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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. Noticed in the post about Colin Curtis' box of lost records that he says he had an original 45 of "Lend a Hand" in there. I assume therefore he's counting the UK issue with Willie Hutch on the flip as an original issue? So what year would that be? I remember it coming out and would guess around 76 - but could easily be miles out Was just trying to work out when the records went missing. Also a bit surprised that Bobby Hutton would still have been on CC's playlist once it had a general release.
  2. Actually I suggested the same thing a few posts earlier. Nothing to with persecution, it's just an intriguing subject that might interest people who might not check a thread about your productions. As far as I can see there's no criticism, it's simply a case of putting a topic where the maximum number of members can get some enjoyment out of it and reply with own impressions. Nothing sinister there I reckon.
  3. Jeepers! Deserving of its own thread though I'd have thought. Godz
  4. I'd settle for just the 45rpm adapter in the middle
  5. Nah - Rollers Boy - look at the scarf
  6. I'm gonna regret getting mixed up in this, and it immediately brings home my dad's old adage that "you can't argue with a man you don't understand" Nevertheless, I'm going to have a knock. I think your proposition is flawed from the start: Just because a lot of people do or say something doesn't make it democratic. A bunch of folks can get together and organise a lynching but that's hardly an example of democracy in action is it?
  7. Wash you mouth out Ady... ...no hang on - meant your ears
  8. Fair enough Andy. Hoped I'd made it clear that if it was a reference to cutting dubs I understood his point, even if I didn't feel that strongly about it. Pretty much like the majority on here by the looks of it. Sorry if I came across as getting bent out of shape about this. Wasn't my intention and I apologise if that's the impression I gave. At the risk of sounding like a stuck record it was the "by all accounts" bit that confused me and I was inviting de-to to clarify. Absolutely his right to ignore me and pretty good advice in a lot of cases For the record though (ouch!) I understand they are proper lacquer plates rather than the carver-type plastic. Should sound tons better regardless of their status.
  9. So how about this then? Anybody going to expand on de-to's allegations or is just a mistake/misunderstanding. Not got an axe to grind here, just think the label does some good work and wouldn't like to think there were malicious rumours flying around if it were my organisation
  10. Blimey Bearsy! You must have had yer head in a bucket last year when all the debate about Kings Go Forth was going on Looks like this one will start another round then. Not sure where the idea that funk isn't soulful comes from though...
  11. Close ya yap an' take the air, punk. Ya want the peepers all over us?
  12. Here's another one that'll have you running for the door pretty soon then I should think ** Link ** Coming soon to a Northern Room near you - New KGF 45! **
  13. Not sure if I get you here. Are you talking about all acetates/carvers done to order or are you saying that Timmion Records are bootlegging stuff. If it's the former, well, that's been debated endlessly on here and I thought the consensus was that a one off for own use is more or less ok, especially if it's unreleased stuff. In that case why not post your reply under Chalky's request for somewhere doing Carvers? If it's the latter and your suggesting that Timmion are anything other than a legit record company, I think you should be providing some evidence to back your statement up. I guess you mean the latter judging by your "By all accounts" phrase, so it would be interesting to know what proof you have.
  14. Is it starting to get plays? Struggled to get £20 each for a couple of copies early last year.
  15. Dunno how quick turn around will be but may be worth a shout? Quality acetates by all accounts.
  16. Another one! Well sort of This is Jamaican for a start, and although it doesn't mention London distribution it's the blue version of the promo labels they used. Unless they sold some of the blanks - or an enterprising Jamaican got his hands on some
  17. If you Google Flame 'n King you'll find something. There was a piece in the Observer last year that mentioned he still had a version of the band on the go in Harlem.
  18. Vontastics "No Love For Me" b/w "Peace Of Mind," issued in October of 1965 began an encouraging time on St. Lawrence Records. While it didn't light up the charts, the follow-up "I Need You" b/w "Keep Rollin' On" (March 1966) were two equally good sides that received dual play in some cities. The next release "Day Tripper" (September 1966) is curious because the songwriter credits say Bobby Newsome, though it's the same song that John Lennon & Paul McCartney wrote. The jam became their biggest record; St. Lawrence followed with "You Can Work It Out" b/w "Never Let Our Love Grow Cold," February 1967; the A-side strutted like "Day Tripper," the B-side groove was similar but the lyrics more meaningful. Subsequent one off releases on Moonshot, Chess, and Ernest Leaner's Toddlin' Town Records didn't do much of anything and the guys left the music business. ~ Andrew Hamilton, All Music Guide Don't know how accurate that is, but it looks like they're not around anymore.
  19. What's the LPG mix like? Clip anyone? Ta Godz
  20. Same here! Mine was from Asda of all places though Prefer Lloyd Price these days though.
  21. I also remember people tipping Lene Lovich's version of "I think We're alone now." it was on the flip of the original version of Lucky Number on Stiff which sank with out trace. Lucky Number was subsequently reissued with a different flip and charted. Clearly recall something in a soul mag (maybe one of Dave McCadden's) warning to stay away from the Rezillos version as it was crap!
  22. I think Rob Lythall turned up the first copy of Glass Tears. Certainly remember him having one in the late 70s when the other known were The Still life, Melvin Carter and The Six Pak.
  23. Maybe if you didn't get quite so hysterical about things people wouldn't respond so strongly. So a few people have said they don't like a record. Hardly the end of the world is it. You've made it clear you don't like the KGF 45 but I bet they're not crying "tears of bloody bitter" or whatever. As for attacking Mark Bicknell in this thread and in members feedback - well ok you had a spat. Clearly you that's trying to keep the feud going by dropping it in to unrelated topics. And now you're again referring to something you said that more or less condemned all the members of this forum. Do you honestly have no idea what gets peoples' back up? I didn't have much of an opinion on these threads either way, apart from starting get a bit fed up about how they are dominating the board (bugger - I'm contributing to it now!). Rapidly forming an opinion though... Peace Godz
  24. Sorry but I have to disagree here. Not a good tune - too poppy by half and a really hackneyed lyric. Not keen on the rather muddy sounding production either. Still don't suppose it's aimed at people like me.

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