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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Cheers Joe. That's about as far as I got after date, venue, address for payment and so on. I know I was being a bit of a chancer but I wondered if anyone might have a contract on a word doc that I might 'ahem' borrow G
  2. Could be right CK. I'm just waiting for some knucklehead to ask me if I'll be playing The Night... ...NFC! Godz
  3. Fair point Dave. Now just piff off and let someone who can help out answer
  4. I get the feeling you lot are not taking this request entirely seriously
  5. First class advice as ever Joe, but not quite what I had in mind mate. Anyone else?
  6. Got a gig tomorrow that's paying ok money but was arranged by a mate. It's starting to look a little iffy now, as we were asked to provide PA and lights etc which are now booked, but the organiser has just told my pal to invoice him and we'll be paid by cheque. Now, our employer is someone representing the National Theatre who are running a connections project with Alan Ayckbourn's theatre here in Scarborough, so it should be Kosher. However I've been stung like this before and am a bit concerned about laying out for equipment and either not getting paid or having to wait quite a long time. Just wondered if anyone on here who DJs professionally might have a contract that I could have a look at so that I can get a rough idea of how to phrase the one I intend to knock up and get signed tomorrow? Thanks in advance chaps Godz ps - Mods if this is in the wrong bit would you mind leaving for an hour or so before moving to Freebasing so that it gets seen. Ta.
  7. So it's true then! The more porn you surf the more of these messages you get Have to say that as a kid I was really intrigued by the name "Bay City Rollers as I thought it had a real exciting ring to it. That's before I actually heard 'em of course Rather be accused of surfing porn actually... Godz
  8. If you think that's bad you've obviously never heard Tim 'Frankenfurter' Curry's version of Baby Love. Godz
  9. Fine for DJs...
  10. He's looking at this thread! PMs definitely disabled though. Check your email Phil Godz
  11. Just tried to PM Phil but his account's closed so he's left the site. Shame Godz
  12. SOLD THANKS! Nella Dodds - Honey Boy / I Just Gotta Have You - Wand DJ - £275 Check the clips and scans. Nella___honey_boy.mp3 Nella___i_just_gotta.mp3 Two great sides: A smashing version of the Mary Wells tune that was an album only release flipped with a superb Kenny Gamble penned dancer. A mint copy recently went for £450 on here /index.p...94&hl=nella This copy is a strong VG with some scuffs that don't affect play. The flip has a small mark that causes a couple of minor pops that you can hear if you listen out for them but are very much in the background. There is some pink (marker pen?) on the flip. Both sides play extremely well and I reckon this is a very fair price for this 45. Feel free to ask questions etc. Payment by cheque or paypal if you add the 4% - no cash please. pm or email mistergodzilla (at) yahoo.com Cheers Godz
  13. Great tune. 60s Latin though surely? Not remotely crossover as I understand the term. Mind you if I'm wrong I can't be arsed to debate it... Godz
  14. Is it obligatory to spell night "Nite" when it follows Motown? Godz
  15. In demand with daft Bon Jovi fans evidently
  16. How about Chubby Checker - At The Discotheque? Thinking specifically about the trumpet break here. Also M&M and the Peanuts - The Phillie Godz
  17. Totally misread your post at first Sean. Thought you wrote "vested idiots" and we were back on fashion again Back to the record though - how come the green and white one is referred to as a Chris King jobbie? I thought it was a Goldmine / Soul Supply release and therefore K*v R*b*rts?
  18. Knock Knock...
  19. 1) It's a figment of the imaginations of some paranoid analy retentive types 2.) It's me and my pals if we disagree with you Godz
  20. PM sent Jock.
  21. Brurred? And you're calling me shakey Yeah the sound quality is fine on the boot. When I said blurred print I meant the writing on the label not the sound of the pressing. I'm pretty sure it's much more defined on the orig. Not an MR Monarch stamp either - but I had tons of wine with inlaws last night and my head won't work properly and i can't remember. Book anyone? Godz
  22. Email sent Chris About time I joined in one of these again. Godz
  23. It's a boot. I saw it in Dyscworld where you bought it from and told Bill it was a boot but that you would probably buy it anyway The print on this one is more blurred than the original same as the Marsha Gees which were done around the same time. I think there's also a circular stamp missing. Can't find the Booty Book at the moment but maybe someone can confirm?
  24. Does Soul Galore count Tony? *** Heads for Panic Room and quietly closes door*** Godz
  25. Martin and I have discussed this online several times over the years: /index.php?showtopic=3415 Never did sell it I notice that when you search on popsike now there is only one result. There used to be five or six and all except one were demos. I thought it was accepted that the rarer end of British stuff is usually scarcer on issue? Not saying this just because I have one, I thought this was something that covered all rare UK stuff from the 60s be it pop, soul, rock whatever. Either way I don't care to be honest - I'm just glad I kept hold of it when temptation beckoned. Scan might be a bit funny because i think I've bllxd my settings up and I have trouble getting silver on black to look right. Here's mine anyway. Godz

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