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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. I always assumed Dynamite was just a re-edit (sped up somewhat) of funky 8 corners. It would explain the woolly sound on both recordings anyway. As an aside I should say that it was tunes like the Willie & mighty Magnificents track that made me aware of 60s funk - as opposed to Jazz funk, the disco type funk tracks played on the Northern scene and the James Brown, Parliaments etc of this world* - many years ago and opened up a whole new area of listening and collecting for me. *Still dig all those other types mind you Godz
  2. You seem to be about four corners short Steve!
  3. Just recording now - bet someone beats me to it though
  4. Excellent. Inspired by Trevski's comment I've got myself a chemistry set and a book on gene-splicing. Jimmy "The Foetus" Soulboy should be ready for decanting in about a fortnight
  5. Heh heh
  6. I got loads of 'em mate I reckon I could easily do a good hour of "almost" tunes. I just recorded the rest of it. (Well nearly - I just recorded most of the rest of it when my cat jumped up on the deck and hit the stop button. Maybe it's down to him being called Mayfield and he's exercising his censorship rights) Actually I don't think it's that bad in kind of organ flavoured pop way. Not soul music though. Real pity as those horns on the intro are killer and remind me a bit of The Valentines on SS7. Here you go... Royal_Kings.mp3
  7. This is an odd sales tactic Ashley. How is it a set sale if you have a minimum bid Mind you if you do it the other way round i'll give you a tenner for the coasters
  8. Equally good for dancing or fighting
  9. I'll post some more up when I nip into the music room later You can make your own mind up then... Godz
  10. Depends mate. 30 years ago I'd have probably said not too bad. Nowadays I'd probably say not too great but the inner pop fan in me would secretly like it
  11. I'm always doing this! You know, you see something on an interesting label, an act with a cool name. Maybe it's by a producer you're familiar with or it just looks - I don't know - promising. You do a google search that doesn't really throw anything up. That could indicate it's boobins or pretty much unknown. Time to chance your arm then. So you buy it. It arrives and you stick it on the deck. It starts and your hair stands up. Flippin' heck - it's a winner!! ...and then the vocal comes in - Dammitt!! If that tale is familiar to anyone cop this for an intro: Intro.mp3 Godz
  12. No. That should happen because you are a Marillion fan. Godz
  13. Google throws up a Jay Darrow 45 on Keen: Girl in my Dreams / I Love that Girl 8-2124 from 1960. Same guy maybe? And then there's this: and finally, I saw this on a Japanese list: HARBINGERS APRIL COME SHE WILL / THE BRIDGE 1968 NICE MELODIC SOFT ROCK.PAUL SIMON.FROM THE MOTION PICTURE"THE GRADUATE" FLIP J.GLUCK.PROD BY JAY DARROW.ARR BY ARNOLD GOLAND COLUMBIA PROMO
  14. You're right Pete. I just PM'd Jock (soulmaguk) about it. It used to be easier to pick up in the North, naturally, so there was a bit of demand from 60s beat collectors in the South, but I reckon they're more evenly distributed since the arrival of online record dealing. I sold one for £35 to a collector in Oxfordshire but that was about 6 years ago.
  15. Yeah, The Patrick Bradley version is the cover. When it started to get played at Wigan loads of copies of Outer Limits turned up in the record bar as it had been a pretty big seller round Lancashire and Yorkshire so there were copies to be found in second hand shops and market stalls in the area. Jeff Christie later wrote a song called Yellow River that was offered to the tremeloes. They turned it down so Christie relased under just his surname and got a UK number 1 with it. Outer Limits "Just One More Chance" came out on Deram in the US and Canada as well. Godz
  16. Outer Limits were Jeff "Yellow River" Christie's band and had singles on Decca, Immediate and Instant as well as Just One more Chance on Deram. The Leeds Uni thing is their first release and can fetch up to fifty quid I think.
  17. Don't you dare! Anyway I'll just delete the email without opening it. Then I'll search the net for similar stuff to send you. You know, familar sounding tunes with cheesy "contemporary" beats behind them. I'll start with Jive Bunny and Starsound. And Hooked on Classics. This is surely the noughties equivalent and nothing more Godz
  18. This idiot says ta! Godz
  19. Sure did Andy. Belting flip too in Good Timin' I've stuck both sides in comps for mates in the past and they've always gone down really well and raised questions about availability. Actually I posted a query on here a few years ago, asking for advice on value. I recall a lot of people looked at the post but no-one commented. Mind you that happens to me all the time when I ask about stuff that's new to me. I never know if it's because people don't know but are afraid to admit it (surely not ) or if they think I'm an idiot for asking about a tune that everybody knows and is worth pence. Experience tends to push me in the direction of the "I'm an idiot theory" Godz
  20. I like Ernie's spelling in the title of the post "Foundatinos" - sounds like a Tex-Mex outfit Godz
  21. Cheers Lubber Mrs G says it sounds like something out of Barbarella. Just the thought made me weak at the knees
  22. What's the current on Salena Jones - I Got The Blues - Parrot? Cheers Godz
  23. Just picked up a copy of Mel Wynn's "Darling Dear" on Roulette which I bought blind. It's a nice Doo Wop / Soul style dancer and I like it! What's the story with this tune? Where played, Value, Loved or hated? Cheers Godz
  24. Godzilla

    2 Lots

    You want to put this in sales instead of wants really Godz

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