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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. If I offer two quid would you consider ending the listing early?
  2. 4) instrumental on the flip
  3. Good call Ken. Do you have the classic "Atomic"? Beautiful piece of furniture
  4. The label crops up regularly on eBay. Here's a couple: Also available in red!
  5. Have to dig it out in the morning but I have a study day so can do. Meanwhile here's a lazy paste of an answer I provided on the funk forum regarding Tanzotic All Stars - Octavia 2002: A - Nightmare (vocal which I assume is Ella Washington) B - The Grass Always Seems Greener (actually plays an instrumental which is nothing to do with the Ella Washington song of the same title issued as Octavia 003) The instrumental is a bit of a mystery. It's sort of Detroit sounding with harmonica, horns and some nice haunting organ. Writing credits are the same as the Ella Washington track although reversed, but without the Little Beaver arrangement credit. Same time as well (2.32) Later chaps Godz
  6. Can send you an MP3 if you want Gareth. PM me if any use. Cheers Paul (Godz)
  7. Mark Wirtz - the man behind Excerpt from a Teenage Opera ("Grocer Jack" for those old enough to remember) credited to singer Keith West. Wirtz was a bit of an oddball French pop genius and the whole Teenage Opera project was ditched by EMI. I think it was to do with budget constraints and the follow up single not doing as well as "Excerpt...". Damn fantastic arranger in my book Godz
  8. Yeah, I think it has a belting version of The Avengers theme as the A side if memory serves
  9. Are we still doing this? Here's one I just spotted.
  10. Yeah welcome mate. Ignore my grumpiness - I just get cranky when my knees hurt in the cold weather and my grandad (Modernsoulsucks) gets on my case. You ought to pop into Intro/Member's Shouts and introduce yourself. Enjoy the site Godz
  11. Sorry dad. I try not to be cynical, but I've met so many people on this "scene" whose entire set of values seems to be based around "getting one over on somebody", that I let it dictate my reaction. If that's not the case and BSMF is genuinely unaware that this is essentially a ten bob tune, rather than a major rarity or lesser-known item of uncertain value, then I hold out the claw of friendship and offer an unqualified apology. Can I play out now? Godz
  12. I know you shouldn't really cross post but I thought I'd draw your attention to the fact that I've posted a query in the PC, Audio etc section about odd distortion on 45s. It probably belongs there as it is a technical question but it is about records, so maybe of interest to people who read this bit. Ta Godz
  13. Who did this originally Tony? I've always loved the Dusty version. Georgeous song
  14. I'd go for a sealed bids auction - or maybe ask John Manship to sell it for you. He rarely gets offered stuff like this Godz
  15. I've always thought of it something like this: Rock music (including indie, post punk and such like) - Music for the brain. Lots of emphasis on the lyrics providing food for thought and so on. Also sometimes resulting in clever widdley solos. Hence dancing not so important and consequently it's attractive to those who dance like tw@ts Rhythm and Blues (including soul, rock and roll etc) Aimed primarily at hearts and feet. Simplistic but emotive lyrics that press the buttons so people get that 'transported feel' and fairly uptempo rhythms conducive to fancy footwork (think NS, Jive etc) Funk Altogether a lot more primal. Aimed at the ass, hips and groin and more to do with sex than love or romance. Matybe why people dance prety much the same to heavy funk stuff all over the world. I know it's a bit of a wobbly theory and it's very easy to think of exceptions, but it's not bad as a shorthand way of explaining the differences and on the whole it's one that works for me
  16. You can actually save pixels with threads like these. Instead of typing out that long title and introduction you could simply write: 14? *** super thread *** Godz link mended hopefully
  17. Worked this one out for myself! I read some stuff about Gary Paxton recently and remembered his label was distributed by London
  18. pardon?
  19. Me too I think I have something pschy by Orion on Phase 4 but I have no idea where it is so old Easy Ronnie will do. Issues are half red half white.
  20. That's right Pete. I have a discoey thing somewhere called Porcupine by Zone on the light/dark blue scheme. I also have seen 45s by Rolling Stones and (come on memory!) Larry Page Ork on a yellow and Green variation.
  21. No Tribe label scans yet either...
  22. A bit funky for this site going by some recent threads Check the credits though.
  23. That's a cover of a Billy Joe Royal 45 on Columbia Godz
  24. Ta for the link. Actually I already have a standard invoice - just never had to bother contracts before unless it was me signing 'em. I will most definitely be dropping The Boo Boo song as I'm not playing to a bunch of wannabe Mr M's refugees thank you very kindly. If this is going to turn into another bobbins oldies thread I'll lock the bugger. But first I'm gonna watch Spidey 3
  25. Have we mentioned Sounds Orchestral - Ain't That Peculiar yet? I think I have a copy up in the cupboard of doom and it's on the greeny coloured version of the label. Was there ever really any kind of demand for that tune? And is it the only OOTP track booted from an LP? Don't think it was a single was it? Blimey - three questions! Godz

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