern pub. Give them a ring when you get here. You'll miss my new night by a week but it could be too funky for you. Good luck anyway and enjoy your stay! Godz
  14. ahem... /index.php?showtopic=3438 seemed a bit clearer back then
  15. and now tell 'em what colour the print is on the pressing Pete.
  16. Mate - just keep hold of it. Don't blame the guy who sold it you, he did you a favour I reckon. And to give you food for thought, here's a scan of my original (from a non-expert naturally) Godz
  17. I appear to be misunderstanding everyone today. You're not still saying you think Rufus Wood is a boot are you? If so I'll buy it from you Godz
  18. Where's the thread for this Big Ray? I thought we'd established several times that the boot/reissue is green with black print while the originals are green with blue print. Godz
  19. You are joking right? Rufus Wood must be about 15 times the value of Johnny Moore! You got 'em the right way round mate Godz
  20. Sound clips now added to above post. Godz
  21. All prices are GBP. Postage UK recorded £1.80. Overseas will be notified. Payment by Paypal or cheque if in UK. Sorry, no trades as I'm selling to buy new stuff. PM on here or email mistergodzilla@yahoo.com Feel free to ask anything Madeline & The Monticellos - Binding Ring of Gold - De Vel VG+ 40.00 35.00 Sold Sublime Crossover soul Plays nice https://www.zen108856.zen.co.uk/images/madeline_monts.mp3 Rivingtons - Tend To Business - Columbia DJ M- 35.00 25.00 Flip it for ace beat ballad "A Rose Growing in the Ruins" Ashford / Simpson song covered by John Andrews & Lonely Ones in UK fact fans! https://www.zen108856.zen.co.uk/images/rivingtons.mp3 Larry Atkins - Ain't That Love Enough / Lighten Up - Highland EX 120.00 100.00 Sold Is there a better double sider? Lovely shiny condition https://www.zen108856.zen.co.uk/images/Larry_Atkins.mp3 Mighty Sam - Fanny Mae - Stateside Demo EX- 30.00 20.00 Sold Absolute classic R&B in its most beautiful format https://www.zen108856.zen.co.uk/images/mighty_sam.mp3 Joanie Sommers - I'd be So Good For You - WB VG+ 15.00 12.00 Nice Brill Building 60s girly dancer https://www.zen108856.zen.co.uk/images/J_sommers.mp3 Maxine Davis - He's My Guy - Guyden VG - 10.00 5.00 Early sounding with organ lead. Looks worn but plays ok hence less than half price https://www.zen108856.zen.co.uk/images/Maxine_Davis.mp3 Ray Pollard - This Time / Cairos - Stop Overlooking Me - Horace's EX 5.00 4.00 Sold Two Shrine label sides on a legit reissue from 1990 https://www.zen108856.zen.co.uk/images/Pollard_Cairos.mp3 * Couple of additions - Couple of additions - Couple of additions - Couple of additions * Sounds of Lane - Tracks to Your Mind - Cobblestone EX 24.00 Sold Old Psych/Soul inst to Hey Sah Lo Ney Shakers - One Wonderful Moment - ABC VG+ (due to SMOL and one inaudible scuff) 22.00 Sold Club Classic on nice vinyl promo
  22. Hey Chris - check your emails mate. Cheers Paul
  23. Agreed. I much prefer the Rockin' Berries cover of "Poor Man's Son" to the Reflections' original. I really like "He's In Town" too but I don't think I've heard the Tokens version to compare it to. Godz
  24. Thanks Pete. I'll put it on at a fiver to undercut you then Paul
  25. Couple of Shrine tracks issued on Horace's in 1990: Ray Pollard - This Time / Cairos - Stop Overlooking Me - HRH 005 I'm clueless whaen it comes to these UK issues. Any value / demand for this item? Cheers in advance Godz

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