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Everything posted by Godzilla

  1. That's beautiful Gene. Bet the old rock n roll stuff sounds ace on it Have you got it going through a valve amp and other vintage stuff?
  2. Depends what you're playing really. Technics are great workhorses and, given the choice, I wouldn't DJ with anything else. If you buy stuff recorded later than the 60s though, might be worth getting a decent belt drive turntable.
  3. Another cover of Comin' Home Baby. Imaginative huh?
  4. Ouch! Gotta get that off my "last played clip". There's another clue on the album sleeve too. It lists who first played all the records on the comp and where and when they were played. "Cassietta" is listed as played by Rob Smith at Notts Palais in 1979. Rob is also credited as playing "Looking for You" (Garnett Mimms tune) by the Echoes - same venue, same year and that's a Destiny Records production. There's also "Hold On" (O'Jays tune) by the Lovemasters, another Destiny production. That one is stated as being played by Russ Winstanley at Wigain in - wait for it - 1979. In fact I remember those tunes coming out on some double sided US release, presumably to pass itself off as a Beach type recording. Game, set and...? Godz
  5. Pepper US and blue and silver UA in the UK. Short Kuts btw About £20 on US I'd think. Not sure about UK one.
  6. Then there's Miracles - Come Spy with Me Bongalis - Under Cover
  7. No ya don't Mamie Galore - Special Agent 34-24-38 Tasty!
  8. and not soul, but Johnny Rivers "Secret Agent Man" is one of my all time fave records. They keep taking this down so cop it while you can - especially the groovy dancers! ">
  9. and that made up vocal thingy - Agent for Love
  10. Well... Maybe. But not in soul related way. I did a post about this a year or two ago. I think most folk agreed that the intro promised a lot more than it delivered **CLIP HERE**
  11. I think if you're going to make a statement like that you really ought to name the records your referring to. Who knows, people may even agree with you, but you need to be specific
  12. My granny would have probably liked it
  13. ...until the singing starts
  14. I meant Clark of course, Tony. Shouldn't attempt to write after glass number four
  15. Copyright I'd have thought. I've been wondering recently if, now that Dave Dee has died, the Motown Ready Steady Go one hour special might finally get a DVD release. Really hope so.
  16. Pm sent Ady Godz
  17. Nothing to do with Soul Police, Tommy It's just a funky jazz tune and has been played as such by non-niche DJs for years. Nothing wrong with anyone playing it in Northern rooms of course, and if goes down well and makes a few more people aware of it that's fine
  18. Link HERE Martin. Great tune. Didn't realise this one had become Northern though
  19. Boot of servicemen with good sound quality.
  20. Doesn't sound like her voice though from what I recall. Not heard it for ages but I have a feeling last time I did it may have sounded like a white girl?
  21. What problem accessing the site? It's up and running and he obviously has internet access. I offered one of the EPs Neil was looking for and got "I'll get back to you" then zilch. Profile says he was on here yesterday too. I always think a "No thanks - don't want this copy because ..." is polite. Ahh well - another 'want' back in the upstairs cupboard I guess
  22. I remember an earlier version by Johnny Mathis. My mum was a huge fan, and in the mid 70s I used to have massive rows with her about the fact that just because he was black it didn't make him a soul singer. She's more into Robbie Williams now. Not sure if that's better or worse...
  23. Didn't know this got a UK release
  24. Merde! not zis old excuse again. You fool no-one Monsieur Soussan
  25. So is there a Four Seasons version that's different from the Frankie Valli one? And if so, in what way?

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